% This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely. % Version 1.0 was completed October 31, 1983. % Version 1.1 added static weight totals (November, 1983). % Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac \def\hang{\hangindent 3em\indent\ignorespaces} \font\ninerm=amr9 \let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like PASCAL \def\PASCAL{{\mc PASCAL}} \def\v{\.{\char'174}} % vertical (|) in typewriter font \def\({} % kludge for alphabetizing certain module names \def\title{PROFILE} \def\topofcontents{\null \vfill \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont PROFILE} processor} \vskip 15pt \centerline{(Version 1, October 1983)} \vfill} \def\botofcontents{\vfill \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt \vbox{\ninerm\noindent The preparation of this report was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants IST-8201926 and MCS-8300984, and by the System Development Foundation.}}} \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1 @* Introduction. The purpose of \.{PROFILE} is to annotate a \PASCAL\ program with data about the estimated computer time ascribed to each line of code. If the \PASCAL\ program has been produced by \.{TANGLE}, the accumulated run time estimates for each section of the \.{WEB} source code will also be determined. Running time is estimated roughly by assigning an integer weight to each feature of \PASCAL. For example, the statement `$A[i]:=x+2/n$' will be weighted by the time to fetch $i$, $x$, 2, and $n$, plus the time to compute the location of $A[i]$ given $i$, plus the time to add, to convert $n$ from integer to real, to divide, and to store in memory. Approximate costs of each primitive operation appear in macro definitions like \\{int\_real\_cost} that are grouped together in one of the sections below; thus, they are not hard to change. The \.{PROFILE} program includes a \PASCAL\ parser, so it can probably be modified to do other operations on \PASCAL\ source code. Indeed, this program intentionally deals with \PASCAL\ in more generality than it needs to, so that it can be used as a starting point for programs that translate subsets of \PASCAL\ to other higher-level languages. Don Knuth wrote the first version of \.{PROFILE} in October, 1983, for the purpose of analyzing bottlenecks in the \TeX\ processor. (He apologizes for having written the program in haste, without adequate time to test whether it works on features of \PASCAL\ that he doesn't actually use in his own programs.) The ``banner line'' defined here should be changed whenever \.{PROFILE} is modified. @d banner=='This is PROFILE, Version 1.0' @ The program begins with a fairly normal header, made up of pieces that will mostly be filled in later. There are two input files: \smallskip \hang |pascal_file| is a syntactically correct \PASCAL\ source program, preferably (but not necessarily) output by \.{TANGLE}. The entire \PASCAL\ language is permitted except for @!|with| statements, which require additional symbol table manipulations that have not been implemented (since the portable programs of the \TeX\ project don't use \&{with}). \smallskip \hang |count_file| is a text file containing integer counts, one per line, representing the number of times that key statements of the \PASCAL\ program were executed. There should be one count for the first statement in each block and for the first statement following {\bf do}, {\bf then}, {\bf else}, {\bf repeat}, plus one count for each colon following a label. An artificial count of `{\tt-1}' should also appear at the very end of the file. (Dave Fuchs has modified the \PASCAL\ debugger at Stanford so that such a count file can be obtained.) \smallskip\noindent The |output| file will receive a ``pretty printed'' version of the \PASCAL\ source code, with frequency counts and weights accompanying each statement. A summary of the total weight for each \.{WEB} section will also be appended to the output, if the source file contains comments like `\.{\{123:\}}' and `\.{\{:123\}}' around the code for section~123. Comments like `\.{\{+10\}}' or `\.{\{-5\}}' will add 10 or subtract 5 from the weight that \.{PROFILE} ordinarily computes at a particular place in the source file. The special comment `\.{\{\^\}}' in a procedure heading indicates that the procedure in question does not exit. If it is necessary to abort the job because of a fatal error, the program calls the `|jump_out|' procedure, which goes to the label |end_of_PROFILE|. @d end_of_PROFILE = 9999 {go here to wrap it up} @p @t\4@>@<Compiler directives@>@/ program PROFILE(pascal_file,count_file,output); label end_of_PROFILE; {go here to finish} const @<Constants in the outer block@>@/ type @<Types in the outer block@>@/ var @<Globals in the outer block@>@/ @<Error handling procedures@>@/ @<Memory management procedures@>@/ procedure initialize; var @<Local variables for initialization@>@/ begin @<Set initial values@>@/ end; @ Some of this code is optional for use when debugging only; such material is enclosed between the delimiters |debug| and $|gubed|$. @d debug==@{ {change this to `$\\{debug}\equiv\null$' when debugging} @d gubed==@t@>@} {change this to `$\\{gubed}\equiv\null$' when debugging} @f debug==begin @f gubed==end @ The \PASCAL\ compiler used to develop this system has ``compiler directives'' that can appear in comments whose first character is a dollar sign. In production versions of \.{PROFILE} these directives tell the compiler that @^system dependencies@> it is safe to avoid range checks and to leave out the extra code it inserts for the \PASCAL\ debugger's benefit, although interrupts will occur if there is arithmetic overflow. @<Compiler directives@>= @{@&$C-,A+,D-@} {no range check, catch arithmetic overflow, no debug overhead} @!debug @{@&$C+,D+@}@+ gubed {but turn everything on when debugging} @ Labels are given symbolic names by the following definitions. We insert the label `|exit|:' just before the `\ignorespaces|end|\unskip' of a procedure in which we have used the `|return|' statement defined below; the label `|restart|' is occasionally used at the very beginning of a procedure; and the label `|reswitch|' is occasionally used just prior to a \&{case} statement in which some cases change the conditions and we wish to branch to the newly applicable case. Loops that are set up with the \&{loop} construction defined below are commonly exited by going to `|done|' or to `|found|' or to `|not_found|', and they are sometimes repeated by going to `|continue|'. @d exit=10 {go here to leave a procedure} @d restart=20 {go here to start a procedure again} @d reswitch=21 {go here to start a case statement again} @d continue=22 {go here to resume a loop} @d done=30 {go here to exit a loop} @d done1=31 {go here to exit another loop} @d done2=32 {and another} @d done3=33 {and another} @d done4=34 {in case of five loops in one big procedure} @d found=40 {go here when you've found it} @d not_found=41 {go here when you've found something else} @ Here are some macros for common programming idioms. @d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity} @d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity} @d loop == @+ while true do@+ {repeat over and over until a |goto| happens} @d do_nothing == {empty statement} @d return == goto exit {terminate a procedure call} @f return == nil @f loop == xclause @ We assume that |case| statements may include a default case that applies if no matching label is found. Thus, we shall use constructions like @^system dependencies@> $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfil\cr |case x of|\cr 1: $\langle\,$code for $x=1\,\rangle$;\cr 3: $\langle\,$code for $x=3\,\rangle$;\cr |othercases| $\langle\,$code for |x<>1| and |x<>3|$\,\rangle$\cr |endcases|\cr}}$$ since most \PASCAL\ compilers have plugged this hole in the language by incorporating some sort of default mechanism. For example, the compiler used to develop \.{WEB} and \TeX\ allows `|others|:' as a default label, and other \PASCAL s allow syntaxes like `\ignorespaces|else|\unskip' or `\\{otherwise}' or `\\{otherwise}:', etc. The definitions of |othercases| and |endcases| should be changed to agree with local conventions. (Of course, if no default mechanism is available, the |case| statements of this program must be extended by listing all remaining cases.) When the \PASCAL\ source program being processed by \.{PROFILE} has default cases, we assume below that the default case is labeled with some recognizable keyword, and that the |count_file| contains a count for this label just like any other. @d othercases == others: {default for cases not listed explicitly} @d endcases == @+end {follows the default case in an extended |case| statement} @f othercases == else @f endcases == end @ The following parameters are set big enough to handle \TeX, so they should be sufficient for most applications of \.{PROFILE}. @<Constants...@>= @!max_names=4999; {maximum number of identifiers and reserved words; should be a prime number} @!pool_size=30000; {maximum total length of identifiers and reserved words} @!max_modules=2000; {greater than the total number of \.{WEB} sections} @!buf_size=100; {maximum length of input line} @!line_length=50; {lines of unannotated \PASCAL\ output} @!weight_length=6; {columns of annotation for weight data} @!freq_length=12; {columns of annotation for frequency data} @!out_buf_size=128; {output lines before breaking to |line_length|} @!mem_size=30000; {largest index in the dynamic memory array; must be less than |max_halfword|} @!max_comment=20; {comments are truncated to this many characters} @!save_size=500; {number of entries on the save stack} @ A global variable called |history| will contain one of four values at the end of every run: |spotless| means that no unusual messages were printed; |harmless_message| means that a message of possible interest was printed but no serious errors were detected; |error_message| means that at least one error was found; |fatal_message| means that the program terminated abnormally. The value of |history| does not influence the behavior of the program; it is simply computed for the convenience of systems that might want to use such information. @d spotless=0 {|history| value for normal jobs} @d harmless_message=1 {|history| value when non-serious info was printed} @d error_message=2 {|history| value when an error was noted} @d fatal_message=3 {|history| value when we had to stop prematurely} @# @d mark_harmless==@t@>@+if history=spotless then history:=harmless_message @d mark_error==history:=error_message @d mark_fatal==history:=fatal_message @<Glob...