/* REXX */ /* tdsinst.cmd Copyright (C) 1998--2001 Walter Schmidt, Erlangen emtex/TDS installation program to be run from a local directory, which must contain all required files */ /* Initialization: */ INTRO = "Installation script for emTeX/TDS v0.56 as of 2001-09-30" VERSION = 0.56 REQEMXREV = 60 REQEMXVER = "0.9d" bootdrv = querybootdrv() wrkdir = strip(directory(), "T", "\") ret = RxFuncAdd("SysLoadFuncs", "REXXUTIL", "SysLoadFuncs") call SysLoadFuncs SIGNAL on error /* Load text strings for SysFileDel and SysRmDir return codes. */ CALL LoadDELRCText /* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */ CALL LoadRDRCText /* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes */ say say INTRO say say "On which drive do you want emTeX/TDS to be installed or updated?" say "(hit <return> only to select the boot drive)" answer = linein() texdrive = translate(substr(answer,1,1)) || ":" if texdrive = ":" then texdrive = bootdrv ver = SysIni(texdrive"\texmf\emtex\data\EMTEXTDS.INI", "EMTEXTDS", "VERSION") if ver = "ERROR:" then ver = 0 else do say say "emTeX/TDS version " || ver || " detected." say end /* full install or update only? ver = 0 : first install, no cleanup required ver = 0.1 : force full install, despite higher version # ver < 0.53 : full install ver >= 0.53 : update only */ /* skip this step if full install is required, anyway */ if ver < 0.53 then signal checkfiles say "By default, your emTeX/TDS system will be updated only." say "However, you may also force a full reinstall." say say "Do you request a full reinstall? (y/n)" answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1)) if answer = "Y" then ver = 0.1 /* Determine the required files */ checkfiles: if ver >= 0.55 then reqfile.0 = 1 else if ver >= 0.53 then reqfile.0 = 2 else reqfile.0 = 11 /* search for the files in the current directory */ reqfile.1 = "texmf.zip" reqfile.2 = "config.zip" reqfile.3 = "bibtex4b.zip" reqfile.4 = "dvid16h1.zip" reqfile.5 = "mf4b.zip" reqfile.6 = "mfjob12d.zip" reqfile.7 = "mfware.zip" reqfile.8 = "tex4b.zip" reqfile.9 = "texware.zip" reqfile.10= "makeindx.zip" reqfile.11 = "dvid16h2.zip" if CheckRequiredFiles("V") then do do i = 1 to reqfile.0 reqfile.i = wrkdir|| "\" || reqfile.i end end else signal fileerr /* Last exit */ say say "emTeX/TDS on drive " || texdrive || " will be installed/updated." say "Continue? (y/n)" answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1)) if answer <> "Y" then signal cancel /* Step 0 ------ go to the target drive and create the texmf root directory */ call setlocal call directory(texdrive||"\") call sysmkdir("texmf") call directory("\texmf") /* Step 1 ------ Check for unzip.exe */ if SysSearchPath("PATH", "unzip.exe") = "" then signal unziperr /* Step 2 ------ Removing obsolete files created by previous versions */ /* skip this step, if this is the first install */ if ver = 0 then signal euro say "Removing possibly obsolete files ..." call SysFileDelete("emtex\bmfbases\makemf.cmd") call SysFileDelete("doc\generic\german\gerdoc98.dvi") call SysFileDelete("emtex\doc\bibtex.doc") call SysFileDelete("emtex\doc\makeindx.doc") call SysFileDelete("emtex\doc\makeindx.cpy") call SysFileDelete("doc\emtexTDS\install.ger") call SysFileDelete("doc\emtexTDS\install.eng") call SysFileDelete("doc\latex\eurosans\readme") call SysFileDelete("doc\latex\graphics\grfguide.ps") call SysFileDelete("tex\latex\local\local.ins") call SysFileDelete("tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty.org") call SysFileDelete("doc\generic\german\gerdoc.tex") call SysFileDelete("fonts\source\public\logo\manfnt.mf") call SysFileDelete("fonts\tfm\public\logo\manfnt.tfm") call SysFileDelete("source\generic\babel\lcydefs.tex") call SysFileDelete("dvips\micropress\cmfonts.map") /* files have been moved to other directory */ call SysFileDelete("emtex\bin\bibtex.exe") call SysFileDelete("emtex\bin\makeindex.exe") call SysFileDelete("emtex\bin\dvihplj.exe") /* will be replaced later */ call ddt("tex\latex\base") /* call ddt("tex\latex\tools") call ddt("tex\latex\graphics") call ddt("tex\latex\cyrillic") */ call ddt("source\latex\babel") call ddt("tex\latex\babel") call ddt("doc\latex\babel") call ddt("dvips\base") call ddt("fonts\type1\ams") call ddt("fonts\type1\public\cm") call ddt("fonts\type1\public\logo") call ddt("fonts\type1\public\misc") call ddt("fonts\type1\public\rsfs") call ddt("fonts\type1\public\wasy") call ddt("fonts\source\public\logo") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pag") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pbk") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pcr") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\phv") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pnc") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\ppl") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\psy") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\ptm") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pzc") call ddt("tex\latex\psnfss\pzd") call ddt("source\latex\psnfss") call ddt("doc\latex\psnfss") call ddt("source\latex\mathpple") call ddt("tex\latex\mathpple") call ddt("doc\latex\mathpple") call ddt("fonts\tfm\public\logo") call ddt("dvips\bluesky") call ddt("tex\latex\amslatex") call ddt("doc\latex\amslatex") call SysFileDelete("doc\emtextds\gsinstal.eng") call SysFileDelete("doc\emtextds\gsinstal.ger") call SysFileDelete("metafont\base\plain.mf.sav") /* call ddt("tex\latex\koma.script") call ddt("doc\latex\koma-script") call ddt("source\latex\koma-script") */ call SysFileDelete("tex\latex\amsmath\amsdtx.cls") /* obsolete files, which are possibly not overwritten later */ say " done." /* Step 2a ------- Rename Adobe Euro Fonts, if present */ euro: /* skip this step, if v=0 or v>=0.53 found */ if (ver = 0) | (ver >= 0.53) then signal emtex old.1 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_1______.pfb" old.2 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_1B_____.pfb" old.3 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_1I_____.pfb" old.4 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_1BI____.pfb" old.5 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_2______.pfb" old.6 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_2B_____.pfb" old.7 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_2I_____.pfb" old.8 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_2BI____.pfb" old.9 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_3______.pfb" old.10 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_3B_____.pfb" old.11 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_3I_____.pfb" old.12 = "\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\_3BI____.pfb" new.1 = "zpeurs.pfb" new.2 = "zpeubs.pfb" new.3 = "zpeuris.pfb" new.4 = "zpeubis.pfb" new.5 = "zpeurt.pfb" new.6 = "zpeubt.pfb" new.7 = "zpeurit.pfb" new.8 = "zpeubit.pfb" new.9 = "zpeur.pfb" new.10 = "zpeub.pfb" new.11 = "zpeuri.pfb" new.12 = "zpeubi.pfb" do i = 1 to 12 if stream(old.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") <> "" & , stream("\texmf\fonts\type1\adobe\eurofont\"||new.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") = "" then do "ren " old.i new.i end end /* Step 3 ------ Install the required parts of the original emTeX distribution. */ emtex: /* skip this step, if ver>=0.53 found */ if ver >= 0.53 then signal tds /* Overwrite existing files */ ret=value("UNZIP", "-qqo", "OS2ENVIRONMENT") say "Installing emTeX ..." call SysMkDir("\texmf\doc") call SysMkDir("\texmf\doc\bibtex") /* reqfile.3 => bibtex4b. */ "unzip -j "||reqfile.3 || " emtex/doc/bibtex.doc -d \texmf\doc\bibtex" "unzip -j "||reqfile.3 || " emtex/texinput/bibtex/* -d \texmf\doc\bibtex" "unzip "||reqfile.3 || " emtex/bin/bibtex32.exe" "ren emtex\bin\bibtex32.exe bibtex.exe" /* reqfile.4 => dvid16h1 */ "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/doc/adjust.dvi" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/book/german/dvidrv.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/book/english/dvidrv.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/data/dvidrv.err" /* "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/bin/dvihplj.exe" */ "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/bin/dvipm.