%% BEGIN fancyvrb.sty
\def\fileversion{2.0-beta, with DG/SPQR fixes}
%% COPYRIGHT 1992-1994, by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU
%%   fancyvrb.sty is a LaTeX style option, containing flexible
%%   verbatim environments and commands and extensive documentation.
%%   This is a companion to fancybox.sty, which is probably available
%%   from whereever you found fancyvrb.sty.
%%   Put this file where your TeX looks for inputs.
%%   See fancybox.doc, which might be appended to this file.
%%   Copying of part or all of this file is allowed under the following
%%   conditions only:
%%   (1) You may freely distribute unchanged copies of the file. Please
%%       include the documentation when you do so.
%%   (2) You may modify a renamed copy of the file, but only for personal
%%       use or use within an organization.
%%   (3) You may copy fragments from the file, for personal use or for
%%       distribution, as long as credit is given where credit is due.
%%   You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of
%%   this file or modified versions or fragments thereof, except for
%%   a nominal charge for copying etc.
%% CODE:

\csname fancyvrb@loaded\endcsname

\typeout{Style option: `fancyvrb' v\fileversion \space  <\filedate> (tvz)}


  \errmessage{FancyVerb Error:^^J\space\space #1^^J}}

\def\FV@eha{Your command was ignored. Type <return> to continue.}


% Color has to be protected.
% Won't work for some definitions of \@makefntext.
% If it weren't for \@makefntext, I would do this properly by
% defining a footnote environment.


  \csname reset@font\endcsname
  \floatingpenalty \@MM
  \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}%



% Extensions to keyval.sty:

% \define@booleankey{<family>}{<key>}{<iftrue>}{<iffalse>}
% Defines a <key> for <family> that executes:
%   <iftrue> clause when value begins with `t' or `T', or is omitted.
%   <iffalse> clause otherwise.

  \@nameuse{KV@#3@#4@\if t#1default\else\if T#1default\else false\fi\fi}}



% \FV@Command is for verbatim commands. Example:
%   \def\VerbatimInput{\FV@Command{}{VerbatimInput}}
% \FV@Command{<key=value>}{<name>}:
%   1. Defines \FV@KeyValues to be <key=value>.
%   2. Looks for *, and adds `showspaces' to \FV@KeyValues if found.
%   3. Looks for [<key=value>] argument, and adds it to \FV@KeyValues if found.
%   4. Executes \FVC@<name>.



  \begingroup\fvset{#4}\endgroup  % If there are errors, it easier to locate.
    {\FV@Error{Command `\string#3' is not a FancyVerb command.}\@eha}%


% \FV@Environment is for verbatim enviroments. Example:
%          \def\Verbatim{\FV@Environment{}{Verbatim}}
%          \@namedef{Verbatim*}{\FV@Environment{showspaces}{Verbatim}}
% \FV@Environment{<key=value>}{<name>}:
%   1. Defines \FV@KeyValues to be <key=value>.
%   2. Sets \catcode`\^^M=13, checks for `[', and resets \catcode``^^M=5.
%   3. Reads [<key=value>] and adds it to \FV@KeyValues if `[' was found.
%   4. Executes \FVB@<name>.

% \FV@Environment is like \FV@Command, except:
%   - It omits step 2 (looking for *), and
%   - It sets \catcode`\^^M=13 when checking for the `[' of the optional
%       argument, so that it does not skip over ^^M if there is no `['.

    {\catcode`\^^M=5 \FV@GetKeyValues{\@nameuse{FVB@#2}}}%
    {\catcode`\^^M=5 \@nameuse{FVB@#2}}}


  \begingroup\fvset{#4}\endgroup  % If there are errors, it easier to locate.
    {\FV@Error{`#3' is not a FancyVerb environment.}\@eha}%


% Then commands or environments set key values with \FV@UseKeyValues,
% within a group.


% Scanning macros
%   - read a line at a time from an environment or a file,
%   - save the line in \FV@Line, and
%   - execute \FV@PreProcessLine.
% \FV@PreProcessLine
%   - Determines whether line is in a user-specified ranges, and if so,
%   - Strips the line of a user-specified no. of tokens, and
%   - executes \FV@ProcessLine{<line>}.
% Two things are common to scanning an environment or reading a file:
%  \FV@CatCodes              --> Change \catcode's.
%  \FV@PreProcessLine        --> See above.


  \FV@ActiveWhiteSpace           % See below.
  \FV@FontScanPrep               % See below.
  \FV@CatCodesHook               % A style hook.
}               % A user-defined hook.