@>=@!history:spotless..fatal_message; {how bad was this run?} @ @<Set init...@>=history:=spotless; @ A lot of initialization needs to be done, and it's convenient to have an integer variable for iteration. @<Local variables for init...@>= @!i:integer; {all-purpose index for initialization loops} @* Operation costs. Here we define the assumed cost of each operation. The numbers are expressed in terms of a unit that essentially represents a memory access. The numbers aren't extremely precise, because the goal is simply to give a ballpark estimate of running time. On the KL-10 computer, each unit supposedly represents about 400 nanoseconds. @d fetch_cost=1 {time to load a variable or constant} @d store_cost=1 {time to store into a variable} @d jump_cost=1 {time to |goto| a (local) label} @d index_cost=1 {extra time for array-address computation} @d packed_index_cost=10 {ditto, for packed arrays} @d pointer_cost=1 {cost of |^| in pointers} @# @d add_cost=1 {integer addition or subtraction} @d mult_cost=5 {integer multiplication} @d div_cost=10 {integer |div| and |mod|} @d real_add_cost=5 {floating point addition or subtraction} @d real_mult_cost=6 {floating point multiplication} @d real_div_cost=12 {floating point division} @d compare_cost=1 {equality or inequality tests} @d in_cost=3 {\&{in}} @d set_cost=1 {set union, intersection, difference} @d and_or_cost=1 {\&{and}, \&{or}} @# @d unary_cost=1 {|abs| and |odd| and |pred| and |succ| and \&{not} and negation} @d ord_chr_cost=0 {|ord| or |chr|} @d int_real_cost=25 {|trunc|,|round|, or fix-to-float} @d char_string_cost=15 {read or write a |char|} @d int_string_cost=100 {read or write an integer} @d real_string_cost=300 {read or write a real} @d string_string_cost=5 {setup time for reading and writing a string} @d string_string_tax=5 {ditto, extra cost per character} @d array_string_cost=250 {reading characters into an array} @d transcendental_cost=100 {|sin|, |exp|, etc. (guesstimate)} @d new_cost=50 {|new|, |dispose| (guesstimate)} @d pack_cost=250 {|pack|, |unpack| (guesstimate)} @# @d packed_surcharge=1 {packed record field cost added to |fetch_cost|} @d var_surcharge=1 {extra cost for fetching or storing a \&{var} parameter} @d call_overhead=10 {push or pop stack and transfer to or from procedure or function} @# @d open_cost=3000 {|reset| or |rewrite|} @d close_cost=600 {|close|} @d break_in_cost=100 {|breakin|} @d get_put_cost=10 {|get| or |put| on a file} @d eof_cost=10 {|eof| or |eoln|} @ Besides the costs of basic operations, there are costs associated with changes of control. @d if_cost=1 {setup time for $\&{if}\ldots\&{then}\ldots\&{else}$} @d for_cost=5 {\&{for} loop setup time} @d for_tax=5 {extra charge per iteration} @d while_cost=1 {setup time for \&{while} loop} @d while_tax=1 {extra charge per iteration of \&{while} loop} @d repeat_tax=1 {extra time per iteration of \&{repeat} loop} @d case_cost=5 {setup time for branching in \&{case} statement} @* The character set. Most \.{WEB} programs convert their input to an internal seven-bit code that is essentially standard ASCII, the ``American Standard Code for Information Interchange.'' The conversion is done immediately when each character is read in. Conversely, characters are converted from ASCII to the user's external representation just before they are output. Here we use code conversion identical to that done by \.{WEAVE} and \.{TANGLE}. @<Types...@>= @!ASCII_code=0..127; {seven-bit numbers, a subrange of the integers} @ The original \PASCAL\ compiler was designed in the late 60s, when six-bit character sets were common, so it did not make provision for lowercase letters. Nowadays, of course, we need to deal with both capital and small letters in a convenient way, so \.{PROFILE} assumes that it is being used with a \PASCAL\ whose character set contains at least the characters of standard ASCII. Some \PASCAL\ compilers use the original name |char| for the data type associated with the characters in text files, while other \PASCAL s consider |char| to be a 64-element subrange of a larger data type that has some other name. In order to accommodate this difference, we shall use the name |text_char| to stand for the data type of the characters in the input and output files. We shall also assume that |text_char| consists of the elements |chr(first_text_char)| through |chr(last_text_char)|, inclusive. The following definitions should be adjusted if necessary. @^system dependencies@> @d text_char == char {the data type of characters in text files} @d first_text_char=0 {ordinal number of the smallest element of |text_char|} @d last_text_char=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @<Types...@>= @!text_file=packed file of text_char; @ Conversion between ASCII code and the user's external character set is done by means of arrays |xord| and |xchr| that are analogous to \PASCAL's |ord| and |chr| functions. @<Globals...@>= @!xord: array [text_char] of ASCII_code; {specifies conversion of input characters} @!xchr: array [ASCII_code] of text_char; {specifies conversion of output characters} @ If we assume that \.{PROFILE} is able to read and write the visible characters of standard ASCII (although not necessarily using the ASCII codes to represent them), the following assignment statements initialize most of the |xchr| array properly, without needing any system-dependent changes. @<Set init...@>= xchr[@'40]:=' '; xchr[@'41]:='!'; xchr[@'42]:='"'; xchr[@'43]:='#'; xchr[@'44]:='$'; xchr[@'45]:='%'; xchr[@'46]:='&'; xchr[@'47]:='''';@/ xchr[@'50]:='('; xchr[@'51]:=')'; xchr[@'52]:='*'; xchr[@'53]:='+'; xchr[@'54]:=','; xchr[@'55]:='-'; xchr[@'56]:='.'; xchr[@'57]:='/';@/ xchr[@'60]:='0'; xchr[@'61]:='1'; xchr[@'62]:='2'; xchr[@'63]:='3'; xchr[@'64]:='4'; xchr[@'65]:='5'; xchr[@'66]:='6'; xchr[@'67]:='7';@/ xchr[@'70]:='8'; xchr[@'71]:='9'; xchr[@'72]:=':'; xchr[@'73]:=';'; xchr[@'74]:='<'; xchr[@'75]:='='; xchr[@'76]:='>'; xchr[@'77]:='?';@/ xchr[@'100]:='@@'; xchr[@'101]:='A'; xchr[@'102]:='B'; xchr[@'103]:='C'; xchr[@'104]:='D'; xchr[@'105]:='E'; xchr[@'106]:='F'; xchr[@'107]:='G';@/ xchr[@'110]:='H'; xchr[@'111]:='I'; xchr[@'112]:='J'; xchr[@'113]:='K'; xchr[@'114]:='L'; xchr[@'115]:='M'; xchr[@'116]:='N'; xchr[@'117]:='O';@/ xchr[@'120]:='P'; xchr[@'121]:='Q'; xchr[@'122]:='R'; xchr[@'123]:='S'; xchr[@'124]:='T'; xchr[@'125]:='U'; xchr[@'126]:='V'; xchr[@'127]:='W';@/ xchr[@'130]:='X'; xchr[@'131]:='Y'; xchr[@'132]:='Z'; xchr[@'133]:='['; xchr[@'134]:='\'; xchr[@'135]:=']'; xchr[@'136]:='^'; xchr[@'137]:='_';@/ xchr[@'140]:='`'; xchr[@'141]:='a'; xchr[@'142]:='b'; xchr[@'143]:='c'; xchr[@'144]:='d'; xchr[@'145]:='e'; xchr[@'146]:='f'; xchr[@'147]:='g';@/ xchr[@'150]:='h'; xchr[@'151]:='i'; xchr[@'152]:='j'; xchr[@'153]:='k'; xchr[@'154]:='l'; xchr[@'155]:='m'; xchr[@'156]:='n'; xchr[@'157]:='o';@/ xchr[@'160]:='p'; xchr[@'161]:='q'; xchr[@'162]:='r'; xchr[@'163]:='s'; xchr[@'164]:='t'; xchr[@'165]:='u'; xchr[@'166]:='v'; xchr[@'167]:='w';@/ xchr[@'170]:='x'; xchr[@'171]:='y'; xchr[@'172]:='z'; xchr[@'173]:='{'; xchr[@'174]:='|'; xchr[@'175]:='}'; xchr[@'176]:='~';@/ xchr[0]:=' '; xchr[@'177]:=' '; {these ASCII codes are not used} @ Here now is the system-dependent part of the character set. (Changes are appropriate only if nonstandard characters might be used in strings.) @^system dependencies@> @<Set init...@>=for i:=1 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' '; @ The following system-independent code makes the |xord| array contain a suitable inverse to the information in |xchr|. @<Set init...@>= for i:=first_text_char to last_text_char do xord[chr(i)]:=@'40; for i:=1 to @'176 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; @* Input and output. The input and output conventions of this program have been copied from those of \.{WEAVE} and \.{TANGLE}. Therefore people who need to make modifications should already know how to do it. @ Terminal output is done by writing on file |term_out|, which is assumed to consist of characters of type |text_char|: @^system dependencies@> @d print(#)==write(term_out,#) {`|print|' means write on the terminal} @d print_ln(#)==write_ln(term_out,#) {`|print|' and then start new line} @d new_line==write_ln(term_out) {start new line} @d print_nl(#)== {print information starting on a new line} begin new_line; print(#); end @<Globals...@>= @!term_out:text_file; {the terminal as an output file} @ Different systems have different ways of specifying that the output on a certain file will appear on the user's terminal. Here is one way to do this on the \PASCAL\ system that was used in \.{TANGLE}'s initial development: @^system dependencies@> @<Set init...@>= rewrite(term_out,'TTY:'); {send |term_out| output to the terminal} @ The |update_terminal| procedure is called when we want to make sure that everything we have output to the terminal so far has actually left the computer's internal buffers and been sent. @^system dependencies@> @d update_terminal == break(term_out) {empty the terminal output buffer} @ The main input comes from |pascal_file| and |count_file|, as explained earlier. @<Globals...