[File] Readme.ppc [Header] Readme-File for MikTeX 1.08 for WindowsNT on the PowerPC-platform. [Author] Andreas Berz <e-mail: tb10ber@dehomag.e-mail.com> No, I am not the autor of this TeX package. The author is Christian Schenk <e-mail: cschenk@berlin.snafu.de>. I just adopted it to the PowerPC platform. [Content] This is a complete distribution of MikTeX 1.08 for the PowerPC-platform. The following zip-archives are platform independant (means: no matter wether WindowsNT on Intel or PowerPC), but not necessarily independant on the Version of MikTeX. They are similar or identical to the original MikTeX-version 1.08 from Christian Schenk (author of MikTeX). amsf108.zip amsl108.zip babl108.zip bib108.zip cm108.zip dvips108.zip ec108.zip latex108.zip mf108.zip mik108.zip misc108.zip mkind108.zip mp108.zip ps108.zip sty108.zip tex108.zip txi108.zip vga108.zip The following files are platform dependant because they contain the binaries for the PowerPC-platform and modified sources. exe108pa.zip PowerPC-based Dll's exe108pb.zip PowerPC-based TeX-binaries src108.zip Sources modified for PowerPC-Visual C/C++ 4.0 install.exe Installation-Utility unzip.exe Unzip-Utlity used by Installation-Utlity [Processor type] All binaries are compiled for the 604-PowerPC processor. [More Info] For more information (about the installation process, etc.) please read the files miktex.html, miktex.hlp in the doc\miktex-Directory (in doc.zip) and 'News'. [Build executables] To build the executables you need the following PowerPC speceific tools: -Microsoft Visual 4.0 C/C++ NT RISC-Version for PowerPC -GNU sed -zip, unzip -Perl interpreter -GNU groff The sed is available at: ftp://ftp.winsite.com/pub//pc/winnt/miscutils/psed109.zip or http://www.winsite.com/winnt/miscutil/page3.html The zip, unzip utlities are available at: ftp://ftp.winsite.com/pub//pc/winnt/misc/zip21ppc.zip or http://www.winsite.com/winnt/misc/page12.html The Perl interpreter ist available at: http://www.activeware.com The Directory <TeX root dir>/source/miktex-1.08/ppctool contains a groff package for WindowsNT with PowerPC binaries. The author of the package is Dr. David Coe <e-mail: david@coent.demon.co.uk> and it is available at the virtual UNIX page at: http://www.itribe.net/virtunix/contributors.html. The PowerPC binaries are not available in the internet, so I include the groff package into the source tree. To recompile the source tree you need to add the the path to the bin directory of the groff package to the PATH variable. You also need to set the environment variables GROFF_TMAC_PATH and GROFF_FONT_PATH as descriped in the file Readme.nt in the ppctool directory.