  \catcode`\^^M=\active          % End of line
  \catcode`\ =\active            % Space
  \catcode`\^^I=\active}         % Tab

% CM Ligatures:
%   Left-quote: `` !` ?`
%   Letter f:   ff fi fl ffi ffl
%   Hyphen:     -- ---











% These is tedious and takes up macro space, but it doesn't slow things
% down much when the parameters are not used.

% start, stop and gobble parameters:

% If value is a number, then after the assignment the next token is \relax.





% If \FV@FindStartStop determines the line should be printed, it
% executes \FV@@PreProcessLine



% The definition of \FV@FindStartStop changes, so that we don't
% have to check irrelevant conditions with each line.


% \def\FV@DefinePreProcessLine{%
%   \setcounter{FancyVerbLine}{0}%
%   \FV@DefineFindStart}







% Gobblings. \FV@Gobble does nothing, or strips some tokens from
% the line and stores the result in \FV@Line again. We use
% \LaTeX's renewcommand to define a command for gobbling up to
% 9 arguments. This is not the same as removing 9 tokens, but is
% easier.


      \FV@Error{gobble parameter must be less than 10}\FV@eha




% \VerbatimEnvironment:
% This saves the name of the current environment as
% \FV@EnvironName, if the latter is not already defined.
% Then \FV@CheckEnd knows how to find the end as long as either:
%  * \begin and \end are not used within the definition of the environment, OR
%  * \VerbatimEnvironment is used in the definition before the first \begin.



% We have to check the argument of the first \end{} in each line, compare it
% with \FV@EnvironName, and return \iftrue if it matches and \iffalse
% otherwise.
% There are four cases (R=regular):
%             case :    i    ii    iii    iv
%    catcode of \  :    R    12    12      R
%    catcode of {} :    R     R    12     12
% For uniformity, we use ![] instead of \{} in all the definitions.
% We first set the catcodes of \{} to those in effect in the
% verbatim environment. Then we define:
%   !def!FV@CheckEnd#1[!FV@@CheckEnd#1\end{}!@nil]
% If {} have their usual catcodes, we define:
%   !def!FV@@CheckEnd#1\end#2#3!@nil[!def!@tempa[#2]]
% If {} have catcode 12, we define:
%   !def!FV@@CheckEnd#1\end{#2}#3!@nil[!def!@tempa[#2]]


% Case i:


% Case ii:



% Case iii:



% Case iv:




    {\string\catcode\space of \expandafter\@gobble\string#1 is wrong:
    {Only the following catcode values are allowed:
    ^^J\@spaces \expandafter\@gobble\string\\ \space\space --> 0 or 12.
    ^^J\@spaces \string{ \string} --> 1 and 2, resp., or both 12.
    ^^JTo get this error, either you are a hacker or you got bad advice.}%



% We first skip everything after the beginning of the environment.


    {Extraneous input `\the\@temptokena' between
      \string\begin{\FV@EnvironName}[<key=value>] and line end}%
   {This input will be discarded. Hit <return> to continue.}}

% If \FancyVerbGetLine does not find a ^^M, then we are at
% the end of the file, and \FV@EOF attempts to terminate the document.
% Otherwise, \FV@EOF is gobbled by \FancyVerbGetLine.


  \ifx\@tempa\FV@EnvironName%            % True if end is found

      {Extraneous input `\the\@temptokena' between
        \string\end{\FV@EnvironName} and line end}%
      {This input will be discarded. Type <return> to continue.}}




  \FV@Error{Couldn't find `\string\end{\FV@EnvironName}' to end
    a verbatim environment\@currenvline.}%
    {Probably you mistyped the environment name or included an extraneous
    ^^Jspace, or are using an improperly defined verbatim environment.
    ^^JHit return and I will try to terminate this job.}%



  \immediate\openin\FV@InFile #1\relax
    \FV@Error{No verbatim file #1}\FV@eha

% TeX reports EOF when reading after the last newline character.
% Thus, we read to InLine, and if TeX reports EOF:
%   If InLine=Empty, previous line was last line in file (file ends nl).
%   Otherwise, InLine holds last line in file (file doesn't end in nl).
% \FV@@Input handles both cases correctly.


% We also want to handle true comment characters correctly. This means that
% we keep accumulating text in InLine until we find a ^^M (indicating that
% the line did not contain a comment character).

