%%  8 JUN 93: this file needed to run Johannes Braams' article in TTN
%%            2,3 (Ch.)

%%  7 JUL 93: This file renamed  ttn2n3-gather.sty  to show its
%%            relationship with TTN 2,3 files (Ch.)

% gather.sty

% The following macro hackery I use to extract the macrocode
% from the source of the article in order to use it later on.
\newwrite\codefile     % To gather all the code together
\newwrite\tmpfile      % Temporary file for typesetting the code
{\catcode`\%=12 \gdef\comment{%% }}
    \catcode`\_=\other\catcode`\|=\other \obeyspaces}
% Macro to write code to the codefile *and* to the temporary file
% I make the ^^M an active character
% I use it to write macrocode line by line to the files.
  \catcode`\^^M\active% Hide all ^^M's from TeX...
% I also have to temporarily change some other category codes,
% in order to be able to scan for the line containing 
% the string "\end{code}"
    \catcode`\[=1  \catcode`\]=2  \catcode`\|=0%
    \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\\=12%
% Here is a new LaTeX environment which can contain TeX macrocode
% The code will be written to two files, the file to gather all code
% in and the temporary fill that is \input at the end of the
% environment. In that file the code will be in a normal verbatim
% environment.
% And an environment to typeset the examples
\endgroup%         Now the ^^M is no longer active
    \immediate\write\codefile{\comment File  : #1.tex}
    \immediate\write\codefile{\comment Author: J.L. Braams}
    \immediate\write\codefile{\comment Date  : \today}}
    \immediate\write\codefile{\comment the rest of this file is ignored.}