This file is intended to help people who want to print ttn1n4 but who           
do not currently have the font dcr10.  This is a non-standard font used         
in this issue.                                                                  
If you find yourself in this situation there are two things you can do:         
1.  Get the dc fonts and install them on your system.                           
2.  Send me email and I will send you a version of ttn1n4 that doesn't          
    use dcr10.  Such a version is currently in preparation.                     
How to get the dc fonts                                                         
The three main TeX archives in the world are:                          , and Together they form        
the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network or CTAN for short.                        
The dc fonts can be found in the directory /tex-archive/fonts/dc at pip,        
/pub/archive/fonts/dc at, and in /soft/tex/fonts/dc at     In particular look for the file help.eng for             
installation instructions in English or help.ger for the same                   
instructions in German.                                                         
Chris Carruthers, Informatics Product Support, U of Ottawa                      
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and ttn roustabout