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\setdigitwidth{999}              % number of digits in highest page number
\secskipa=2.9pt                  % between sections
\secskipb=0.7pt                  % between entries


% slant \BibTeX and \MF
\font\tensl = cmsl10
\font\slc = cmsl9 at 8pt
\def\slBibTeX{{\tensl B{\slc IB}\TeX}}  % cmcscsl10 not available as type1

\font\manualsl = logosl10
\def\slMF{{\manualsl META}\-{\manualsl FONT}\spacefactor1000 }


\def\postissno{Practical {\TeX} 2005 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 26, 1, 2005< 

\font\manual=logosl10 at 9pt % font used for the METAFONT logo, etc.

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Karl~Berry\\From the president\\3-3<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\3-5<
    \subsecc {Old} {\TUB} issues go electronic;
          {\CTAN} anouncement archives;\newline
          {Another} {\LaTeX} manual{\Dash}for word processor users;\newline
          {Create} your own alphabet;
          {Type} design exhibition {``Letras Latinas''};\newline
          {The} cost of a bad proofreader;\newline
          {Looking} at the same text in different ways:
            \acro{CSS} on the web;\newline
          {Some} comments on mathematical typesetting<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\5-6<

  \subsec Pedro Quaresma\\Stacks in {\TeX}\\7-9<

  \subsec Denis Roegel\\Kissing circles: {A} {French} romance
          in {MetaPost}\\10-17<

\sec{Software \& Tools}<
  \subsec Tristan Miller\\Using the \acro{RPM} package manager
          for {\AllTeX} packages\\17-28<


\sec{Practical \TeX\ 2005}<
  \subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\29-30<
  \subsec Peter Flom \and Tristan Miller\\Impressions from

  \subsec Nelson Beebe\\The design of {\TeX} and {\slMF}:
          {A} retrospective\\33-41<

  \subsec Peter Flom\\A {\LaTeX} fledgling struggles to take flight\\52-55<
  \subsec Anita Schwartz\\The art of {\LaTeX} problem solving\\56-58<
  \subsec Klaus H\"oppner\\Strategies for including graphics
          in {\LaTeX} documents\\59-62<
  \subsec Joseph Hogg\\Making a booklet\\63-65<
  \subsec Peter Flynn\\{\LaTeX} on the {Web}\\66-67<
  \subsec Andrew Mertz \and William Slough\\Beamer by example\\68-73<
  \subsec Kaveh Bazargan\\{Batch Commander:} {A} graphical user interface
          for {\TeX}\\74-80<
  \subsec David Ignat\\Word to {\LaTeX} for a large, 
          multi-author scientific paper\\81-84<
  \subsec Tristan Miller\\Biblet: {A} portable {\slBibTeX} bibliography style
          for generating %\newline
          highly~customizable \acro{XHTML}\\85-96<
  \subsecnn {Abstracts \ (Allen, Burt, Fehd, Gurari, Janc, Kew, Peter)}\\97-98<


\sec News<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\99-100<

\sec{TUG Business}<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\104-104<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\104-104<

  \subsecnn Silmaril Consultants\\101-101<
  \subsecnn Joe Hogg\\101-101<
  \subsecnn Carleton Production Centre\\101-101<

  \subsecnn Personal {\TeX}, Inc.\\102-102<
  \subsecnn River Valley Technologies\\102-102<
  \subsecnn Design Science, Inc.\\102-102<
  \subsecnn {{\sl The \LaTeX\ Companion}, \nth{2} edition, by Frank
    Mittelbach et al.}\\102-102<

  \subsecnn Steve Peter\\103-103<
  \subsecnn Cheryl Ponchin Training\\103-103<
  \subsecnn MacKichan Software, Inc.\\103-103<





%\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % this is default

\def\postissno{2005 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 26, 2, 2005<

  \subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\106-107<
  \subsec Robin Laakso\\Highlights from \acro{TUG}\,2005\\108-109<
  \subsecnn Conference photos\\110-110<

  \subsec Wai Wong\\Typesetting {Chinese}: {A} personal perspective\\111-114<

  \subsec Jonathan Kew\\{\XeTeX}, the {Multilingual} {Lion}:\newline
          {\TeX} meets {Unicode} and  smart~font~technologies\\115-124<
  \subsec Javier Rodr\'{\i}guez Laguna\\%
          {H\'ong-Z\kern.05em\`{\i}}: {A Chinese \MF}\\125-128<
  \subsec Candy L.\,K. Yiu \and Jim Binkley\\%
          Qin notation generator\\129-134<
  \subsec Nandan Bagchee \and Eitan M. Gurari\\{SwiExr}: {Spatial} math
          exercises and worksheets, in {Braille} and print\\135-141<
  \subsec Philip Taylor\\%
          Typesetting the {Byzantine} {\it Cappelli}\\142-151<
  \subsec Hans Hagen\\{Lua\TeX}: {Howling} to the moon\\152-157<
  \subsec Karel P\'\i\v{s}ka\\Converting {\MF} sources to
          outline fonts using {\MP}\\158-164<
  \subsec S.\,K. Venkatesan\\%
          Moving from bytes to words to semantics\\165-168<
  \subsecnn {Abstracts \ (Cho, Hong, Rowley, Taylor)}\\169-169<


