% e-TeX is copyright (C) 1994-1996 by the NTS team; all rights are reserved.

This is file `README.w2c70etex11' describing how to integrate
	e-TeX v1.1 (Oct 16, 1996) into
	Web2c v7.0

How to integrate e-TeX v1.1 (Oct 26, 1996) into Web2c v7.0:

List of files provided:

  * README.w2c70etex11  -- this README file
  * w2c70etex11.tar.gz  -- installs additional subdirectories
  * w2c70etex11.diff    -- patches three files of Web2c v7.0

You can find these files on

	CTAN: systems/unix/web2c-e-tex/


1. Get the sources of web2c v7.0 ...
        CTAN: systems/unix/web2c/web-7.0.tar.gz
        CTAN: systems/unix/web2c/web2c-7.0.tar.gz
   ...and unpack the two gnuzip'ed tar file in a single directory with
        gzip -dc web2c-7.0.tar.gz | tar xpvf -
        ln -s web2c-7.0 web-7.0
        gzip -dc web-7.0.tar.gz | tar xpvf -
   This will create a directory called `web2c-7.0/', a symbolic link
   `web-7.0' and will unpack all files of both archives into the
   `web2c-7.0/' directory and subdirectories.

2. Unpack the file `w2cetex11.tar.gz' into `web2c-7.0':

	gzip -dc w2cetex11.tar.gz | tar xpvf -

   This will add two new subdirectories
   (It won't overwrite any files or directories!)  The directory
   `e-tex-1.1' contains the original e-TeX change file `etex.ch',
   additional change files and a basic set of e-TeX documentation.
   Directory `etriptest' contains the e-TRIP test.

3. Apply the `diff'erences file using the utility `patch':

	patch < w2c70etex11.diff

   This will change the files

   adding code for a new `etex' target (and targets for the e-TRIP

4. Follow the instructions in Web2c's files


   (I.e., change to directory `web2c-7.0/', configure Web2c by calling
   `./configure', and use `make' to compile and install all programs
   and data files.)

   An e-TeX executable in addition to all the other TeX programs
   will be compiled by the usual call


   If you want to compile e-TeX only, change into directory
   `web2c-7.0/', configure Web2c, and then change into subdirectory
   `web2c/' and call

	make etex

   This will create an `etex' executable and a new pool file

5. (Optional) Test your e-TeX using the e-TRIP test:
   Change into subdirectory `web2c-7.0/web2c/' and call

	make etrip

   or use `make etripc', `make etripe', and `make eetrip' for the
   three parts of the e-TRIP test.

   Compare the results with the files


   the output I have got on my machine.  The file


   describes the allowed and expected differences.

6. Install e-TeX (`etex' and `etex.pool'):
   e-TeX will get installed with all other Web2c programs using

	make install

   (a) If you install e-TeX using the name `etex', you probably have
   to change your `texmf.cnf' adding some lines for the program
   ".etex" (as it is already done for ".tex").

   (b) Because e-TeX in its default compatibility mode is a 100%
   compatible replacement of TeX, I have installed e-TeX using the
   name `tex'

	mv ${bindir}/tex ${bindir}/tex-orig
	ln -s ${bindir}/etex ${bindir}/tex

   and remade all formats thus using e-TeX in compatibility mode as my
   normally used TeX.

   NOTE: You can NOT use format files created by e-TeX with a standard
         TeX and vice versa---e-TeX dumps additional information to
         the format file.
         ==> Remake all format files afterwards!

   NOTE: Do NOT rename `etex.pool' even if you rename or link `etex'
         to `tex'---the pool files of e-TeX and TeX are different and

   To switch to extended mode you have to create a format file by
   preceding the format soure file name by an asterisk 
   (e.g. "etex -ini \*plain" instead of "etex -ini plain").

7. Enjoy e-TeX v1.1!

   Please read the e-TeX documentation---a basic subset can be found


   Refer to the e-TeX reference site ftp://vms.rhbnc.ac.uk/e-TeX/
   or to CTAN, directory systems/e-tex/ for the complete e-TeX source
   and documentation.

Please report any bugs, improvements, etc. to


or to


-br [97-02-20]