    \immediate\read\FV@InFile to\@tempa%
% #2 is empty if line ends in ^^M, #2=\relax otherwise


% Some things that are common to all verbatim formatting:

  \frenchspacing             % Cancels special punctuation spacing.
  \FV@SetupFont              % See below.
  \FV@DefineWhiteSpace       % See below.
  \FancyVerbFormatCom}       % A user-defined hook (formatcom parameter).

% Fonts

\expandafter\ifx\csname selectfont\endcsname\relax



% SPQR Jan 29 1996; added code to turn off ligatures 




    {\csname FV@fontfamily@#1\endcsname}}



% Font family styles have to define \FV@FontScanPrep and \FV@FontFamily.









% \FV@DefineWhiteSpace
% We just define the active characters to be ordinary commands, which
% are easier to redefine. We do with any macros that use verbatim text.

\catcode`\ =\active
\gdef\FV@DefineWhiteSpace{\def {\FV@Space}\def^^I{\FV@Tab}}%


% \FV@Space:

  {\def\FV@Space{\ }}

{\catcode`\ =12 \gdef\FancyVerbSpace{\tt }}


% \FV@Tab:

\def\FV@Tab{\hbox to\FancyVerbTabSize\fontdimen2\font{\hss\FV@TabChar}}

    \FV@Error{Tab size too large: `\the\@tempcnta'. (Max size = 100)}\FV@eha



% Here is a weak attempt at a tab character. It may exceed the width
% of a space character when the verbatim font is small. The only proper way
% to do this is making it part of the verbatim font.

      \hbox to 0pt{\hss$\scriptscriptstyle\rangle\mskip -.8mu$}\cr
      \hbox{$\scriptstyle\mskip -3mu\mid\mskip -1.4mu$}\cr}}

% Obey Tabs:


  \advance\@tempdimb-\FancyVerbTabSize sp  % Allow for rounding errors.


  \@tempdima=\FV@ObeyTabSize sp\relax
    \unhbox\FV@TabBox\kern\@tempdima\hbox to\z@{\hss\FV@TabChar}}



% \FancyVerbFormatCom





% Some parameters:






  \edef\FancyVerbHFuzz{\number\@tempdima sp}}




% Lists:

% \FV@List{} is a rewriting of \list{}{}\item[].
% The rewrite gives me more control.
% I might not get the vertical spacing exactly the same, but it
% is more likely that it will get better than worse.
% The verbatim environment consists of a series of \hbox's inserted in
% vertical mode.
% We need to take care of the following:
%  leftmargin
%  rightmargin
%  topskip
%  botskip
%  toppenalty
%  botpenalty
%  interlinepenalties
% Note: A verbatim environment immediately after an \item starts on
%       the same line as the \item's label, unless we reset margins.
%       The user can instead have the environment start on a new
%       line by inserting `\ ' between \item and the environment.


% Cases where we need to leave vmode:
%   - After an in-line section (\if@noskipsec=T).
%   - After an \item command, if we reset margins.
% Then we end \vmode, using @noparlist as a flag if in vmode.
% (Not the usual meaning of @noparlist.)


  \csname @list\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname

% \FV@ListVSpace contains selected parts of \@trivlist and \@item.
% Here are the cases:
%   <topskip>    = \topsep + \partopsep + \parskip
%   <botskip>    = \topsep + \partopsep
%   <toppenalty> = \@beginparpenalty
%   <botpenalty> = \@endparpenalty

%   <topskip>    = \parskip               % Expected anyway.
%   <botskip>    = \topsep + \partopsep   % Omitted in LaTeX--a bug?
%   <toppenalty> = None
%   <botpenalty> = \@endparpenalty        % Ditto.

%   <topskip>    = \parskip
%   <botskip>    = \topsep + \partopsep
%   <toppenalty> = None
%   <botpenatly> = \@endparpenalty

%   <topskip>    = \topsep + \parskip
%   <botskip>    = \topsep
%   <toppenalty> = \@beginparpenalty
%   <botpenatly> = \@endparpenalty
% Notes:
%   - Except when in label or after nobreak, \parskip is added with
%     \addvspace, so that net space is:
%         MAX{\topsep (+\partopsep) + \parskip , \lastskip }
%     (The usual \@item works the same way.)
%   - \parskip is added afterwards by a new paragraph, if any.
%   - <botskip> == \@topsepadd


% \leftmargin       := totalleftmargin
% \rightmargin      := totalrightmargin
% \@totalleftmargin := totalleftmargin of enclosing environment.