@>= @!pascal_file:text_file; {the \PASCAL\ source code} @!count_file:text_file; {frequency counts} @ The following code opens the input files. Since these files were listed in the program header, we assume that the \PASCAL\ runtime system has already checked that suitable file names have been given; therefore no additional error checking needs to be done. @^system dependencies@> @<Set init...@>=reset(pascal_file); reset(count_file); @ Input goes into an array called |buffer|. @<Globals...@>=@!buffer: array[0..buf_size] of ASCII_code; @ The |input_ln| procedure brings the next line of input from the specified file into the |buffer| array and returns the value |true|, unless the file has already been entirely read, in which case it returns |false|. The conventions of \.{TANGLE} are followed; i.e., |ASCII_code| numbers representing the next line of the file are input into |buffer[0]|, |buffer[1]|, \dots, |buffer[limit-1]|; trailing blanks are ignored; and the global variable |limit| is set to the length of the @^system dependencies@> line. The value of |limit| must be strictly less than |buf_size|. @p function input_ln(var f:text_file):boolean; {inputs a line or returns |false|} var final_limit:0..buf_size; {|limit| without trailing blanks} begin limit:=0; final_limit:=0; if eof(f) then input_ln:=false else begin while not eoln(f) do begin buffer[limit]:=xord[f^]; get(f); incr(limit); if buffer[limit-1]<>" " then final_limit:=limit; if limit=buf_size then begin while not eoln(f) do get(f); decr(limit); {keep |buffer[buf_size]| empty} print_nl('! Input line too long'); loc:=0; error; @.Input line too long@> end; end; read_ln(f); limit:=final_limit; input_ln:=true; end; end; @ Input from the count file is trivial; we simply ask for a count, whenever it's time to know a new one. If |count_file| has the wrong number of counts, the discrepancy will be reported later; such problems will usually also be caught by the redundancy check that is made at the time of every `\&{else}' count. @p function get_count:integer; begin if last_count>=0 then begin read_ln(count_file,last_count); if last_count<0 then begin last_count:=-1; get_count:=0; end else get_count:=last_count; end else begin decr(last_count); get_count:=0; end; end; @ Here are two global variables associated with |get_count|. @<Glob...@>= @!last_count:integer; {the last count read from |count_file|, or $-n$ if that file is $n$ counts short} @!n:integer; {a temporary counter} @ @<Set init...@>= last_count:=0; @ The proper number of counts is checked at the end, thusly: @<Check that |count_file| had the right number of counts@>= if last_count<0 then begin print_nl('! count file had ', @.count file had n...@> (-last_count):1,' too few counts'); error; end else begin n:=-1; repeat incr(n); read_ln(count_file,last_count); until last_count<0; if n>0 then begin print_nl('! count file had ', n:1, ' too many counts.'); mark_harmless; end; end @* Reporting errors to the user. The command `|err_print('! Error message')|' will report a syntax error to the user, by printing the error message at the beginning of a new line and then giving an indication of where the error was spotted in the source file. Note that no period follows the error message, since the error routine will automatically supply a period. The actual error indications are provided by a procedure called |error|. Since \.{PROFILE} is supposedly working from a running \PASCAL\ program, its error messages have not been jazzed up for super error recovery. The main purpose of the many possible calls to |err_print| in this program is merely to give some assurance that \.{PROFILE} knows what it is doing. @d err_print(#)== begin new_line; print(#); error; end @<Error handling...@>= procedure error; {prints `\..' and location of error message} var@!k,@!l: 0..buf_size; {indices into |buffer|} begin @<Print error location based on input buffer@>; update_terminal; mark_error; end; @ The error locations can be indicated by using the global variables |loc| and |line|, which tell respectively the first unlooked-at position in |buffer| and the current line number. This routine should be modified on systems whose standard text editor has special line-numbering conventions. @^system dependencies@> @<Print error location based on input buffer@>= begin print('. ('); print_ln('l.', line:1, ')'); if loc>=limit then l:=limit else l:=loc; for k:=1 to l do if buffer[k-1]=@'10 then print(' ') {tab becomes space} else print(xchr[buffer[k-1]]); {print the characters already read} new_line; for k:=1 to l do print(' '); {space out the next line} for k:=l+1 to limit do print(xchr[buffer[k-1]]); {print the part not yet read} print(' '); {this space separates the message from future dots} end @ The |jump_out| procedure just cuts across all active procedure levels and jumps out of the program. This is the only non-local \&{goto} statement in \.{PROFILE}. It is used when no recovery from a particular error has been provided. Some \PASCAL\ compilers do not implement non-local |goto| statements. @^system dependencies@> In such cases the code that appears at label |end_of_PROFILE| should be copied into the |jump_out| procedure, followed by a call to a system procedure that terminates the program. @d fatal_error(#)==begin new_line; print(#); error; mark_fatal; jump_out; end @<Error handling...@>= procedure jump_out; begin goto end_of_PROFILE; end; @ Sometimes the program's behavior is far different from what it should be, and \.{PROFILE} prints an error message that is really for the \.{PROFILE} maintenance person, not the user. In such cases the program says |confusion('indication of where we are')|. @d confusion(#)==fatal_error('! This can''t happen (',#,')') @.This can't happen@> @ An overflow stop occurs if \.{PROFILE}'s tables aren't large enough. @d overflow(#)==fatal_error('! Sorry, ',#,' capacity exceeded') @.Sorry, x capacity exceeded@> @* The dynamic memory. A large array called |mem| is used for general-purpose list manipulations. Each word of this array contains either a single integer or two halfwords. Halfwords are used to hold pointers or numeric data, as is usual in list processing. As in \TeX82, halfwords are assumed to contain values between |min_halfword| and |max_halfword|; these quantities should be defined so that \PASCAL\ packs two halfwords into the space of an |integer|. A null pointer is represented by |null|, which is defined to be |min_halfword|, the index of the smallest word in |mem|. @d min_halfword==0 @d max_halfword==65535 @d null==min_halfword @<Types...@>= @!halfword=min_halfword..max_halfword;@/ @!pointer=null..mem_size;@/ @!two_halves=packed record @!lh,@!rh:halfword; end; @!memory_word=record case boolean of false:(@!int:integer); true:(@!hh:two_halves); end; @ We use the notations |info(p)| and |link(p)| to stand for the halfwords in |mem[p]|; or |val(p)| to stand for the fullword integer value stored there. The largest |mem| index used so far is called |mem_end|. Available locations |<=mem_end| are maintained in a list |avail|, |link(avail)|, |link(link(avail))|, \dots; when this list is empty, we have |avail=null|. @d info(#)==mem[#].hh.lh {the ``left'' halfword in a given node} @d link(#)==mem[#].hh.rh {the ``right'' halfword in a given node} @d val(#)==mem[#].int {the memory word as a (possibly signed) integer} @<Glob...@>= @!mem: array[pointer] of memory_word; {dynamic all-purpose memory} @!mem_end:pointer; {we haven't touched |mem[mem_end+1..mem_size]|} @!avail:pointer; {head of available space stack} @ @<Set init...@>= mem_end:=null; avail:=null; @ The function |get_avail| returns a pointer to a new word whose |link| field is null. An overflow stop occurs if no room is left. @<Memory manage...@>= function get_avail:pointer; {allocation} var p:pointer; {the new node} begin p:=avail; {get top location in |avail| stack} if p<>null then avail:=link(p) {and pop it off} else if mem_end<mem_size then {or go into virgin territory} begin incr(mem_end); p:=mem_end; end else overflow('memory'); link(p):=null; get_avail:=p; end; @ Conversely, word |p| can be recycled by calling |free_avail(p)|. (\.{PROFILE} doesn't bother to free up everything it could, but it does use |free_avail| for things that are likely to consume a lot of memory.) @d free_avail(#)=={liberation} begin link(#):=avail; avail:=#; end @* Identifiers. There's a separate memory for identifier names; such names will never be deleted after they've been inserted. \.{PROFILE}'s name memory is implemented essentially as \TeX's string pool: Name number~|k| consists of characters |id_start[k]| through |id_start[k+1]-1|, inclusive, of the |id_pool| array. Uppercase letters have been converted to their lowercase counterparts before being stored in |id_pool|. @<Types...@>= @!id_pointer=0..max_names; @!pool_pointer=0..pool_size; @ The variables |pool_ptr| and |id_ptr| are used to allocate space in |id_pool| and |id_start|, respectively. The ``meaning'' of identifier number |k| is stored in |equiv[k]|; it consists of two halfwords called |id_code(k)| and |id_aux(k)|. @d length(#)==(id_start[#+1]-id_start[#]) @d id_code(#)==equiv[#].lh @d id_aux(#)==equiv[#].rh @<Glob...@>= @!id_pool:packed array[pool_pointer] of ASCII_code; {the characters} @!id_start:array[id_pointer] of pool_pointer; {the starting pointers} @!pool_ptr:pool_pointer; {the first unused position in |id_pool|} @!id_ptr:id_pointer; {the highest used position in |id_start|} @!equiv:array[id_pointer] of two_halves; {the equivalents} @ The first 128 ``identifiers'' are one character long, and they represent themselves. (This is an exception to the lowercase-only convention stated earlier.) Undefined entries have |id_code=undefined| and |id_aux=0|. @d undefined=34 {this should be greater than reserved word codes that follow!} @<Set init...@>= id_code(0):=undefined; id_aux(0):=0; {set up |equiv[0]|} for i:=0 to 127 do begin id_start[i]:=i; id_pool[i]:=i; equiv[i]:=equiv[0]; end; id_start[128]:=128; id_ptr:=128; pool_ptr:=128; @ A hash table is used to help locate identifiers that are more than one character long. If |hash[k]| is nonzero, it points to such an identifier. Two global variables called |id_first| and |id_loc| are used to specify buffer locations when an identifier needs to be located. @<Glob...