/* REXX */

  tdskill.cmd, version v0.53
  This program uninstalls emtex/TDS
  Written by Walter Schmidt
  The code for removing a directory tree was written 
  by Mark Polly - Progressive Insurance, 1992

  Loading libraries, checking the current directory etc.

ret = RxFuncAdd("SysLoadFuncs", "REXXUTIL", "SysLoadFuncs")
call SysLoadFuncs

wrkdrive = substr(directory(),1)
say "Uninstallation Tool for emTeX/TDS, v0.53 <2000-02-07>"

say "From which drive do you want emTeX/TDS to be removed?"
answer = linein()
if answer = "" then EXIT
texdrive = translate(substr(answer,1,1))

say "emTeX/TDS will be removed from drive " || texdrive || ":"
say "Continue? (y/n)"
answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1))
if answer <> "Y" then exit

if wrkdrive = texdrive then call directory("\")

  Step 1
  Removing the texmf tree

/* Load text strings for SysFileDel and SysRmDir return codes.         */
CALL LoadDELRCText   /* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */
CALL LoadRDRCText    /* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes   */

/* Check to make sure the directory exists */
rc=SysFileTree(user_dir,dir_list, 'D')
IF dir_list.0 = 0  THEN 
             SAY user_dir 'not found.'
             /* proceed with updating config.sys */
             SIGNAL cfgupdate

DROP dir_list.

/* Mark all the read-only files to be non read-only        */
rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO', '****','----')

DROP dir_list.

/* Go through the list of files and delete each one        */
rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO')
DO x = 1 TO dir_list.0
	rc = SysFileDelete(dir_list.x)
	if rc <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' DELRCText.RC

DROP dir_list.

/* Go through all the subdirectories and remove them.        */
/* We go backwards through the list in order to delete the   */
/* lowest level sudirectories first and work our way back up */
/* the tree.                                                 */
rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'DSO')
DO x = dir_list.0 TO 1 BY -1
	if RC <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' RDRCText.RC

DROP dir_list.

/* Delete the texmf directory */
SAY user_dir '........' RDRCText.RC

   Step 2
   cleaning up config.sys
say "Do you want config.sys to be cleaned up? (y/n)"
answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1))
if answer <> "Y" then EXIT

bootdrv= querybootdrv()
configfile = bootdrv||"\config.sys"
if stream(configfile,"C","QUERY EXISTS") = "" then do
  say "The file config.sys could not be located."
  say "Please, perform any changes manually."

say "Cleaning up config.sys ..."

call readconfig configfile

call delvar "EMTEXDIR"
call delvar "TEXMACROS"
call delvar "TEXTFM"
call delvar "BFONTS"
call delvar "VFONTS"
call delvar "TYPE1FONTS"
call delvar "TEXCONFIG"
call delvar "EMTEXSWCHAR"
call delvar "MFOPT"
call delvar "MFJOBOPT"
call delvar "MFINPUT"
call delvar "INDEXSTYLE"
call delvar "BSTINPUT"
call delvar "BIBINPUT", texdrive||":\TEXMF\BIBTEX\BIB"

call pathedit "PATH", texdrive||":\texmf\emtex\bin;", "D"
call pathedit "HELP", texdrive||":\texmf\emtex\help;", "D"
call libpathedit texdrive||":\texmf\emtex\dll;", "D"

if tempfile="" then signal updfailed

signal on error name updfailed
savedfile = filespec("N", tempfile)
"@ren" configfile savedfile
say "Your current" configfile "has been renamed to" savedfile "."
res = writeconfig(configfile)
if res=0 then do
   call beep 440,500
   say "Writing a new file" configfile "failed".
   say "Rename" savedfile "to config.sys and perform the changes manually."
else  do 
   say "A new file" configfile "has been written."
   say "Shutdown and reboot OS/2 now to make the changes come into effect."

say "Updating config.sys failed."
say "Your config.sys has *** not *** been changed."
say "Please, perform any changes manually."

