%  tb3211.cnt

\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.4pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=5.0pt plus3pt            % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 32, 1, 2011<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\3-3<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\4-5<
  \subsecc {Opus 100}; {\acro{BBVA} award for Don Knuth};
           {Short takes}; {Mimi}<
\subsec Jackie Damrau\\{Mimi Burbank}\\6-6<
\subsec Christina Thiele\\Missing {Mimi}\\7-8<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\16 years of {{\ConTeXt}}\\9-16<
\subsec David~Walden \and Karl Berry\\{{\TUB}}'s 100 issues\Dash {B}asic
        statistics and random gleanings\\17-22<
\subsec Karl Berry and David Walden\\{{\TUB}} online\\23-26<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\{{\TeX}} consulting for fun and profit\\27-29<

\sec Resources<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\Which way to the forum?\\30-31<

\sec Electronic Documents<

\subsec Andrew Hwang\\{{\LaTeX}} at {Distributed Proofreaders} and the
        electronic preservation \newline of mathematical literature at
        {Project Gutenberg}\\32-38<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Pavel Far{\'a}{\v{r}}\\Introducing the {{\acro{PT} Sans}} and
        {{\acro{PT} Serif}} typefaces]]\\39-42<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\Handling math: {A} retrospective\\43-46<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Andrew West\\The rules for long {\it s}\\47-55<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Enrico Gregorio\\Installing {{\TeX}~Live} 2010 on {Ubuntu}\\56-61<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{{\tt tlcontrib.metatex.org}}: {A} complement to
        {{\TeX} Live}\\62-67<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\{{Lua\TeX}}: {W}hat it takes to make a paragraph\\68-76<
\subsec Pawe\l{} Jackowski\\{Luna}\Dash my side of the moon\\77-82<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Frank Mittelbach\\Reflections on the history of the {{\LaTeX}}
        {Project Public License (\acro{LPPL})}\Dash \newline
        {A} software license for {{\LaTeX}} and more\\83-94<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\{{\sf siunitx}}: {A} comprehensive {(\acro{SI})}
        units package\\95-98<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {F}raming, new frames\\99-103<
\subsec Luca Merciadri\\Some misunderstood or unknown

\sec \LaTeX\,3<
\subsec {\LaTeX\ Project Team}\\{{\LaTeX3}} news, issue 5\\108-108<

\sec{Book Reviews}<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review:
        {\sl Typesetting tables with {\LaTeX}}\\109-109<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\110-112<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\`Magic' comments in {{\TeXworks}} 0.4\\113-113<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 24--25} (October 2010)\\114-114<
\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 41 (2010)}\\115-115<
\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 2010-2}\\116-116<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
          {C}ontents of issues 4/2010--1/2011}\\117-117<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 10} (October 2010)\\118-118<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\119-120<

\sec Letters<
\subsec Jonathan Fine\\Is {{\TeX}} obsolete?\\120-120<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {{\tug}} institutional members\\121-121<
\subsec David Walden\\{{\tug}} financial statements for 2010\\121-122<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\2011 {{\TUG}} election\\123-126<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\127-127<
\subsecnn {{\tug}}\,2011 announcement\\128-128<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.4pt        % default is 13pt
\secskipa=5.0pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 32, 2, 2011<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\131<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\131<
  \subsecc {Boris $=$ books}; {EuroBacho\TeX\ 2011};\newline
    {150 years at the \acro{US} Government Printing~Office};\newline
    {The raster tragedy}<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec {\TeX\ Collection editors}\\{{\TeX}} {Collection} 2011 \DVD\\132-132<
\subsec Stefan L\"offler\\{\TeXworks}\Dash {As} you like it\\133-135<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{MetaPost 1.750}: {Numerical} engines\\136-138<
\subsec Herbert Vo\ss\\Reading and executing source code\\139-144<

\sec Education<
\subsec Krzysztof Pszczo\l{}a\\Teaching {{\LaTeX}} to the students of
        mathematics\Dash the experience from\newline
        {The Jan Kochanowski University}\\145-145<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\Drawing tables: {Graphic} fun with {{Lua\TeX}}\\146-151<

\sec Electronic\\Documents<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\E-books: {O}ld wine in new bottles\\152-<
\subsec William Cheswick\\{i\TeX}\Dash {Document} formatting in
        an ereader world\\158-163<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Michael Sharpe\\Math alphabets and the {\tt mathalfa} package\\164-168<
\subsec Ulrik~Vieth \and Mojca Miklavec\\Another incarnation of {Lucida}:
        {Towards Lucida} {OpenType}\\169-176<
\subsec Luigi Scarso\\{{\acro{MFL}ua}}\\177-184<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Michael Le Barbier Gr\"unewald\\Macro interfaces and
        the {\tt getoptk} package\\185-192<

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Oleg Parashchenko\\The {\tt cals} package:
        {M}ultipage tables with~decorations\\193-201<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {O}rnaments\\202-205<
\subsec Luca Merciadri\\{Merciadri} packages: {An} overview\\206-210<