@>= @!hash:array[id_pointer] of id_pointer; {hash table for linear probing} @!id_first,id_loc:0..buf_size; {starting and ending locations in |buffer|} @ @<Set init...@>= for i:=0 to max_names do hash[i]:=0; @ The |id_lookup| procedure finds a given identifier and returns a pointer to its index in |id_start|. The identifier to be found appears in locations |id_first| through |id_loc-1|, inclusive, of the |buffer| array. It is possible to overflow the pool capacity or the name capacity. But the hash table will never fill up, because the first 128 names have been kept out of that table. @p function id_lookup:id_pointer; {finds the current identifier} label found; var i:0..buf_size; {index into |buffer|} @!h:id_pointer; {hash code} @!k:pool_pointer; {index into |id_pool|} @!l:0..buf_size; {length of the given identifier} @!p:id_pointer; {where it is being sought} begin l:=id_loc-id_first; if l=1 then p:=buffer[id_first] else begin @<Compute the hash code, |h|@>; @<Compute the id pointer, |p|@>; end; id_lookup:=p; end; @ A simple hash code is used: If the sequence of ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_m$, its hash value will be $$(2^{n-1}c_1+2^{n-2}c_2+\cdots+c_n)\,\bmod\,|max_names|.$$ (That's why |max_names| is supposed to be prime.) @<Compute the hash...@>= h:=buffer[id_first]; i:=id_first+1; while i<id_loc do begin h:=(h+h+buffer[i]) mod max_names; incr(i); end @ @<Compute the id...@>= loop@+ begin p:=hash[h]; if p=0 then @<Enter a new name into the hash table at position~|h| and |goto found|@>; if length(p)=l then @<Compare name |p| with the current identifier; |goto found| if equal@>; if h=0 then h:=max_names@+else decr(h); end; found: @ @<Enter a new name...@>= begin if pool_ptr+l>pool_size then overflow('name pool'); if id_ptr=max_names then overflow('names'); i:=id_first; while i<id_loc do begin id_pool[pool_ptr]:=buffer[i]; incr(i); incr(pool_ptr); end; p:=id_ptr; hash[h]:=p; equiv[p]:=equiv[0]; {the new identifier is |undefined|} incr(id_ptr); id_start[id_ptr]:=pool_ptr; goto found; end @ @<Compare name |p|...@>= begin i:=id_first; k:=id_start[p]; while (i<id_loc)and(buffer[i]=id_pool[k]) do begin incr(i); incr(k); end; if i=id_loc then goto found; {all characters agree} end @* Initializing the table of reserved words. The reserved words of \PASCAL\ (e.g., `\&{begin}') are given distinctive |id_code| values (e.g., `|begin_code|'). All reserved words whose code value is between |min_blank_left| and |max_blank_left| will be preceded by a blank space in \.{PROFILE}'s output; all reserved words whose code value is between |min_blank_right| and |max_blank_right| will be followed by a blank space. @d array_code=1 { \&{array} } @d file_code=2 { \&{file} } @d nil_code=3 { \&{nil} } @d set_code=4 { \&{set} } @d end_code=5 { \&{end} } @# @d min_blank_left=6 @d do_code=6 { \&{do} } @d then_code=7 { \&{then} } @# @d min_blank_right=8 @d and_code=8 { \&{and} } @d div_or_mod_code=9 { \&{div}, \&{mod} } @d to_or_downto_code=10 { \&{downto}, \&{to} } @d in_code=11 { \&{in} } @d of_code=12 { \&{of} } @d or_code=13 { \&{or} } @d max_blank_left=13 @# @d begin_code=14 { \&{begin} } @d case_code=15 { \&{case} } @d const_code=16 { \&{const} } @d else_code=17 { \&{else} } @d for_code=18 { \&{for} } @d function_code=19 { \&{function} } @d procedure_code=function_code+1 { \&{procedure} } @d goto_code=21 { \&{goto} } @d if_code=22 { \&{if} } @d label_code=23 { \&{label} } @d not_code=24 { \&{not} } @d packed_code=25 { \&{packed} } @d program_code=26 { \&{program} } @d record_code=27 { \&{record} } @d repeat_code=28 { \&{repeat} } @d type_code=29 { \&{type} } @d until_code=30 { \&{until} } @d var_code=31 { \&{var} } @d while_code=32 { \&{while} } @d with_code=33 { \&{with}---not currently implemented } @d max_blank_right=33 @d aa=34 {the next code defined below will be |aa+1|} {note that |@!undefined=34|} @ We have to get \PASCAL's reserved words into the hash table, and the simplest way to do this is to insert them every time \.{PROFILE} is run. A few macros permit us to do the initialization with a compact program. @d sid_tail_tail(#)==id_aux(cur_name):=# @d sid_tail(#)==id_code(cur_name):=#;sid_tail_tail @d sid9(#)==buffer[9]:=#;cur_name:=id_lookup;sid_tail @d sid8(#)==buffer[8]:=#;sid9 @d sid7(#)==buffer[7]:=#;sid8 @d sid6(#)==buffer[6]:=#;sid7 @d sid5(#)==buffer[5]:=#;sid6 @d sid4(#)==buffer[4]:=#;sid5 @d sid3(#)==buffer[3]:=#;sid4 @d sid2(#)==buffer[2]:=#;sid3 @d sid1(#)==buffer[1]:=#;sid2 @d id2==id_first:=8; sid8 @d id3==id_first:=7; sid7 @d id4==id_first:=6; sid6 @d id5==id_first:=5; sid5 @d id6==id_first:=4; sid4 @d id7==id_first:=3; sid3 @d id8==id_first:=2; sid2 @d id9==id_first:=1; sid1 @<Globals...@>= @!cur_name:id_pointer; {points to the identifier just inserted} @ The intended use of the macros above might not be immediately obvious, but the riddle is answered by the following: @<Set up all the reserved words and predefined identifiers@>= id_loc:=10; {the longest word has 9 characters} id3("a")("n")("d")(and_code)(0);@/ id5("a")("r")("r")("a")("y")(array_code)(0);@/ id5("b")("e")("g")("i")("n")(begin_code)(0);@/ id4("c")("a")("s")("e")(case_code)(0);@/ id5("c")("o")("n")("s")("t")(const_code)(0);@/ id3("d")("i")("v")(div_or_mod_code)(0);@/ id2("d")("o")(do_code)(0);@/ id6("d")("o")("w")("n")("t")("o")(to_or_downto_code)(1);@/ id4("e")("l")("s")("e")(else_code)(0);@/ id3("e")("n")("d")(end_code)(0);@/ id4("f")("i")("l")("e")(file_code)(0);@/ id3("f")("o")("r")(for_code)(0);@/ id8("f")("u")("n")("c")("t")("i")("o")("n")(function_code)(0);@/ id4("g")("o")("t")("o")(goto_code)(0);@/ id2("i")("f")(if_code)(0);@/ id2("i")("n")(in_code)(0);@/ id5("l")("a")("b")("e")("l")(label_code)(0);@/ id3("m")("o")("d")(div_or_mod_code)(1);@/ id3("n")("i")("l")(nil_code)(0);@/ id3("n")("o")("t")(not_code)(0);@/ id2("o")("f")(of_code)(0);@/ id2("o")("r")(or_code)(0);@/ id6("p")("a")("c")("k")("e")("d")(packed_code)(0);@/ id9("p")("r")("o")("c")("e")("d")("u")("r")("e")(procedure_code)(0);@/ id7("p")("r")("o")("g")("r")("a")("m")(program_code)(0);@/ id6("r")("e")("c")("o")("r")("d")(record_code)(0);@/ id6("r")("e")("p")("e")("a")("t")(repeat_code)(0);@/ id3("s")("e")("t")(set_code)(0);@/ id4("t")("h")("e")("n")(then_code)(0);@/ id2("t")("o")(to_or_downto_code)(0);@/ id4("t")("y")("p")("e")(type_code)(0);@/ id5("u")("n")("t")("i")("l")(until_code)(0);@/ id3("v")("a")("r")(var_code)(0);@/ id5("w")("h")("i")("l")("e")(while_code)(0);@/ id4("w")("i")("t")("h")(with_code)(0);@/ @ A large number of other predeclared identifiers also need to be entered into the hash table. Most of these will be discussed later; the word |forward| is entered here: @<Set up all...@>= id7("f")("o")("r")("w")("a")("r")("d")(undefined)(0); fwd_loc:=cur_name; @ @<Glob...@>= @!fwd_loc:id_pointer; {location of |forward| in the lookup table} @* Representation of types. The rich type structures of \PASCAL\ must be represented inside of \.{PROFILE} since it is necessary to understand all of the identifiers and variables that come along. We represent a type by a memory word whose |info| field identifies a particular sort of type; the |link| field is an auxiliary argument in case the type has further structure. The rules for each type are given below, assuming that |t| points to a memory word representing the type in question. Predefined types are placed into |mem| locations |real_loc|, etc. @<Glob...@>= @!real_loc:pointer; {where |real| type lives in |mem|} @!char_loc:pointer; {|char| type} @!int_loc:pointer; {|integer| type} @!bool_loc:pointer; {|boolean| type} @!text_loc:pointer; {|text| type} @!nil_loc:pointer; {|nil| type} @!file_loc:pointer; {|file| type} @!string_loc:pointer; {|string| type} @!zero_loc:pointer; {the value 0} @!one_loc:pointer; {the value 1} @!extra_loc:pointer; {extra parameters} @ The |initialize| procedure is declared after |get_avail|, and we have already specified the initialization of |get_avail|; therefore it's possible to allocate words of |mem| as part of the work of initialization. Pointer variables |p| and |q| are used for this purpose. @<Local variables for init...@>= @!p,@!q:pointer; {used to construct predeclared information} @ First come the standard simple types |real| and |char|, which are represented by |info(t)=real_type| and |info(t)=char_type|, respectively; in both cases |link(t)=null|. A subrange type of integers |a..b| is represented by |info(t)=int_type|, |val(info(link(t)))=a|, and |val(link(link(t)))=b|. An enumerated type such as $(\\{red},\\{yellow},\\{blue})$ is effectively replaced by a subrange type $\\{red}\to\\{blue}$, accompanied by the constant definitions $\\{red}=0$, $\\{yellow}=1$, $\\{blue}=2$. The standard simple types |integer| and |boolean| are treated as |-max_int..max_int| and |(false,true)|, respectively. @d real_type=1 {identifies |real| type} @d char_type=2 {identifies |char| type} @d int_type=3 {identifies integer subrange type} @<Set init...@>= real_loc:=get_avail; info(real_loc):=real_type;@/ char_loc:=get_avail; info(char_loc):=char_type;@/ @# int_loc:=get_avail; info(int_loc):=int_type; p:=get_avail; link(int_loc):=p;@/ q:=get_avail; val(q):=-max_int; info(p):=q;@/ q:=get_avail; val(q):=max_int; link(p):=q;@/ @# bool_loc:=get_avail; info(bool_loc):=int_type; p:=get_avail; link(bool_loc):=p;@/ zero_loc:=get_avail; val(zero_loc):=0; info(p):=zero_loc;@/ one_loc:=get_avail; val(one_loc):=1; link(p):=one_loc; @ Structured types are represented by |info(t)=array_type|, |record_type|, |set_type|, or |file_type| codes, or these same codes plus~1 if the structure is \&{packed}. The value of |link(t)| is |null| if the type is not further specified (e.g., if a standard procedure takes any \&{file} as a parameter). Otherwise, in the case of an array, |info(link(t))| points to the index type (which will be a special case of |int_type| or |char_type|), and |link(link(t))| points to the component type (which might be another array). In the case of a record, we retain only the names and types of fields that might be used, not the particular way they might occur as variants. For example, $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfill\cr \&{record} |a:real|;\cr \quad\&{case} |b:boolean| \&{of}\cr \quad\\{false}: (\ignorespaces |c,d:integer|; \&{case} \\{integer} of |0:(e:real)|);\cr \quad\\{true}: (\ignorespaces |f:packed file of set of char|)\cr \quad\&{end}\cr}}$$ will have the same representation as $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfill\cr \&{record} |a:real|; |b:boolean|; |c,d:integer|;\cr \quad |e:real|; |f:packed file of set of char|;\cr \quad\&{end}\cr}}$$ inside of \.