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/bin/dvipm.ico" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/dll/dvipmres.dll" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/dll/emdll1x.dll" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/dll/emdll1x2.dll" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/dll/emdll2x.dll" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/help/dvipmeng.hlp" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/help/dvipmger.hlp" "unzip "||reqfile.4|| " emtex/data/2a5_a4.cnf" /* reqfile.5 => mf4b */ "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/book/german/metafont.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/book/english/metafont.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/bin/mf386.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/bin/mfpm386.ovl" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/bin/gftopk.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/bmfbases/mf.poo" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/help/mfpmeng.hlp" "unzip "||reqfile.5||" emtex/help/mfpmger.hlp" /* reqfile.6 => mfjob12d */ "unzip "||reqfile.6||" emtex/book/german/mfjob.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.6||" emtex/book/english/mfjob.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.6||" emtex/bin/mfjob.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.6||" emtex/bin/mfjob.ovl" /* reqfile.7 => mfware */ "unzip "||reqfile.7||" emtex/bin/gftodvi.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.7||" emtex/bin/mft.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.7||" emtex/doc/german/mfware.doc" "unzip "||reqfile.7||" emtex/doc/english/mfware.doc" /* reqfile.8 => tex4b */ "unzip "||reqfile.8||" emtex/bin/htex386.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.8||" emtex/htexfmts/tex.poo" "unzip "||reqfile.8||" emtex/book/german/tex.inf" "unzip "||reqfile.8||" emtex/book/english/tex.inf" /* reqfile.9 => texware */ "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/doc/german/texware.doc" "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/doc/english/texware.doc" "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/bin/pltotf.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/bin/tftopl.exe" "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/bin/vftovp.exe" /* "unzip "||reqfile.9||" emtex/bin/vptovf.exe" */ /* reqfile.10 => makeindx */ "unzip "||reqfile.10||" emtex/bin/mkidx32.exe" "ren emtex\bin\mkidx32.exe makeindex.exe" /* reqfile.11 => dvid16h2 */ "unzip "||reqfile.11||" emtex/bin/dvihplj3.exe" "ren emtex\bin\dvihplj3.exe dvihplj.exe" call SysMkDir("\texmf\bibtex") call SysMkDir("\texmf\bibtex\bib") call SysMkDir("\texmf\bibtex\bst") "unzip -j "||reqfile.3||" emtex\bibtex\bib\* -d \texmf\bibtex\bib" "unzip -j "||reqfile.3||" emtex\bibtex\bst\* -d \texmf\bibtex\bst" say " done." /* Step 4 ------ Installing - the non-emTeX parts of the TDS tree and customized cmd scripts for emtex, - the configuration files, */ tds: say "Installing the texmf tree ..." /* Overwrite existing files */ ret=value("UNZIP", "-qqo", "OS2ENVIRONMENT") /* reqfile.1 => texmf */ "unzip "||reqfile.1 if reqfile.0 >= 2 then do /* here we have to ask before owerwriting configuration files: */ ret=value("UNZIP", "-qq", "OS2ENVIRONMENT") /* reqfile.2 => config */ "unzip "||reqfile.2 end say " done." /* The configuration file docstrip.cfg is special, */ /* because its contents must reflect the drive letter */ /* where TeX is installed. */ /* This file is generated unless it's already present.