\sec News<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\170-171<
  \subsecnn {{\TeX} Collection 2005
          (\TeX\,Live, pro{\TeX}t, Mac\TeX, \acro{CTAN})}\\174-174<
  \subsecnn Euro{\TeX} 2006 announcement\\175-175<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2006 announcement\\176-176<

\sec{TUG Business}<
  \subsecnn {TUG} memberhsip form\\172-172<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\173-173<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\173-173<

  \subsecnn Table of contents, ordered by difficulty\\{c3}-{c3}<





\advance\hsize by 2pc

\TUBhead 26, 3, 2005<

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\179-179<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\180-182<
    \subsecc {Mimi Burbank} retires;
      {Brian $\{$Hamilton Kelly$\}$}, 1945--2005;\newline
      {Erratum} for {\TUB} 25:2;
      {E-mail} addresses in {\TUB} on line;\newline
      {The} {\TUB} schedule;
      {Lucida Bright} fonts now available from \acro{TUG};\newline
      {Knuth} on \acro{NPR}; {Letters} in stone<
  \subsec Gianluca Pignalberi\\Interview with {Donald E.~Knuth}\\183-185<
  \subsec Andrzej Tomaszewski\\Implementing editors' ideas{\Dash}lots of fun,
          sometimes even more trouble\\186-187<

\sec Tutorials<
  \subsec Jim Hef{}feron
          \\Minutes in less than hours: {Using} {\LaTeX} resources\\188-192<
  \subsec Steve Peter\\\cs{starttext}: {Swelled} rules and {MetaPost}\\193-195<

\sec Typography<
  \subsec Peter~Flynn\\Typographers' {Inn}\\196-198<

\sec Philology<
  \subsec Peter Wilson\\The alphabet tree\\199-214<

\sec Fonts<
  \subsec Will Robertson\\Advanced font features with {\XeTeX}{\Dash}%
          the {\sf fontspec} package\\215-223<
  \subsec Ioannis~Vamvakas \and Panagiotis~Kotopoulis\\{ByZ\LaTeX}:
          {A} package for typesetting {``Byzantine''} music\\224-232<

\sec Software \& Tools<
  \subsec Gerben Wierda\\{i-Installer}: {The} evolution of a {\TeX}
          install on {\MacOSX}\\235-238<
  \subsec Herbert Schulz\\The {Mac\TeX} distribution\\239-240<
  \subsec Norbert Preining\\{\TeX} {Live} for {Debian}\\241-242<
  \subsec Hans Hagen\\Hyphenation patterns in {\ConTeXt}\\243-245<

\sec Graphics<
  \subsec Michael Barr\\{\sf Diagxy}, a {Lego}-like diagram package\\246-249<
  \subsec Troy Henderson\\Embedding fonts in {MetaPost} output\\250-252<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
  \subsec Peter~Wilson\\Glisterings\\253-255<
  \subsecnn Pearls of {\TeX} programming\\256-263<
  \subsec Mark~LaPlante\\The treasure chest\\264-267<

\sec \LaTeX<
  \subsec Hendri Adriaens \and~Christopher~Ellison\\{\sf powerdot}{\Dash}%
          making presentations with {\LaTeX}\\268-272<
  \subsec Enrico Gregorio\\Horrors in \LaTeX: How to misuse {\LaTeX} and make
          a {\it copy editor\/} unhappy\\273-279<

\sec Macros<
  \subsec Karl Berry \and Oleg Katsitadze\\Eplain 3:
          {Expanded} plain {\TeX}\\280-286<

\sec Abstracts<
  \subsecnn {\it \TeX emplares\/}: {Contents} of issue 7 (2005)\\287-287<
  \subsecnn {\it Zpravodaj\/}: {Contents} of issues 14(3--4), 15(1),
            15(2) (2004--05)\\287-289<
  \subsecnn {\it Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:
            {Contents} of double issue 44--45 (2004)\\289-290<
  \subsecnn {\it MAPS\/}: {Contents} of issues 32 (2005)\\290-291<
  \subsecnn {\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
            {Contents} of issues 2005-1--2005-4 (2005)\\292-296<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\297-298<
  \subsecnn Practical {\TeX} 2006, {Piscataway}, {NJ},
            {July} 30--{August} 1, 2006\\302-302<
  \subsecnn {Euro\TeX}\,2006, {Debrecen}, {Hungary},
            {July} 5--8, 2006\\303-303<
  \subsecnn {TUG}\,2006, {Marrakesh}, {Morocco},
            {November} 9--11, 2006\\304-304<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec Robin~Laakso\\Financial statements for 2005\\298-299<
  \subsec Karl~Berry \and Kaja~Christiansen\\
          {\TeX} {Development} {Fund} 2005 report\\300-300<
  \subsecnn {TUG} membership form\\301-301<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\302-302<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\300-300<

\sec Index<
  \subsecnn Table of contents, ordered by difficulty\\{c3}-{c3}<

\advance\hsize by-2pc