{PROFILE}. A list of fields starts at |link(t)|. If |u| points to a node of this field list, |info(info(u))| points to the field name, |link(info(u))| to the field type, and |link(u)| to the next node in the list. For set and file types, |link(t)| points to the base type involved. Thus, for example, a |packed file of set of char| would have |info(t)=packed_file_type|, |info(link(t))=set_type|, and |info(link(link(t)))=char_type|. The standard file type |text| is considered to yield a |file of char|, as far as \.{PROFILE} is concerned. A more-or-less standard type |string| is introduced to represent `\ignorespaces|packed array[1..n] of char|\unskip' where |n| is unspecified. @d array_type=4 @d packed_array_type=array_type+1 @d record_type=6 @d packed_record_type=record_type+1 @d set_type=8 @d packed_set_type=set_type+1 @d file_type=10 @d packed_file_type=file_type+1 @<Set init...@>= text_loc:=get_avail; info(text_loc):=file_type; link(text_loc):=char_loc;@/ file_loc:=get_avail; info(file_loc):=file_type; {|link(file_loc)=null|} string_loc:=get_avail; info(string_loc):=packed_array_type; p:=get_avail; link(string_loc):=p; q:=get_avail; info(p):=q; link(p):=char_loc; p:=get_avail; info(q):=int_type; link(q):=p; info(p):=one_loc; {|link(q)=null|} @ Finally, a pointer type like `|^|\\{person}' is represented by |info(t)=pointer_type|, with |link(t)| pointing to the identifier, `\\{person}'. Or |link(t)=null|, in the case of the type corresponding to the standard pointer value |nil|. @d pointer_type=12 @<Set init...@>= nil_loc:=get_avail; info(nil_loc):=pointer_type; @* Identifier interpretation. The equivalent of each identifier consists of two halfwords called the |id_code| and |id_aux|, as we have seen. When an identifier is declared, its equivalent is redefined; and the old value is saved for future restoration if this declaration is not in the outer block. The |id_code| might be |undefined| or it might be one of the codes like |while_code| for a reserved word; or it might be one of the codes for non-reserved words that we are about to discuss. @ A constant declaration like `\&{const} |a=3|' will be recorded as |id_code=small_const| and |id_aux=3|. But if the constant is negative or greater than 9999, the |id_code| will be |int_const| and the |id_aux| will point to a |mem| word whose |val| is the constant value. Real constants simply have |id_code=real_const| and |id_aux=null|; string constants simply have |id_code=string_const| and |id_aux| the string length. \.{PROFILE} doesn't keep track of the precise values of real and string constants. A type definition like `\&{type} |b=array[1..3] of char|' will be recorded as |id_code=defined_type|; |id_aux| will point to the type representation (in this case a node whose |info| is |array_type| and whose |link| points to a node whose |info| points to a type specification of |1..3| and whose link is |char_loc|). A \&{var} declaration like `\&{var} |c:integer|' will be recorded as |id_code=variable| and |id_aux=int_loc|. @d min_case_label=aa+1 {the following codes have been carefully ordered!} @d small_const=aa+1 @d int_const=aa+2 @d plus_or_minus=aa+3 {this occurs in front of case-label constants} @d string_const=aa+4 @d bool_const=aa+5 @d max_case_label=aa+5 @d real_const=aa+6 @d defined_type=aa+7 @d variable=aa+8 @<Set up all...@>= id5("f")("a")("l")("s")("e")(bool_const)(0);@/ id4("t")("r")("u")("e")(bool_const)(1);@/ p:=get_avail; val(p):=max_int; id6("m")("a")("x")("i")("n")("t")(int_const)(p);@/ id7("i")("n")("t")("e")("g")("e")("r")(defined_type)(int_loc);@/ id7("b")("o")("o")("l")("e")("a")("n")(defined_type)(bool_loc);@/ id4("r")("e")("a")("l")(defined_type)(real_loc);@/ id4("c")("h")("a")("r")(defined_type)(char_loc);@/ id6("s")("t")("r")("i")("n")("g")(defined_type)(string_loc);@/ id4("t")("e")("x")("t")(defined_type)(text_loc);@/ id5("i")("n")("p")("u")("t")(variable)(text_loc);@/ id6("o")("u")("t")("p")("u")("t")(variable)(text_loc);@/ id3("t")("t")("y")(variable)(text_loc);@/ id6("o")("t")("h")("e")("r")("s")(small_const)(6969); {label for |@!othercases|\unskip} @ @<Glob...@>= @!p,@!q,@!r:pointer; {for list manipulation} @ A procedure declaration causes |id_code| to be |procedure_id|, and |id_aux| will point to a list of nodes that specify the parameters. A function declaration is similar, but |id_aux| points to a word whose |info| points to the result type and whose |link| points to the parameter specification list. For each node |q| on the parameter specification list, |info(q)| points to a node whose |info| and |link| fields correspond to the |id_code| and |id_aux| of the parameter itself. This is best explained by an example. Consider the procedure heading $$\hbox{\&{procedure} |b(function f(x:char):boolean; x,y:integer; var@?z:real)|.}$$ This defines the identifier |b|, and (one level deeper) also |f|, |x|, |y|, and |z|. The |x| inside |f| is a dummy name of no importance. The |id_code| for |f| will be |function_id|; and its |id_aux| will point to~|p|, where |info(p)=bool_loc| and |link(p)=q|, and where |info(q)=r| and |link(q)=null|, and where |info(r)=variable| and |link(r)=char_loc|. The |id_code| for |x| and |y| will be |variable| and the |id_aux| will be |int_loc|. The |id_code| for |z| will be |var_param| and the |id_aux| will be |real_loc|. Finally, the |id_code| for |b| will be |procedure_id|, and its |id_aux| will point to a list of four items, pointing to nodes that copy the |equiv| table entries of |f|, |x|, |y|, and~|z|. If we had a more complex definition like $$\hbox{\&{procedure} \\{big}(\&{procedure} $b$ [as above])}$$ the data structure for |b| would be the same, but no declarations of |f|, |x|, |y|, or~|z| would be made. @d function_id=aa+9 @d procedure_id=function_id+1 @d terminal_procedure_id=procedure_id+1 {declared with `\.{\{\^\}}'} @d var_param=aa+12 @ As an example of procedure representation, let us put |call_i| into the symbol table. This is a nonstandard procedure available in Hedrick's \PASCAL; it calls an arbitrary monitor routine. The calling sequence is essentially the same as if the declaration had been $$\hbox{|procedure call_i(c,lh,rh:integer;var@?v,s:integer)|}$$ and \.{PROFILE} adds no extra run time for execution of |call_i|. @<Set up all...@>= q:=get_avail; info(q):=variable; link(q):=int_loc; {integer parameter} r:=get_avail; {this will be the argument list head} p:=r; info(p):=q; link(p):=get_avail; {first argument} p:=link(p); info(p):=q; link(p):=get_avail; {second argument} p:=link(p); info(p):=q; link(p):=get_avail; {third argument} q:=get_avail; info(q):=var_param; link(q):=int_loc; {\&{var} integer parameter} p:=link(p); info(p):=q; link(p):=get_avail; {fourth argument} p:=link(p); info(p):=q; {fifth and last argument} id5("c")("a")("l")("l")("i")(procedure_id)(r); @ Standard procedures like `|read|' can have two other sorts of parameters not available to ordinary programmers. If the |info| field of an argument is |optional_file_param|, it means that a default file variable will be inserted as an argument if the procedure call does not have a file argument in the current position; the |link| field contains the runtime estimate. If the |info| field is |spec_param|, the argument is allowed to be of any type; in this case the |link| field points to a list of extra runtime weights that apply if the actual parameter is of type |char|, |integer|, |real|, \&{array}, or other, respectively. (These weights include the |store_cost|; and if the first parameter is a |spec_param|, the weight also includes the calling overhead.) A |spec_param| is optional; if |info(info(p))=spec_param| in a procedure's argument list, then |link(p)=p|; i.e., the argument list is arbitrarily long. If the result type of a function is |null|, the function returns the type of its last argument. @d optional_file_param=aa+13 @d spec_param=aa+14 @d bb=aa+14 {the next code defined below will be |bb+1|} @ Here are the standard functions of \PASCAL, and a few nonstandard ones needed for system programming (available in Hedrick's \PASCAL\ system). We set things up so that, e.g., |abs|, looks like a function call (even though the compiler expands it in-line). @d constant_spec(#)== r:=get_avail; q:=get_avail; info(q):=spec_param; info(r):=q; link(r):=r; p:=get_avail; link(q):=p; link(p):=p; info(p):=# @d file_spec(#)== p:=get_avail; q:=get_avail; info(p):=q; link(p):=extra_loc; info(q):=optional_file_param; link(q):=# @<Set up all...