% We have to insert the right interline penalties (\interlinepenalty,
% \clubpenalty, \widowpenalty). We could process the environment
% as one long paragraph and let TeX insert the penalties, but this
% might cause problems for a very long environment.
% Line 1 :  Insert \@labels (maybe) plus current_line
% Line 2 :  Save current line
% Line 3 :  penalty = interline + club ; Insert last line ; Save current line.
% Line 4 :  penalty = interline ; Insert last line ; Save current line.
% Then at the end:
% Next line = 1 :  Add null line.
% Next line = 2 :  Nothing.
% Next line = 3 :  penalty = interline + club + widow ; Insert last line.
% Next line = 4 :  penalty = interline + widow ; Insert last line.

  \hbox to \hsize{%
    \hbox to \linewidth{%

      \hbox to \z@{\kern\@totalleftmargin\box\@labels\hss}%





        \FV@Error{Empty verbatim environment}{}%

% Verbatim environment:




% With \UseVerbatim, we have to take care of some of the things
% \end{} would do.



% LVerbatim environment:






% Frames:




      {\noexpand\FancyVerbFillColor{\vrule\@width\number\@tempdima sp}%
      \kern-\number\@tempdima sp}}%

  \hbox to\z@{%
    \FancyVerbRuleColor{\vrule \@width\linewidth \@height\FV@FrameRule}%



  \hbox to \z@{%
    \hbox to\linewidth{%

  {\FancyVerbRuleColor{\vrule \@width\FV@FrameRule}}%



  \edef\FV@FrameRule{\number\@tempdima sp\relax}}

  \edef\FV@FrameSep{\number\@tempdima sp\relax}}






    {\FV@Error{Frame style `#1' not defined.}\FV@eha}%


% Code line numbers:




    {\FV@Error{Numbers style `#1' not defined.}\FV@eha}%

  \def\FV@LeftListNumber{\hbox to\z@{%

  \edef\FV@NumberSep{\number\@tempdima sp\relax}}




  \hbox\ifx\FV@boxwidth\relax\else to\FV@boxwidth\fi\bgroup

    \edef\FV@boxwidth{\number\@tempdima sp}%

  \if t#1\@empty\let\FV@baseline\@ne\else
    \if c#1\@empty\let\FV@baseline\tw@\else\let\FV@baseline\z@\fi









  \csname FV@SV@\SaveVerbatim@Name\endcsname\FV@TheVerbatim


  {\FV@Error{No verbatim text has been saved under name `#1'}\FV@eha}%
  {#2{\csname FV@SV@#1\endcsname}}}










% \SaveVerb
% Note "\outer\def^^M{}". This is so that verbatim commands report an
% error when encountering an end-of-line, rather than scanning to
% the end of the file each time there is a missing verbatim delimiter.
% If scanning fails (and thus TeX ignores \FV@GetVerb), #1 is defined
% to be empty, a group is ended, but \FancyVerbAfterSave is not invoked.



    {Could not find the end delimiter of a short verb command}%
    {You probably just forget the end delimiter of a \string\Verb\space or
      command, or you broke the literal text across input lines.^^J%
      Hit <return> to procede.}}



    {\FV@Error{Short verbatim text never saved to name `#1'}\FV@eha}%



    {\FV@Error{`\expandafter\@gobble\string#1' is already a short
      verb character.}\FV@eha}}

  \expandafter\let\csname FV@AC@\string#1\endcsname\@temph
  \expandafter\edef\csname FV@CC@\string#1\endcsname{\the\catcode`#1}%
  \expandafter\let\csname FV@KV@\string#1\endcsname\FV@KeyValues
      \csname FV@KV@\string#1\endcsname

    {\FV@Error{`\expandafter\@gobble\string#1' is not a short
      verb character}\FV@eha}%
  \catcode`#1=\csname FV@CC@\string#1\endcsname
  \expandafter\@tempg\csname FV@AC@\string#1\endcsname

% Moving verbatim. Need to worry about about using separate identifier
% for this class of verbatim, and


    {\FV@Error{Moving verbatim name `#1' already used}%
      {I will overwrite the old definition. Hit <return> to continue.}}%





  \expandafter\ifx \csname FV@SVM@#1\endcsname\relax
    \expandafter\ifx \csname FV@SVG@#1\endcsname\relax
      \@warning{Moving verbatim text not defined for name `#1'}\FV@eha
      {\bf ??}%

\expandafter\ifx\csname documentclass\endcsname\relax






%% END fancyvrb.sty

Error messages to void:


    ^^J** FancyVerb Error:\space\space
    Type \space H <return> \space for immediate help. **}%