\sec \ConTeXt<
\subsec Aditya Mahajan\\{{\ConTeXt}} basics for users: {Paper} setup\\211-212<

\sec Bibliographies<
\subsec David Walden \\Experiences with notes, references,
        and bibliographies\\213-216<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Paul Shaw\\Sixty years of book design at
        {St.\ Gallen, Switzerland}\\217-224<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\224<

\sec{Book Reviews}<
\subsec William Adams\\Book review:
        {\sl A Specimen Portfolio of Wood Type in the Cary Collection}\\225-228<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review:
        {\sl The Art of the Book in the Twentieth Century}\\226-229<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review: {\sl \LaTeX\ Beginner's Guide}\\228-229<
\subsec David Walden\\An appreciation:
        {\sl The Art of Computer Programming, Volume~4A}\\230-232<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\233-234<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
          {C}ontents of issues 4/2010--1/2011}\\235-235<
\subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}: {C}ontents of issue 20(4) (2010)}\\236-236<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\237-238<

\sec Letters<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\Status of the {American} core {{\CTAN}} node\\238-238<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\239-239<
\subsecnn {TUG\,2011} announcement\\240-240<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt          % default is 13pt
\secskipa=1.0pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=.5pt plus1pt               % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\def\postissno{TUG 2011 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 32, 3, 2011<

\sec TUG 2011<
\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\242-244<
\subsec Barbara Beeton\\{\acro{TUG}} 2011 in {India}\\245-247<

\sec Resources<
\subsec Stefan Kottwitz\\{{\TeX}} online communities\Dash
        discussion and content\\248-250<

\sec Education<
\subsec Kannan Moudgalya\\{{\LaTeX}} training through spoken tutorials\\251-256<

\sec Electronic\\Documents<
\subsec Alan Wetmore\\e-{Readers} and {{\LaTeX}}\\257-260<
\subsec Boris~Veytsman \and Michael~Ware\\Ebooks and paper sizes:
        {Output} routines made~easier\\261-265<
\subsec Rishi T.\\{{\LaTeX}} to {ePub}\\266-268<
\subsec Manjusha Joshi\\A dream of computing and {{\LaTeX}}ing together:
        {A} reality with~{{Sage\TeX}}\\269-271<
\subsec Axel Kielhorn\\Multi-target publishing\\272-277<
\subsec S.K. Venkatesan\\On the use of {\TeX} as an authoring language
        for {\HTML5}\\279-280<
\subsec S. Sankar, S. Mahalakshmi \and L. Ganesh\\An {{\XML}} model of {{\CSS3}}
        as an~{{X\LaTeX-\TeX\acro{ML}-\HTML5}} stylesheet language\\281-284<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Leyla Akhmadeeva\\Towards evidence-based
        typography: {Literature} review and experiment design\\285-288<

\sec Bibliographies<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\A comparative study of methods
        for bibliographies\\289-301<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Brian Housley\\The {\tt hletter} class and style for
        producing flexible letters and page~headings\\302-308<
\subsec Didier Verna\\Towards {{\LaTeX}} coding standards\\309-328<

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG} 2011 abstracts} \
  ({Bazargan}, {Crossland}, {Radhakrishnan}, {Doumont}, 
   {Mittelbach},~{Moore}, {Rishi}, {Skoup\'y}, {Sojka}, {Wujastyk})

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec \LaTeX\ Project Team\\{{\LaTeX}} news, issue 20\\331-332<
\subsec Brian Beitzel\\The {\tt meetingmins} {{\LaTeX}} class:
        {Hierarchically} organized meeting agendas and minutes\\333-334<
\subsec Igor Ruiz-Agundez\\Collaborative {{\LaTeX}} writing with
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {Verbatim} arguments;
        {Cut} off in its prime\\339-341<
\subsec Luca Merciadri\\Some {{\LaTeXe}} tricks and tips (\acro{IV})\\342-344<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\{{\TeX}} as you like it:
        {The} {\tt interpreter} package\\345-348<
\subsec Wiktor Dziubi\'nski, Marcin~Woli\'nski \and Grzegorz Murzynowski
        \\{\acro{PARCAT}}\Dash {Applying} {{\TeX}} in industry\\349-356<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Dave Crossland\\{\tug} {Libre Font Fund}, {Google Web Fonts},
        and {Kickstarter}\\357-357<

\sec{Book Reviews}<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review:
        {\sl {Bodoni}, {Manual of Typography}\Dash\newline
        {Manuale} tipografico (1818)}\\358-358<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review: {\sl {{\LaTeX}} and {Friends}}\\359-360<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\361-361<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
          {C}ontents of issues 11--12} (2011)\\362-363<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 3/2011}\\363-364<
\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 2011-1}\\364-364<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\365-366<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} institutional members\\366-366<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\367-367<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}}\,2012 announcement\\368-368<