@>= constant_spec(fetch_cost+store_cost); extra_loc:=r; constant_spec(unary_cost); {now |r| represents |spec_param| with |unary_cost|} p:=get_avail; info(p):=null; link(p):=r; {unspecified result type} id3("a")("b")("s")(function_id)(p);@/ id4("p")("r")("e")("d")(function_id)(p);@/ id4("s")("u")("c")("c")(function_id)(p);@/ p:=get_avail; info(p):=bool_loc; link(p):=r; {|boolean| result} id3("o")("d")("d")(function_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(real_mult_cost); p:=get_avail; info(p):=null; link(p):=r; {unspecified result type} id3("s")("q")("r")(function_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(ord_chr_cost); p:=get_avail; info(p):=int_loc; link(p):=r; {|integer| result} id3("o")("r")("d")(function_id)(p);@/ p:=get_avail; info(p):=char_loc; link(p):=r; {|char| result} id3("c")("h")("r")(function_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(int_real_cost); p:=get_avail; info(p):=int_loc; link(p):=r; {|integer| result} id5("r")("o")("u")("n")("d")(function_id)(p);@/ id5("t")("r")("u")("n")("c")(function_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(transcendental_cost); p:=get_avail; info(p):=real_loc; link(p):=r; {|real| result} id6("a")("r")("c")("t")("a")("n")(function_id)(p);@/ id3("s")("i")("n")(function_id)(p);@/ id3("c")("o")("s")(function_id)(p);@/ id3("e")("x")("p")(function_id)(p);@/ id2("l")("n")(function_id)(p);@/ id4("s")("q")("r")("t")(function_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(eof_cost); p:=get_avail; info(p):=bool_loc; link(p):=r; {|boolean| result} id3("e")("o")("f")(function_id)(p);@/ id4("e")("o")("l")("n")(function_id)(p);@/ q:=get_avail; info(q):=file_loc; p:=get_avail; info(p):=int_loc; link(p):=q; {maps |file| to |integer|} id6("c")("u")("r")("p")("o")("s")(function_id)(p);@/ @ Similarly, here are the standard procedures. @<Set up all...@>= constant_spec(new_cost); id3("n")("e")("w")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id7("d")("i")("s")("p")("o")("s")("e")(procedure_id)(r);@/ file_spec(open_cost);@/ id5("r")("e")("s")("e")("t")(procedure_id)(p);@/ id7("r")("e")("w")("r")("i")("t")("e")(procedure_id)(p);@/ file_spec(close_cost);@/ id5("c")("l")("o")("s")("e")(procedure_id)(r);@/ file_spec(0);@/ id5("b")("r")("e")("a")("k")(procedure_id)(p);@/ file_spec(break_in_cost);@/ id7("b")("r")("e")("a")("k")("i")("n")(procedure_id)(p);@/ constant_spec(get_put_cost); id3("g")("e")("t")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id3("p")("u")("t")(procedure_id)(r);@/ constant_spec((pack_cost div 3));@/ id4("p")("a")("c")("k")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id6("u")("n")("p")("a")("c")("k")(procedure_id)(r);@/ p:=get_avail; info(p):=optional_file_param; link(p):=0; r:=get_avail; info(r):=p; p:=get_avail; link(r):=p; link(p):=p; q:=get_avail; info(p):=q; info(q):=spec_param;@/ link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=char_string_cost;@/ link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=int_string_cost;@/ link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=real_string_cost;@/ link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=array_string_cost;@/ link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=int_string_cost;@/ id4("r")("e")("a")("d")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id6("r")("e")("a")("d")("l")("n")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id5("w")("r")("i")("t")("e")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id7("w")("r")("i")("t")("e")("l")("n")(procedure_id)(r);@/ id4("p")("a")("g")("e")(procedure_id)(r);@/ @ Identifier equivalents are saved and restored by means of `|save_stack|'. The variable |save_ptr| points to the first unused location on this stack; and |save_ptr=save_base+2n|, when |n| equivalents are to be restored at the end of the current block. Location |save_base-1| contains the previous value of |save_base|, if |save_base>0|; we have |save_base>0| if and only if definitions are to be saved, i.e., if and only if we are not making a definition at the outermost level. A saved definition occupies two words on the save stack: First comes the old value of |equiv[n]| and then the value of |n|. @<Glob...@>= @!save_stack:array[0..save_size] of memory_word; @!save_ptr:0..save_size; {number of locations used in |save_stack|} @!save_base:0..save_size; {bottom of current level} @ The three operations we need for |save_stack| maintenance are really simple. @p procedure save(n:id_pointer); begin if save_base>0 then begin if save_ptr+2>save_size then overflow('save stack'); save_stack[save_ptr].hh:=equiv[n]; save_stack[save_ptr+1].int:=n; save_ptr:=save_ptr+2; end; end; @# procedure push_save_stack; begin if save_ptr+1>save_size then overflow('save stack'); save_stack[save_ptr].int:=save_base; incr(save_ptr); save_base:=save_ptr; end; @# procedure unsave; var n:id_pointer; begin while save_ptr>save_base do begin save_ptr:=save_ptr-2; n:=save_stack[save_ptr+1].int; equiv[n]:=save_stack[save_ptr].hh; end; decr(save_ptr); save_base:=save_stack[save_ptr].int; end; @* Frequencies and weights. An operation of weight $w$ that is performed $f$ times contributes a total of $w\cdot f$ to the running time. Both $w$ and $f$ are integers, but the product $w\cdot f$ will be recorded as a floating-point quantity. (This avoids the need for multiple precision arithmetic; after all, the weights are only approximate.) If we are currently in \.{WEB} sections $m_1$, \dots, $m_k$ (from the ``outside in''), the product $w\cdot f$ is be added to the explicit cost of section $m_k$ and to the implicit cost of sections $m_1$, \dots, $m_{k-1}$. By convention, $m_1$ is always zero; hence the dummy section~0 will be credited with all accumulated costs. A stack is maintained with |info(sec_ptr)=@t$m_k$@>|, |info(link(sec_ptr))=@t$m_{k-1}$@>|, etc. @<Glob...@>= @!impl_cost,@!expl_cost:array[0..max_modules] of real; {accumulated implicit and explicit runtime estimates} @!static_weight:array[0..max_modules] of integer; {accumulated weight without regard to frequency} @!max_section:0..max_modules; {maximum section number whose weight has been recorded} @!sec_ptr:pointer; {top of the stack of current section numbers} @ @<Set init...@>= for i:=0 to max_modules do begin impl_cost[i]:=0.0; expl_cost[i]:=0.0; static_weight[i]:=0; end; sec_ptr:=get_avail; info(sec_ptr):=0; max_section:=0; @ The stack of section numbers is kept up to date by two fairly simple procedures. Mismatched numbers (e.g., \.{\{123:\}\{:124\}}) are not permitted. @p procedure push_section(@!m:halfword); var p:pointer; begin if m>max_section then begin if m>max_modules then overflow('section'); max_section:=m; end; p:=get_avail; info(p):=m; link(p):=sec_ptr; sec_ptr:=p; end; @# procedure pop_section(@!m:halfword); var p:pointer; begin if (m=0)or(info(sec_ptr)<>m) then fatal_error('WEB sections don''t match, should be ',info(sec_ptr):1); @.WEB sections don't match@> p:=sec_ptr; sec_ptr:=link(p); free_avail(p); end; @ If \.{PROFILE}'s frequency assumptions are correct, the program component that it is currently processing was executed |cur_freq| times. Another global quantity, |out_wt|, contains the total weight that has not yet been reported in the |output| file. @<Glob...@>= @!cur_freq:integer; {the current frequency} @!out_wt: integer; {accumulated weight to show on the next output line} @ @<Set init...@>= cur_freq:=0; out_wt:=0; @ Here is the procedure that multiplies the current frequency by a given weight and adds it to all appropriate subtotals. @p procedure add_weight(@!w:integer); var p,@!q: pointer; {for list manipulation} @!wf:real; {weight times frequency} begin out_wt:=out_wt+w; static_weight[info(sec_ptr)]:=static_weight[info(sec_ptr)]+w; wf:=w; wf:=wf*cur_freq; expl_cost[info(sec_ptr)]:=expl_cost[info(sec_ptr)]+wf;@/ p:=link(sec_ptr); while p<>null do begin impl_cost[info(p)]:=impl_cost[info(p)]+wf; p:=link(p); end; end; @ After the weights have all been gathered, it's time to massage them a bit and sort them, then publish the output. @<Glob...@>= @!h,@!i,@!j,@!k,@!nn:0..max_modules; {variables to control sorting, etc.} @!x:array[0..max_modules] of 0..max_modules; {sections being sorted} @!factor:real; {multiply by this to get percentage of total weight} @!c:real; {temporary placeholder for a sort key} @!m:0..max_modules; {ditto} @ @<Output the accumulated statistics@>= begin for k:=0 to max_section do impl_cost[k]:=impl_cost[k]+expl_cost[k]; if impl_cost[0]=0.0 then begin print_nl('Total weight was zero.'); mark_harmless; @.Total weight was...@> end else begin factor:=100.0/impl_cost[0]; page; write_ln('Accumulated costs of individual WEB sections:'); write_ln; write_ln('secno','implicit cost':17,'% ':9,'explicit cost':17,'% ':9, 'static weight'); write_ln; for k:=0 to max_section do if (impl_cost[k]<>0.0)or(static_weight[k]<>0) then write_ln(k:5,impl_cost[k]:17:1,factor*impl_cost[k]:9:4, expl_cost[k]:17:1,factor*expl_cost[k]:9:4, static_weight[k]:13); print_nl('Sorting...'); update_terminal; @<Sort the sections in order of implicit cost@>; page; write_ln('WEB sections in order of implicit cost:'); write_ln; for k:=1 to nn do write_ln(x[k]:5,impl_cost[x[k]]:17:1, factor*impl_cost[x[k]]:9:4); @<Sort the sections in order of explicit cost@>; page; write_ln('WEB sections in order of explicit cost:'); write_ln; for k:=1 to nn do write_ln(x[k]:5,expl_cost[x[k]]:17:1, factor*expl_cost[x[k]]:9:4); print('Done.'); end; end @ Standard ``Shellsort'' is used [{\sl Art of Computer Programming}, Algorithm 5.2.1D]. @<Sort the sections in order of impl...@>= nn:=0; for k:=0 to max_section do if impl_cost[k]<>0.0 then begin incr(nn); x[nn]:=k; end; @<Choose starting increment, |h|, for Shellsort@>; while h>0 do begin for j:=h+1 to nn do begin i:=j-h; m:=x[j]; c:=impl_cost[m]; if (c>impl_cost[x[i]])or((c=impl_cost[x[i]])and(m<x[i])) then repeat x[i+h]:=x[i]; x[i]:=m; if i>h then i:=i-h; until (c<=impl_cost[x[i]])and((c<>impl_cost[x[i]])or(m>=x[i])); end; h:=h div 3; end @ (See 5.2.1-(8) in {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}.) @<Choose starting increment...@>= h:=1; while h<nn do h:=3*h+1; h:=h div 9; if h=0 then h:=1; @ @<Sort the sections in order of expl...