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\secskipa=5.9pt plus4pt          % between sections
\secskipb=1.7pt plus1pt          % between entries


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\def\postissno{Euro\TeX\ 2006 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 27, 1, 2006<

\sec{Euro\TeX\ 2006}<
\subsecnn Conference delegates and sponsors\\2-2<
\subsec Gy\"ongyi Bujdos\'o
  \\The {Hungarian} {\TeX} {Rhapsody}{\Dash}{Euro\TeX} 2006\\3-3<
\subsec G\'abor Bella\\Impressions from {Euro\TeX} 2006\\4-7<

\subsec Andr\'as Vir\'agv\"olgyi\\
   Would {Aldus} {Manutius} have used {\TeX}?\\8-12<

\subsec Katalin Fried \lowercase{et al.}\\The colourful side of {\TeX}\\13-15<

\sec{Software \& Tools}<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\Opening up the type\\16-17<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{MetaPost} developments{\Dash}autumn 2006\\18-21<
\subsec Siep Kroonenberg\\Managing a network {\TeX} installation
  under {Windows}\\22-27<
\subsec Gy\"ongyi Bujdos\'o\\Typography based on-line help on {\TeX}\\28-31<
\subsec L\'aszl\'o N\'emeth\\Automatic non-standard hyphenation
  in {OpenOffice.org}\\32-37<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\What tools do {\ConTeXt} users have?\\38-42<

\subsec Ildik\'o Mikl\'os\\{K\"oMaL} {CD}{\Dash}{The} execution\\43-44<
\subsec Thierry Bouche\\A pdf{}{\LaTeX}-based automated journal
  production system\\45-50<
\subsec Istv\'an Bencze, Bal\'azs Fark, L\'aszl\'o Hatala \and
  P\'eter Jeszenszky\\
  Server~side~{\PDF}~generation based on {\LaTeX} templates\\51-56<
\subsec P\'eter Szab\'o \and Andr\'as Hrask\'o\\Managing
  a math exercise database with~{\LaTeX}\\57-61<

\subsec Taco Hoekwater and Hans Hagen\\The making of a (\TeX) font\\62-65<
\subsec Siep Kroonenberg\\Font installation the shallow way\\66-70<
\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka\\Font verification and comparison
  in examples\\71-75<

\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Ml{\slBibTeX}\ meets {\ConTeXt}\\76-82<

\subsec Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski\\Appendix {G} illuminated\\83-90<

\subsec Yannis Haralambous, G\'abor Bella \and Atif Gulzar\\
  Open-belly surgery in {$\Omega_2$}\\91-97<
\subsec Yannis Haralambous\\New hyphenation techniques in {$\Omega_2$}\\98-103<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Abstracts \ {(Fahmy, Hagen, Henkel, Hufflen, Rad\'o et al.,
                       Schr\"oder, Szab\'o)}\\104-105<

\sec News<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\106-106<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn TUG 2007 election\\107-107<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\107-107<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\108-108<



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\secskipa=4.0pt plus4pt          % between sections
\secskipb=1.0pt plus1pt          % between entries

\TUBhead 27, 2, 2006<


\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\110-110<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\111-111<
  \subsecc {TUG\,2006};
          {Chuck Bigelow goes to RIT};\newline
          {DEK in the news again};\newline
          {Corrigendum: {\TUB} 21:2};\newline
          {Out-of-copyright books on the Web}<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec John Owens\\The installation and use of
  {OpenType} fonts in~{\LaTeX}\\112-118<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {Address} lists, animated books\\119-120<
\subsec Timothy Hall\\Brackets around anything\\121-124<

\subsec Alex A.J.\\Typesetting {Malayalam} using\/ {\OMEGA}\\125-126<

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\< \smallskip

\sec{TUG 2006}<
\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\127-130<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater \\{TUG} 2006 report \\131-136<

\subsec Mohamed Jamal Eddine Benatia, Mohamed~Elyaakoubi
  \and Azzeddine Lazrek\\Arabic text justification\\137-146<
\subsec Youssef Jabri\\The {Arabi} system{\Dash}{{\TeX}} writes in
  {Arabic} and {Farsi}\\147-153<
\subsec Mustapha Eddahibi, Azzeddine~Lazrek \and Khalid~Sami\\
  {{Dad\TeX}}{\Dash}{A} full {Arabic}~interface\\154-158<
\subsec Hossam A.H. Fahmy\\{AlQalam} for typesetting traditional
  {Arabic} texts\\159-166<
\subsec Yannis Haralambous\\Infrastructure for high-quality
  {Arabic} typesetting\\167-175<
\subsec Zden\v{e}k Wagner\\Babel speaks {Hindi}\\176-180<

\subsec Apostolos Syropoulos\\{{\LaTeX}} as a tool for
  the typographic reproduction of~ancient~texts\\181-186<

\subsec Elena Smirnova \and Stephen M. Watt\\Generating {{\TeX}}
  from mathematical content with~respect to notational settings\\187-196<
\subsec Adrian Frischauf \and Paul Libbrecht\\{\acrosl DVI\/}2\/{\acrosl SVG}:
  {Using} {{\LaTeX}} layout on the {Web}\\197-201<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Claudio Beccari\\{{\LaTeXe}}, {\tt pict2e} and complex numbers\\202-212<
\subsec Morten H\o gholm\\Page design in {{\LaTeX}}3\\213-218<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\{\acro{MKII}--\acro{MKIV}}\\219-227<
\subsec Jonathan Kew\\
  Unicode and multilingual typesetting with {{\XeTeX}}\\228-229<

\subsec Hans Hagen, Jerzy B. Ludwichowski \and Volker~RW~Schaa\\
  The {New Font Project}: {{\TeX}} {Gyre}\\230-233<
\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka\\Outline font extensions
  for {Arabic} typesetting\\234-237<
\subsec F. Mounayerji, M. A. Naal\\Arabic font building for {{\LaTeX}}\\238-240<
\subsec Chris Rowley\\Everything we want to know about
  {Font Resources}\\241-242<

\sec Bibliographies<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Names in {{\slBibTeX}} and

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Abstracts \ {(Beeton, Bujdos\'o, Feuerstack, Hagen,
                       Hoekwater, Ludwichowski, Wierda)}\\254-255<

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\<

\subsecnn {{\it MAPS\/}: {Contents} of issues 33--34 (2005--06)}\\256-257<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}: {Contents} of issue 1} (2006)\\258-258<
\subsecnn {{\it Biuletyn GUST\/}:
  {Contents} of issues 22--23 (2005--06)}\\258-262<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\263-263<
\subsecnn {EuroBacho{\TeX}} 2007 announcement\\264-264<
\subsec Onofrio de Bari\\The 3rd {Annual GuIT Meeting}\\265-265<
\subsec Charles Goldie\\{\acro{UKTUG}} sponsors day of {{\LaTeX}}\\266-266<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\266-266<
\subsecnn {TUG} membership form\\267-267<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\268-268<