*/ filename = texdrive || "\texmf\tex\latex\local\docstrip.cfg" if stream(filename, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") = "" then do say "Creating the file docstrip.cfg ..." call lineout filename, "%% file docstrip.cfg, generated by tdsinst.cmd" call lineout filename, "%% do not edit this file!" call lineout filename, "\BaseDirectory{"||texdrive||"/texmf}" call lineout filename, "\UseTDS" call stream filename, "C", "CLOSE" say " done." end /* Step 5 ------ Creating a program object for dvipm */ /* skip this step, unless full install is required */ if ver > 0.1 then signal writever say say "Do you want an object for dvipm to be created on the desktop? (y/n)" answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1)) if answer = "Y" then do say "Creating an object for the dvi viewer ..." res = make_po('dvipm', 'PM', texdrive||'\texmf\emtex\bin\dvipm.exe', '@vp.cnf %*', '') if res = 1 then say " done." else say " failed." end /* Step 5a -------- Writing the version number */ writever: call SysIni "\texmf\emtex\data\EMTEXTDS.INI", "EMTEXTDS", "VERSION", VERSION say say "Version number" VERSION "written." say say "All files of the emTeX/TDS system have been successfully installed." "pause" /* Step 6 ------ Checking emx */ say say "I am going to check the EMX library now." say emxpaths = 0 currentrev = emxrevision() say "emx rev. =" currentrev if (currentrev = 0) then do call beep 440,250 say say "I cannot find the emx runtime environment." say "Install the latest version of emx before using TeX!" "pause" end if (currentrev > 0) & (currentrev < REQEMXREV)then do call beep 440,250 say say "The emx runtime environment found is not up to date." say "Install the latest version of emx before using TeX!" "pause" end else say "Ok." /* Step 7 ------ Updating config.sys */ /* skip this step if ver > 0.5 found */ if ver > 0.5 then signal done configfile = bootdrv||"\config.sys" if stream(configfile,"C","QUERY EXISTS") = "" then signal nobootdrv call readconfig configfile if checkvar("TMP") = "" then do tmpname = bootdrv||"\tmp" call SysMkDir tmpname call addvar "TMP", tmpname say say "Temporary files will be created in the directory" tmpname "." say end /* do */ call addvar "EMTEXDIR", texdrive||"\TEXMF\EMTEX" call addvar "TEXMACROS", texdrive||"\TEXMF\TEX" call addvar "TEXTFM", texdrive||"\TEXMF\FONTS\TFM!!;." call addvar "BFONTS", texdrive||"\TEXMF\FONTS\PK" call addvar "TYPE1FONTS", texdrive||"\TEXMF\FONTS\TYPE1" call addvar "TEXCONFIG", texdrive||"\TEXMF\DVIPS!!" call addvar "VFONTS", texdrive||"\TEXMF\FONTS\VF!!" call addvar "EMTEXSWCHAR", "-" call addvar "MFOPT", "-mp50000" call addvar "MFJOBOPT", "-3 -i" call addvar "MFINPUT", texdrive||"\TEXMF\FONTS\SOURCE!!;"||texdrive"\TEXMF\METAFONT!" call addvar "INDEXSTYLE", texdrive||"\TEXMF\MAKEINDEX" call addvar "BSTINPUT", texdrive||"\TEXMF\BIBTEX\BST" call addvar "BIBINPUT", texdrive||"\TEXMF\BIBTEX\BIB" if pathedit("PATH", texdrive||"\texmf\emtex\bin;") = 0 then signal updfailed if pathedit( "HELP", texdrive||"\texmf\emtex\help;") = 0 then signal updfailed if libpathedit(texdrive||"\texmf\emtex\dll;") = 0 then signal updfailed say say "The installation program is going to update the file config.sys now." say "If you prefer to do this manually, then enter `n' below," say "otherwise enter `y' to continue." say "Continue? (y/n)" answer = translate(substr(linein(),1,1)) if answer <> "Y" then signal done tempfile=SysTempFileName(bootdrv||"\config??.sys") if tempfile="" then signal updfailed signal on error name updfailed savedfile = filespec("N", tempfile) "ren" configfile savedfile say say "The file" configfile "has been renamed to" savedfile "." res = writeconfig(configfile) if res=0 then do call beep 440,250 say "Writing a new file" configfile "failed". say "Rename" savedfile "to config.sys and apply the changes manually." end else do say say "A new file" configfile "has been written." say "Shutdown and reboot OS/2 now to make the changes come into effect." end /* exiting */ done: say say "Finis!" exit /* Error handling: */ nobootdrv: say say "The installation program could not locate the file config.sys" say "and was unable to determine whether it needs to be updated." say "Please, see the installation instructions for the changes required" say "and how to apply them manually." exit updfailed: say say "Updating config.sys failed." say "The file config.sys has *** not *** been changed." say "Please, read the installation instructions" say "and apply any changes manually." exit error: call beep 440,250 say say 