@>= nn:=0; for k:=0 to max_section do if expl_cost[k]<>0.0 then begin incr(nn); x[nn]:=k; end; @<Choose starting increment, |h|, for Shellsort@>; while h>0 do begin for j:=h+1 to nn do begin i:=j-h; m:=x[j]; c:=expl_cost[m]; if (c>expl_cost[x[i]])or((c=expl_cost[x[i]])and(m<x[i])) then repeat x[i+h]:=x[i]; x[i]:=m; if i>h then i:=i-h; until (c<=expl_cost[x[i]])and((c<>expl_cost[x[i]])or(m>=x[i])); end; h:=h div 3; end @* Low level output. A queue of data waiting to be output is maintained in a linked list that begins at location |link(head)| and ends at |tail|; the queue is empty if |head=tail|. We have |link(tail)=null| at all times. The entries in this list are either commands or identifier pointers; a command is recognized by the fact that it is |<=max_command|. Some commands take arguments, in which case the argument follows in the queue. We shall use the term ``translation list'' to refer to a sequence of commands and identifier pointers, because such lists are produced as output of the parsing routines that will be described later. \.{PROFILE}'s main activity is to parse the given \PASCAL\ program and to translate it into a translation list. @d append(#)==begin link(tail):=get_avail; tail:=link(tail); info(tail):=#; end @<Glob...@>= @!head,@!tail:pointer; {pointers for the main translation list} @ @<Set init...@>= head:=get_avail; tail:=head; @ The |out| macro puts a given item on the current translation list. @d out(#)== begin link(tail):=get_avail; tail:=link(tail); info(tail):=#; end @ Here is a list of all the commands that might appear in a translation list. @d verbatim=0 {entries up to the next |verbatim| should be output without a line break} @d begin_section=1 {output `\.\{$m$\.{:\}}', where $m$ is the next entry} @d end_section=2 {output `\.{\{:}$m$\.\}', where $m$ is the next entry} @d change_weight=3 {output `\.{\{+}$v$\.\}', where the next entry points to $v$} @d backspace=4 {back up one character, if at the left margin} @d indent=5 {increase indentation by one} @d outdent=6 {decrease indentation by one} @d all_caps=7 {add |"A"-"a"| to all characters of the next identifier} @d initial_cap=8 {add |"A"-"a"| to the first character of the next identifier} @d max_command=8 @ A global array |out_buf| is used to accumulate characters before they are printed. Output lines are indented by |cur_indent|. @<Glob...@>= @!cur_indent:0..out_buf_size; {indentation} @!out_buf:array[0..out_buf_size] of ASCII_code; {characters to be output} @!out_line:integer; {serial number of the next line of output} @ @<Set init...@>= cur_indent:=0; out_line:=1; @ The |flush_out| procedure outputs the current translation list and removes it from memory. If the list is empty, nothing happens. Otherwise one or more lines are output, with weight and frequency information placed on the final line (if |out_wt| and/or |cur_freq| are nonzero). @p procedure flush_out; label done; var p,@!q: pointer; {for list manipulation} @!i,@!j,@!k:0..out_buf_size; {indices into |out_buf|} @!t:pool_pointer; {index into |id_pool|} @!offset, @!next_offset:integer; {0 or |"A"-"a"|} @!n:halfword; {command or |id_pointer|} @!v,@!w:integer; {registers used in decimal output conversion} begin if tail<>head then begin p:=link(head); for k:=1 to cur_indent do out_buf[k-1]:=" "; k:=cur_indent; offset:=0; next_offset:=0; while p<>null do begin @<Put material corresponding to command~|p| into |out_buf|; also advance |p| to the last node of the command@>; q:=link(p); free_avail(p); p:=q; end; @<Write |out_buf|, |out_wt|, and |cur_freq|@>; tail:=head; end; end; @ Variable |k| represents the end of the buffer contents before a command is processed; variable~|j| represents the buffer's end after the command. @<Put material corr...@>= n:=info(p); j:=k; if n>max_command then @<Put an identifier into the buffer@> else case n of verbatim:@<Output entries verbatim@>; begin_section, end_section, change_weight: @<Output a special comment@>; backspace: if k>0 then if k=cur_indent then decr(j); indent: @<Increase |cur_indent|@>; outdent: @<Decrease |cur_indent|@>; all_caps: begin offset:="A"-"a"; next_offset:=offset; end; initial_cap: offset:="A"-"a"; {|next_offset=0|} end; {there are no other cases} if j>line_length then @<Write |out_buf[0..k-1]| and shift the remaining material left in the buffer@>; k:=j {this value is |<=line_length|} @ Lines that exceed |line_length| are broken, and excess material is indented by |cur_indent+2|. @<Write |out_buf[0..k-1]|...@>= begin for i:=0 to k-1 do write(xchr[out_buf[i]]); if out_line mod 5 = 0 then @<Fill out a broken line with leaders@> else write_ln; incr(out_line); for i:=1 to cur_indent+2 do out_buf[i-1]:=" "; i:=cur_indent+2; if j-(k-i)>line_length then overflow('line length'); while k<j do begin out_buf[i]:=out_buf[k]; incr(i); incr(k); end; j:=i; {|k| need not be reset} end; @ @<Write |out_buf|, |out_wt|, and |cur_freq|@>= if k>0 then begin for j:=0 to k-1 do write(xchr[out_buf[j]]); if out_line mod 5 = 0 then @<Fill out a normal line with leaders@> else begin if (out_wt<>0)or(cur_freq<>0) then begin if k<line_length then write(' ':line_length-k); write(out_wt:weight_length,cur_freq:freq_length); end; write_ln; end; out_wt:=0; incr(out_line); end @ @<Fill out a broken line...@>= begin for i:=k+1 to line_length+weight_length+freq_length do write('.'); write_ln; @<Check for end of page@>; end @ @<Check for end of page@>= if out_line mod 100 = 0 then begin print('.'); page; if out_line mod 500 = 0 then print(out_line:1); update_terminal; {progress report} end @ @<Fill out a normal line...@>= begin if (out_wt=0)and(cur_freq=0) then for i:=k+1 to line_length+weight_length+freq_length do write('.') else begin for i:=k+1 to line_length do write('.'); i:=weight_length-1;v:=10; while v<=out_wt do begin v:=10*v; decr(i); end; for j:=1 to i do write('.'); write(out_wt:1); i:=freq_length-1; v:=10; while v<=cur_freq do begin v:=10*v; decr(i); end; for j:=1 to i do write('.'); write(cur_freq:1); end; write_ln; @<Check for end of page@>; end @ @d put_out(#)==begin out_buf[j]:=#; incr(j); end @<Put an identifier into the buffer@>= begin for t:=id_start[n] to id_start[n+1]-1 do begin put_out(id_pool[t]+offset); offset:=next_offset; end; offset:=0; next_offset:=0; end @ Verbatim material should consist entirely of |ASCII_code| data. Nodes are deleted from |mem| as they are output. @<Output entries verbatim@>= begin loop@+begin q:=link(p); free_avail(p); p:=q; if info(p)=verbatim then goto done; put_out(info(p)); end; done: end @ @<Increase |cur_indent|@>= begin if k=cur_indent then begin put_out(" "); end; incr(cur_indent); if cur_indent+10>line_length then overflow('line length'); end @ @<Decrease |cur_indent|@>= begin if k=cur_indent then decr(j); decr(cur_indent); {the value will not be negative} end @ @<Output a special comment@>= begin q:=link(p); free_avail(p); p:=q; put_out("{"); if n=change_weight then begin v:=val(info(p)); free_avail(info(p)); if v>=0 then put_out("+") else begin put_out("-"); v:=-v; end; end else begin v:=info(p); if n=end_section then put_out(":"); end; @<Convert |v| to decimal@>; if n=begin_section then put_out(":"); put_out("}"); end @ @<Convert |v| to decimal@>= w:=10; while v>=w do w:=10*w; repeat w:=w div 10; put_out("0"+(v div w)); v:=v mod w; until w=1 {this is inefficient, but it works from left to right} @* Levels of translation. Translation lists are actually output only when \.{PROFILE} is operating on its ``outer level.'' Inner levels are also possible; for example, the parsing of an arithmetic expression might involve many levels. The global variables |head| and |tail| always refer to the translation list on the current level; a stack of other head-tail pairs is accessible via |head_ptr|. @<Glob...@>= @!head_ptr:pointer; {top of stack for pushed-down translation lists in progress} @!trans_head,@!trans_tail:pointer; {translation list just completed} @ @<Set init...@>= head_ptr:=null; @ To enter a new level of translation list building, there's a |push_level| subroutine: @p procedure push_level; var p,@!q:pointer; {two new nodes added to the stack} begin p:=get_avail; q:=get_avail; link(p):=q; link(q):=head_ptr; head_ptr:=p;@/ info(p):=head; info(q):=tail;@/ head:=get_avail; tail:=head; end; @ Conversely, when we lower the level, the current head and tail are placed in variables |trans_head| and |trans_tail|, respectively. @p procedure pop_level; var p,@!q:pointer; {two old nodes removed from the stack} begin trans_head:=head; trans_tail:=tail;@/ p:=head_ptr; q:=link(p); head_ptr:=link(q); head:=info(p); tail:=info(q); free_avail(p); free_avail(q); end; @ It is a simple matter to append the |trans_head/trans_tail| list to the current list: @p procedure app_trans; begin if trans_tail<>trans_head then begin link(tail):=link(trans_head); tail:=trans_tail; end; free_avail(trans_head); end; @* Getting the next token. A ``top down'' or ``recursive descent'' parsing strategy is used, in which the program has looked ahead one token in the input. A token is a special character like `\.+'; or a special pair of characters like `\.{<=}'; or a reserved word like `\.{ARRAY}'; or an identifier; or a numeric constant; or a string constant. Furthermore a token may be preceded by any number of blanks and/or comments enclosed in braces; blanks are removed, but the comments are considered to be part of the token. Whenever a token is acceptable to the syntax, that token is swallowed (never to be put back), and the program looks ahead for another token. This elementary lookahead is done by \.{PROFILE}'s |get_next| routine, which sets up several global variables to show what it has found: \smallskip \hang|cur_code| is the |id_code| of an identifier or reserved word, or a special code value like |plus_or_minus| for `\.{+}', |relation| for `\.{<=}', |real_const| for a real constant. \smallskip \hang|cur_aux| is the corresponding |id_aux|; or it's the ASCII character that has been encoded in |cur_code|. \smallskip \hang|cur_ptr| is zero or points to the identifier or reserved word whose |id_code| and |id_aux| are in |cur_code| and |cur_aux|. \smallskip \hang|cur_val| is the value of an integer constant, if |cur_code| is either |small_const| or |int_const|. \smallskip \hang|new_trans| is the head of a translation list for the token that has just been scanned. The translation list includes comments (interpreted if they have special forms, otherwise truncated so that the length is at most |max_comment|); spaces have been suppressed, except that spaces are inserted before or after reserved words as mentioned earlier. Reserved words have been preceded by an |all_caps| command in the translation. \smallskip \hang|kludge_flag| has been set |true| if the comment `\.