   Local subroutines
	/* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */
	/* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */

	DELRCText.0 = 'File deleted successfully. '
	DELRCText.2 = 'Error.  File not found. '
	DELRCText.3 = 'Error.  Path not found. '
	DELRCText.5 = 'Error.  Access denied. '
	DELRCText.26 = 'Error.  Not DOS disk. '
	DELRCText.32 = 'Error.  Sharing violation. '
	DELRCText.36 = 'Error.  Sharing buffer exceeded. '
	DELRCText.87 = 'Error.  Invalid parameter. '
	DELRCText.206 = 'Error.  Filename exceeds range error. '

	/* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes */
	/* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */

	RDRCText.0 = 'Directory removal was successful. '
	RDRCText.2 = 'Error.  File not found. '
	RDRCText.3 = 'Error.  Path not found. '
	RDRCText.5 = 'Error.  Access denied. '
	RDRCText.16 = 'Error.  Current Directory. '
	RDRCText.26 = 'Error.  Not DOS disk. '
	RDRCText.87 = 'Error.  Invalid parameter. '
	RDRCText.108 = 'Error.  Drive locked. '
	RDRCText.206 = 'Error.  Filename exceeds range error. '

   query boot drive 
   usage:   querybootdrv()
   returns: letter of boot drive incl. colon
querybootdrv: PROCEDURE
bootdr = value('COMSPEC', , 'OS2ENVIRONMENT')
bootdr = filespec('D', bootdr)
if bootdr = "" then do
   say "Please, tell me the drive letter of the boot drive:"
   answer = linein()
   bootdr = substr(strip(answer),1,1)||":"
return bootdr

   read config file
   usage:   call readconfig filename
   returns: (nothing)
readconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse arg infile
do while lines(infile) > 0
end /* do */
call stream infile, "C", "CLOSE"

   write config file
   usage:   call writeconfig filename
   returns: 1 if successful
            0 if writing the file failed
writeconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse arg outfile
call SysFileDelete outfile
do i = 1 TO cmax
   if config.i <> "deleted" then do
      res = lineout(outfile, config.i)
end /* do */
call stream outfile, "C", "CLOSE"
if res <> 0  then return 0
else return 1

   search for a given environment variable
   usage:   checkvar(name)
   returns: setting
            "" if undefined or defined as empty
checkvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse upper arg name
trigger=" "||name||"="
do forever
   if i>cmax then leave
   parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting
   if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave
end /* do */
if i>cmax then return ""
else return setting

   add environment variable, overwrites current setting
   usage:   call addvar name, value
   returns: (nothing)
addvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse arg name, value
name = strip(translate(name))
trigger=" "||name||"="
do forever
   if i>cmax then leave
   parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting
   if (setting <> "") & (junk = "SET") then leave
end /* do */
config.i = "SET " || name || "=" || value
if i>cmax then cmax=i

   delete environment variable
   usage:   delvar(name)
   returns: 1 if successful
            0 if variable not found
delvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse arg name
trigger=" "||name||"="
do forever
   if i>cmax then leave
   parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting
   if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave
end /* do */
if i>cmax then return 0
else do
   config.i = "deleted"
   return 1
end /* do */

   edit a path
   usage:   pathedit(path, entry, op)
            op = "D" means "delete this entry"
            op = "A" (default) means "add entry"
   returns 1 if successful
           0 if path or entry to be deleted not found
           2 if entry to be added was already present
pathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse upper arg path, directory, op
trigger = " "||path||"="
do forever
   if i>cmax then leave
   parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting
   if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave
end /* do */
if i>cmax then return 0
if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";"
if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";"
if op="D" then do
   posi = pos(directory,setting)
   if posi<>0 then config.i= "SET " || path || "=" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory))
   else return 0
end /* do */
else do
   if pos(directory,setting)<>0 then return 2
   else do
      setting=setting || directory
      config.i = "SET " || path || "=" || setting
   end /* do */
end /* do */
return 1

   edit LIBPATH
   usage:   libpathedit(entry, op)
            op = "D" means "delete this entry, if existing"
            op = "A" (default) means "add entry"
   returns: 1 if successful
            0 if LIBPATH or entry to be deleted not found
            2 if entry to be added was already present
libpathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax
parse upper arg directory, op
do forever
   if i>cmax then leave
   parse upper value config.i with junk "LIBPATH" setting
   if (setting <> "") & (junk = "") then leave
end /* do */
if i>cmax then return 0
if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";"
if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";"
if op="D" then do
   posi = pos(directory,setting)
   if posi<>0 then config.i= "LIBPATH" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory))
   else return 0
end /* do */
else do
   if pos(directory,setting)<>0 then return 2
   else do
      setting=setting || directory
      config.i = "LIBPATH" || setting
   end /* do */
end /* do */
return 1

/* finis */