'Error: "'condition('D')'"' 'failed.' exit fileerr: call beep 440,250 say say "One or more of the files required to" say "install or update emTeX/TDS were not found." exit unziperr: call beep 440,250 say say 'The required program "unzip.exe" could not be found.' exit cancel: say "You have terminated the installation program." exit /* Procedures used above: */ /* make_folder: procedure location = '<EMTEXTDS_FOLDER>' if \SysCreateObject('WPFolder', 'emTeX/TDS', '<WP_DESKTOP>', , 'OBJECTID='||location, 'update') then do say 'Cannot create emTeX/TDS folder.' exit 1 end return */ make_po: procedure parse arg title, progtype, exename, parameters, workdir options = 'PROGTYPE='||progtype||';' ||, 'EXENAME='||exename||';' if parameters <> '' then options = options || 'PARAMETERS='||parameters||';' if workdir <> '' then options = options || 'STARTUPDIR='||workdir||';' if \SysCreateObject('WPProgram', title, '<WP_DESKTOP>', options, 'Update') then do say 'Cannot create program object.' return 0 end else return 1 /* query boot drive usage: querybootdrv() returns: letter of boot drive incl. colon */ querybootdrv: PROCEDURE bootdr = value('COMSPEC', , 'OS2ENVIRONMENT') bootdr = filespec('D', bootdr) if bootdr = "" then do say "Please, tell me the drive letter of the boot drive:" answer = linein() bootdr = substr(strip(answer),1,1)||":" end return bootdr /* Do all required files exist? usage: CheckRequiredFiles() or CheckRequiredFiles("V") returns: 1 if all files found, 0 otherwise */ CheckRequiredFiles: PROCEDURE expose reqfile. parse arg verbose /* empty line, to make further messages more visible: */ if verbose = "V" then say res = 1 do i = 1 to reqfile.0 if stream(reqfile.i, "C", "QUERY EXISTS") = "" then do res = 0 if verbose = "V" then say "missing file:" reqfile.i end end return res /* read config file usage: call readconfig filename returns: (nothing) */ readconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse arg infile cmax=0 do while lines(infile) > 0 cmax=cmax+1 config.cmax=linein(infile) end /* do */ call stream infile, "C", "CLOSE" return /* write config file usage: call writeconfig filename returns: 1 if successful 0 if writing the file failed */ writeconfig: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse arg outfile call SysFileDelete outfile do i = 1 TO cmax if config.i <> "deleted" then do res = lineout(outfile, config.i) end end /* do */ call stream outfile, "C", "CLOSE" if res <> 0 then return 0 else return 1 /* search for a given environment variable usage: checkvar(name) returns: setting "" if undefined or defined as empty */ checkvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse upper arg name i=0 name=strip(name) trigger=" "||name||"=" do forever i=i+1 if i>cmax then leave parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave end /* do */ if i>cmax then return "" else return setting /* add environment variable, overwrites current setting usage: call addvar name, value returns: (nothing) */ addvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse arg name, value name = strip(translate(name)) trigger=" "||name||"=" i=0 do forever i=i+1 if i>cmax then leave parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting if (setting <> "") & (junk = "SET") then leave end /* do */ config.i = "SET " || name || "=" || value if i>cmax then cmax=i return /* delete environment variable usage: delvar(name) returns: 1 if successful 0 if variable not found */ delvar: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse arg name name=strip(translate(name)) trigger=" "||name||"=" i=0 do forever i=i+1 if i>cmax then leave parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave end /* do */ if i>cmax then return 0 else do config.i = "deleted" return 1 end /* do */ /* edit a path usage: pathedit(path, entry, op) op = "D" means "delete this entry" op = "A" (default) means "add entry" returns 1 if successful 0 if path or entry to be deleted not found 2 if entry to be added was already present */ pathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse upper arg path, directory, op i=0 path=strip(path) trigger = " "||path||"=" do forever i=i+1 if i>cmax then leave parse upper value config.i with junk (trigger) setting if (setting <> "") & (junk="SET") then leave end /* do */ if i>cmax then return 0 setting=strip(setting,"T") if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";" if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";" if op="D" then do posi = pos(directory,setting) if posi<>0 then config.i= "SET " || path || "=" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory)) else return 0 end /* do */ else do if pos(directory,setting)<>0 then return 2 else do setting=setting || directory config.i = "SET " || path || "=" || setting end /* do */ end /* do */ return 1 /* edit LIBPATH usage: libpathedit(entry, op) op = "D" means "delete this entry, if existing" op = "A" (default) means "add entry" returns: 1 if successful 0 if LIBPATH or entry to be deleted not found 2 if entry to be added was already present */ libpathedit: PROCEDURE expose config. cmax parse upper arg directory, op i=0 do forever i=i+1 if i>cmax then leave parse upper value config.i with junk "LIBPATH" setting if (setting <> "") & (junk = "") then leave end /* do */ if i>cmax then return 0 setting=strip(setting,"T") if substr(directory,length(directory),1) <> ";" then directory = directory || ";" if substr(setting,length(setting),1) <> ";" then setting = setting || ";" if op="D" then do posi = pos(directory,setting) if posi<>0 then config.i= "LIBPATH" || delstr(setting, posi, length(directory)) else return 0 end /* do */ else do if pos(directory,setting)<>0 then return 2 else do setting=setting || directory config.i = "LIBPATH" || setting end /* do */ end /* do */ return 1 emxrevision: procedure call RxFuncAdd emx_revision, "emx", emx_revision signal on syntax name noemx tmp = emx_revision() signal off syntax call RxFuncDrop emx_revision return tmp noemx: return 0 /* Procedures for deleting a directory tree */ DDT: parse arg user_dir /* Check to make sure the directory exists */ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir,dir_list, 'D') IF dir_list.0 = 0 THEN DO SAY user_dir 'not found.' RETURN END DROP dir_list. /* Mark all the read-only files to be non read-only */ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO', '****','----') DROP dir_list. /* Go through the list of files and delete each one */ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'FSO') DO x = 1 TO dir_list.0 rc = SysFileDelete(dir_list.x) if rc <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' DELRCText.RC END DROP dir_list. /* Go through all the subdirectories and remove them. */ /* We go backwards through the list in order to delete the */ /* lowest level sudirectories first and work our way back up */ /* the tree. */ rc=SysFileTree(user_dir || '\*.*', dir_list, 'DSO') DO x = dir_list.0 TO 1 BY -1 rc=SysRmDir(dir_list.x) if RC <> 0 then SAY dir_list.x '........' RDRCText.RC END DROP dir_list. /* Delete the topmost directory */ rc=SysRmDir(user_dir) SAY user_dir '........' RDRCText.RC RETURN LoadDELRCText: /* provides text strings for SysFileDel return codes */ /* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */ DELRCText.0 = 'File deleted successfully. ' DELRCText.2 = 'Error. File not found. ' DELRCText.3 = 'Error. Path not found. ' DELRCText.5 = 'Error. Access denied. ' DELRCText.26 = 'Error. Not DOS disk. ' DELRCText.32 = 'Error. Sharing violation. ' DELRCText.36 = 'Error. Sharing buffer exceeded. ' DELRCText.87 = 'Error. Invalid parameter. ' DELRCText.206 = 'Error. Filename exceeds range error. ' RETURN LoadRDRCText: /* provides text strings for SysRmDir return codes */ /* The return codes and strings are in the online Rexx manual */ RDRCText.0 = 'Directory removal was successful. ' RDRCText.2 = 'Error. File not found. ' RDRCText.3 = 'Error. Path not found. ' RDRCText.5 = 'Error. Access denied. ' RDRCText.16 = 'Error. Current Directory. ' RDRCText.26 = 'Error. Not DOS disk. ' RDRCText.87 = 'Error. Invalid parameter. ' RDRCText.108 = 'Error. Drive locked. ' RDRCText.206 = 'Error. Filename exceeds range error. ' RETURN /* finis */