%                       tb1796.cnt

\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt     % 12pt default
\secskipa=7pt plus .5pt         % 5pt -- vary depending on available space


\TUBhead 17, 1, March 1996<

\subsecnn Addresses\\3-4<
\subsecnn Soliciting Bids for \acro{TUG}\,'97\\4-4<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\From the president\\5-6<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\6-7<
\subsecc {DEK on tour}; {\TUB}: the year ahead<
\subsecnn {TUG\,'95: Questions and answers with
        Prof.~Donald~E. Knuth}\\7-22<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Frank~G.~Bennett,~Jr.\\{\smc Camel}: kicking over the bibliographic
        traces in {\BibTeX}\\22-28<
\subsec Filip~Machi, Jerrold~E.~Marsden \and Wendy~G.~McKay\\{Corrigendum:
        Introduction to {Fas\TeX}: a system of keyboard shortcuts
        for the fast keying of~{\TeX}
        (\tubissue 16(4), pp.~358--363)}\\28-28<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Donald~E.~Knuth\\{Important message regarding CM fonts}\\29-29<
\subsec Darko~\v{Z}ubrini\'c\\Croatian fonts\\29-33<

\sec Book Reviews<
\subsec J.~Vesel\'y\\Two new books on {\TeX} in the
        {Czech Republic}\\34-34<
\subsecc {Petr Ol\v{s}\'ak}, {\it Typografick\'y syst\'em {\TeX}
        ({\TeX} typesetting system)\/}; {Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Rybi\v{c}ka},
        {\it {\LaTeX} pro za\v{c}\'ate\v{c}n\'{\i}ky
        ({\LaTeX} for beginners)}<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\{Ronald C. Turner}, {Timothy A. Douglass}, and
        {Audrey J. Turner}, {{\it\acro{README.1ST}: \acro{SGML} for
        Writers and Editors}}\\35-37<

\sec Letters<
\subsec Rama~Porrat\\There's still something missing{\dots}\\37-37<

\sec Resources<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank \and Michel~Goossens\\Electronic news
        from the family\\37-42<

\sec Tutorials<
\subsec Keith~Reckdahl\\{Using \acro{EPS} graphics in {\LaTeXe} documents,
        Part~1: the {\ssf graphics} and {\ssf graphicx} packages}\\43-53<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Don~Hosek\\That ol' devil {\tt\char`\\expandafter}\\53-54<
\subsec J.~Hagen \and A.~F.~Otten\\{\acro{PPCH\TeX}}: typesetting
        chemical formulas in {\TeX}\\54-66<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec David~Carlisle\\{A {\LaTeX} tour, Part 1:
        The basic distribution}\\67-73<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {Les Cahiers GUTenberg, No.~20}\\73-74<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\74-75<
\subsecnn  {TUG\,'96 Preliminary schedule}\\76-77<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\78-78<
\subsecnn Future issues\\78-78<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {TUG Bylaws}\\79-83<
\subsecnn 1996 \acro{TUG} election cancelled\\84-84<
\subsecnn {TUG Board}\\84-84<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\85-85<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn TUG membership application\\86-86<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\87-87<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\87-87<




\secskipa=8pt plus .5pt         % 5pt -- vary depending on available space

\setdigitwidth{999}             % number of digits in highest page number

\def\postissno{1996 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 17, 2, June 1996<

\sec Opening Address<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\{Opening Words by the President}\\91-91<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka\\Cyrillic alphabets\\92-98<
\subsec J{\"o}rg Knappen\\{The {\ssf dc} fonts 1.3: Move towards
        stability and completeness}\\99-101<
\subsec Rei Fukui\\{\ssf TIPA}: {A system for processing phonetic
        symbols in {\LaTeX}}\\102-114<
\subsec A.S.~Berdnikov\\{Computer Modern Typefaces
        as Multiple Master Fonts}\\115-119<
\subsec A.S.~Berdnikov\\{\sl VFComb} 1.3\Dash the program which
        simplifies virtual font management\\120-125<

\sec Encoding and \\
\subsec Yannis Haralambous\\{$\Omega$Times and $\Omega$Helvetica
        fonts under development: Step~One}\\126-146<
\subsec Richard J.~Kinch\\{Extending {\TeX} for Unicode}\\147-160<
\subsec L.~N.~Znamenskaya and S.~V.~Znamenskii\\{Russian encoding
        plurality problem and a new Cyrillic font set}\\161-165<
\subsec Peter~A.~Ovchenkov\\
        Cyrillic {\TeX} files: interplatform portability\\166-171<
\subsec Michael~M.~Vinogradov\\{A user-friendly multi-function {\TeX}
        interface based on Multi-Edit}\\172-174<
\subsec Olga~G.~Lapko\\{Full Cyrillic: How many languages?}\\174-180<

\sec {\TeX} Systems<
\subsec John~Plaice and Yannis~Haralambous\\
        The latest developments in {$\Omega$}\\181-183<
\subsec Dag Langmyhr\\
        {Star\TeX\Dash a {\TeX} for beginners}\\184-190<
\subsec Gabriel~Valiente~Feruglio\\
        Do journals honor {\LaTeX} submissions?\\191-199<
\subsec Sergei~V.~Znamenskii and Denis~E.~Leinartas\\
        {A new approach to the {\TeX}-related programs:
        A user-friendly interface}\\200-203<
\subsec Ivan~G.~Vsesvetsky\\
        The strait gate to {\TeX}\\204-205<
\subsec Laurent Siebenmann\\
        {DVI-based electronic publication}\\206-214<
\subsec Kees~van~der~Laan\\
        {BLUe's format\Dash the off-off alternative}\\215-221<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Kees~van~der~Laan\\
        Turtle graphics and {\TeX}\Dash a child can do it\\222-228<
\subsec A.S.~Berdnikov, O.A.~Grineva and S.B.~Turtia\\Some useful macros
        which extend the {\LaTeX} {\tt picture} environment\\229-232<

\sec News \&\\{Announcements}<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\90-90<
\subsecnn Calendar\\233-233<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\234-234<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\235-235<





\TUBhead 17, 3, September 1996<

\subsecnn Addresses\\239-239<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\From the president\\241-243<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\243-244<
\subsecc {{\TeX} Live: a \acro{CD-ROM} for Unix};
        {{\CTAN} update; The new {\tt ltugboat.cls}};
        {Frequently asked questions about {\TeX}}; {Books about {\TeX},
        books prepared in {\TeX}, and other bibliographies};
        {{\TeX} output from a Web browser\Dash Techexplorer}<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Petr~Sojka, Han~The~Thanh \and Ji\v{r}\'\i~Zlatu\v{s}ka\\
        {The joy of {\TeX}2\acro{PDF}\Dash Acrobatics with
        an alternative to \acro{DVI} format}\\244-251<
\subsec Sergey~Lesenko\\
        {The \acro{DVIPDF} Program}\\252-254<

\sec \TeX tensions<
\subsec Jonathan~Fine\\{Editing {\tt .dvi} files, or Visual {\TeX}}\\255-259<

\sec Philology<
\subsec Irina~A.~Makhovaya\\{{\TeX} in Russia: ab ovo, or, About
        the {\TeX}nical evolution in Russia}\\259-264<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Sebastian~Rahtz\\{{\LaTeX}, {\it dvips}, \acro{EPS} and the Web
\subsec Kees~van~der~Laan\\{Graphics and {\TeX}\Dash
        A reappraisal of {\MF}/MetaPost/{\PS}}\\269-279<

\sec Book Reviews<
\subsec David~Thompson\\{Stanley Sawyer and Steven Krantz},
        {\it A {\TeX} Primer for Scientists}\\280-280<
\subsec W{\l}odek~Bzyl\\{David Salomon},
        {\it The Advanced {\TeX}book}\\281-282<

\sec Tutorials<
\subsec Robin~Fairbairns\\{The new (\LaTeXe) {\TUB} macros}\\282-288<
\subsec Keith~Reckdahl\\{Using \acro{EPS} graphics in {\LaTeXe} documents,
        Part 2: Floating figures, boxed~figures, captions, and math
        in figures}\\288-310<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Jordi~Saludes\\Fast and secure multiple-option tests\\310-319<
\subsec Peter~Schmitt\\A puzzling {\TeX} macro\\319-320<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec David~Carlisle\\{A {\LaTeX} tour, Part~2:
        The {\ssf tools} and {\ssf graphics} distributions}\\321-326<

\sec News \& Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\326-327<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\327-327<
\subsecnn Future issues\\327-327<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}'97 Call for Papers}\\328-328<
\subsecnn {1997 \acro{TUG} Election}\\240-240<

\subsecnn Institutional members\\329-329<
\subsecnn {TUG membership application}\\330-330<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\331-331<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\331-331<




\TUBhead 17, 4, December 1996<

\subsecnn Addresses\\335-335<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}'97 Update}\\336-336<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\{The state of \acro{TUG}}\\337-340<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\340-342<
\subsecc A historical perspective; {The Kyoto Prize for Knuth};
        {Recommended reading: {\it Why things bite back\/}};
        {Why does a lion represent {\TeX}?}<
\subsecnn {Amsterdam, 13 March 1996\Dash 
        Knuth meets \acro{NTG} members}\\342-355<
\subsecnn {{\CSTUG}, Charles University, Prague, March 1996\Dash
        Questions and answers with  Prof.~Donald~E. Knuth}\\355-367<

\sec Survey<
\subsec Philip~Taylor\\{Computer typesetting or electronic publishing?
        New trends in scientific publication}\\367-381<
\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec S.A.~Strelkov and G.R.~Epshtein\\{Making indices for \acro{VINITI}'s
        ``Mathematics'' abstract journal}\\382-385<

\sec Philology<
\subsec Mikhail~Ivanovich~Grinchuk\\{{\TeX} and Russian traditions 
        of typesetting}\\385-388<

\sec Humanities<
\subsec Christina~Thiele\\{{\TeX} and the Humanities}\\388-393<

\sec Book Review<
\subsec Jonathan~Fine\\{\it The Printing Revolution in Early Modern
        Europe}, by {Elizabeth L. Eisenstein}\\393-396<

\sec Queries<
\subsec George Gr\"atzer\\Suggestions wanted for new edition of
        {\it Math into \LaTeX}\\396-396<
\subsec Dirk~Kuypers\\ \acro{PPCHTEX} molecule templates\\396-396<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {Les Cahiers GUTenberg, Nos.~21--24}\\397-403<

\sec News \& Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\403-405<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\405-405<
\subsecnn Future issues\\405-405<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsec Mimi Burbank\\{Facts and Figures}\\405-408<

\subsecnn Institutional members\\409-409<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn {TUG} membership application\\410-410<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\411-411<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\411-411<