{\{\^\}}' was sensed. @d new_trans==link(new_trans_loc) @<Glob...@>= @!cur_code:halfword; {|id_code| or other code in current lookahead token} @!cur_aux:halfword; {|id_aux| in current lookahead token} @!cur_val:integer; {integer value of current lookahead token, if appropriate} @!new_trans_loc:pointer; {head of translation list for current lookahead token} @!cur_ptr:id_pointer; {zero or pointer to identifier in current lookahead token} @!kludge_flag:boolean; {set to |true| when |get_next| sees an uparrow comment} @ @<Set init...@>=new_trans_loc:=get_avail; @ When |get_next| looks ahead and sees a comment like \.{\{:123\}}, it doesn't immediately delete section~123 from the section stack, because the lookahead process is (by definition) one jump ahead of the parsing process. The section stack is actually updated later, when the translation list specified by |new_trans| is appended to the parser's current |head/tail| list. The |get_next| routine does this delayed updating just before looking ahead for another token. @<Append the |new_trans| list to the end of |tail|, interpreting its comments@>= if new_trans<>null then begin link(tail):=new_trans; repeat tail:=link(tail); case info(tail) of verbatim:repeat tail:=link(tail);until info(tail)=verbatim; begin_section:begin tail:=link(tail); push_section(info(tail)); end; end_section:begin tail:=link(tail); pop_section(info(tail)); end; change_weight:begin tail:=link(tail); add_weight(val(info(tail))); end; othercases do_nothing endcases;@/ until link(tail)=null; new_trans:=null; end @ Three global variables help |get_next| control the low-level activities associated with taking characters out of the input buffer: @<Glob...@>= @!line:integer; {the number of the current line in the current file} @!limit:0..buf_size; {the last character position occupied in the buffer} @!loc:0..buf_size; {the next character position to be read from the buffer} @ @<Set init...@>= line:=0; loc:=1; limit:=0; @ The |get_line| procedure is called when |loc>limit|; it puts the next line of merged input into the buffer and updates the other variables appropriately. A space is placed at the right end of the line. @p procedure get_line; {inputs the next line} begin incr(line); if not input_ln(pascal_file) then fatal_error('Premature end of PASCAL file'); @.Premature end...@> loc:=0; buffer[limit]:=" "; end; @ Here now is the program for |get_next|. Remember that a call of |get_next| means, essentially, ``I accept the previous token. Look ahead for another, because I will want to look at it later.'' @d up_to(#)==#-24,#-23,#-22,#-21,#-20,#-19,#-18,#-17,#-16,#-15,#-14, #-13,#-12,#-11,#-10,#-9,#-8,#-7,#-6,#-5,#-4,#-3,#-2,#-1,# @d app(#)==begin link(get_tail):=get_avail; get_tail:=link(get_tail); info(get_tail):=#; end @p procedure get_next; label restart, continue, not_found, done; var get_tail:pointer; {tail of the |new_trans| list being built} @!i:0..buf_size; {index into |buffer|} @!c:ASCII_code; {character found in the buffer} @!sign:integer; {$\pm1$} begin @<Append the |new_trans|...@>; cur_ptr:=0; get_tail:=new_trans_loc; restart: if loc>limit then get_line; c:=buffer[loc]; incr(loc); cur_aux:=c; case c of "A",up_to("Z"),"a",up_to("z"):@<Get an identifier or reserved word@>; "'":@<Get a string@>; "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9":@<Get a constant@>; "{":@<Get a comment, then |goto restart|@>; @<Translate a special character, compressing two-symbol combinations like `\.{<=}' into a single symbol@>@; 0," ",@'11:goto restart; {ignore nulls, spaces, and tabs} othercases begin err_print('! Unknown character will be treated as comment'); @.Unknown character...@> app(verbatim);app(c);app(verbatim); goto restart; end endcases; end; @ @d up_arrow=bb+1 @d asterisk=bb+2 @d slash=bb+3 @d comma=bb+4 @d semicolon=bb+5 @d left_paren=bb+6 @d right_paren=bb+7 @d left_bracket=bb+8 @d right_bracket=bb+9 @d colon=bb+10 @d colon_equal=bb+11 @d dot=bb+12 @d double_dot=bb+13 @d relation=bb+14 @# @d app_code(#)==begin app(c); cur_code:=#; end @d compress(#)==begin app(c); app(buffer[loc]); incr(loc); cur_code:=#; end @<Translate a special character...@>= "+","-":app_code(plus_or_minus); "*":app_code(asterisk); "/":app_code(slash); ",":app_code(comma); ";":app_code(semicolon); "(":app_code(left_paren); ")":app_code(right_paren); "[":app_code(left_bracket); "]":app_code(right_bracket); "^":app_code(up_arrow); "=":app_code(relation); ":":if buffer[loc]="=" then compress(colon_equal)@+else app_code(colon); ".":if buffer[loc]="." then compress(double_dot)@+else app_code(dot); "<":if (buffer[loc]=">")or(buffer[loc]="=") then compress(relation) @+else app_code(relation); ">":if buffer[loc]="=" then compress(relation)@+else app_code(relation); @ @<Get an identifier or reserved word@>= begin decr(loc); id_first:=loc; repeat if c<="Z" then if c>="A" then buffer[loc]:=c+"a"-"A"; incr(loc); c:=buffer[loc]; until (c<"0")or((c>"9")and(c<"A"))or((c>"Z")and(c<"a"))or(c>"z"); id_loc:=loc; cur_ptr:=id_lookup; cur_code:=id_code(cur_ptr); cur_aux:=id_aux(cur_ptr); if cur_code<=max_blank_left then if cur_code>=min_blank_left then app(" "); if cur_code<undefined then app(all_caps); app(cur_ptr); if cur_code<=max_blank_right then if cur_code>=min_blank_right then app(" "); if cur_code=int_const then cur_val:=val(cur_aux) else if cur_code=small_const then cur_val:=cur_aux; end @ @<Get a string@>= begin app(verbatim); app("'"); cur_code:=string_const; cur_aux:=0; continue: app(buffer[loc]); if buffer[loc]="'" then if buffer[loc+1]="'" then begin app("'"); loc:=loc+2; incr(cur_aux); goto continue; end else incr(loc) else begin incr(cur_aux); incr(loc); if loc>limit then err_print('! String constant didn''t end') else goto continue; end; app(verbatim); cur_code:=string_const; end @ @<Get a constant@>= begin id_first:=loc-1; cur_val:=c-"0"; cur_code:=int_const; while (buffer[loc]>="0")and(buffer[loc]<="9") do begin cur_val:=10*cur_val+buffer[loc]-"0"; incr(loc); end; @<Scan to the end of a real constant, if |"."| or |"E"| is present@>; if cur_code=int_const then if cur_val<10000 then begin cur_code:=small_const; cur_aux:=cur_val; end else begin cur_aux:=get_avail; val(cur_aux):=cur_val; end; app(verbatim); for i:=id_first to loc-1 do app(buffer[i]); app(verbatim); end @ @<Scan to the end of a real constant...@>= if buffer[loc]="." then if buffer[loc+1]<>"." then begin cur_code:=real_const; cur_aux:=null; repeat incr(loc); until (buffer[loc]<"0")or(buffer[loc]>"9"); end; if (buffer[loc]="E")or(buffer[loc]="e") then begin cur_code:=real_const; cur_aux:=null; incr(loc); if abs(buffer[loc]-",")=1 then incr(loc); {|"+"| or |"-"|} while (buffer[loc]>="0")and(buffer[loc]<="9") do incr(loc); end @ @<Get a comment, then |goto restart|@>= begin id_first:=loc-1; @<Check for \.{\{m:\}}, \.{\{:m\}}, \.{\{+v\}}, or \.{\{-v\}}; |goto restart| if one of these special types is found@>; id_loc:=id_first+max_comment; if id_loc>=limit then id_loc:=limit-1; loc:=id_first; app(verbatim); while buffer[loc]<>"}" do begin app(buffer[loc]); if loc=id_loc then @<Truncate the comment, |goto done|@>; incr(loc); end; done: app("}"); app(verbatim); incr(loc); goto restart; end @ @<Truncate the comment...@>= begin app("."); app("."); app("."); repeat incr(loc); if loc>limit then get_line; until buffer[loc]="}"; goto done; end @ @<Check for \.{\{m:\}}, ...@>= if (buffer[loc]>="0")and(buffer[loc]<="9") then cur_code:=begin_section else if buffer[loc]=":" then begin cur_code:=end_section; incr(loc); end else if abs(buffer[loc]-",")=1 then begin cur_code:=change_weight; sign:=","-buffer[loc]; incr(loc); end else begin if buffer[loc]="^" then if buffer[loc+1]="}" then kludge_flag:=true; goto not_found; end; cur_val:=0; while (buffer[loc]>="0")and(buffer[loc]<="9") do begin cur_val:=10*cur_val+buffer[loc]-"0"; incr(loc); end; if cur_code=begin_section then if buffer[loc]<>":" then goto not_found else incr(loc); if buffer[loc]<>"}" then goto not_found; if cur_code=change_weight then begin cur_val:=cur_val*sign; cur_aux:=get_avail; val(cur_aux):=cur_val; cur_val:=cur_aux; end else if cur_val>max_halfword then goto not_found; app(cur_code); app(cur_val); incr(loc); goto restart; not_found: @ Here's a little routine that is used when an identifier had better be next: @p procedure skip_to_id; begin if cur_ptr=0 then begin err_print('! spurious stuff before the identifier is being skipped'); @.spurious stuff...@> repeat get_next; until cur_ptr<>0; end; end; @ When we need to swallow a semicolon, |get_semi| does the trick. @p procedure get_semi; begin if cur_code<>semicolon then begin err_print('! spurious stuff before the semicolon is being skipped'); repeat get_next; until cur_code=semicolon; end; get_next; end; @ The most common error message that occurs in typical top-down parsing routines is the following. @d expected(#)==err_print('! "',#,'" was expected') @ Here's a routine that scans past a list of identifiers, separated by commas, and returns a pointer to a list of their locations (in reverse order). @p function get_id_list:pointer; label done; var p:pointer; {the list} @!q:pointer; {new item to put on it} begin p:=null; loop@+ begin skip_to_id; q:=get_avail; info(q):=cur_ptr; link(q):=p; p:=q; get_next; if cur_code<>comma then goto done; get_next; end; done:get_id_list:=p; end; @* Small syntactic units. Now that we have |get_next| to scan tokens, the next job is to parse slightly larger entities. With luck, we'll eventually work up to the point where we'll be ready to parse a whole \PASCAL\ program. The remainder of the \.{PROFILE} program can be viewed as an expansion of the syntax diagrams at the end of the \PASCAL\ manual into a set of subroutines, as if those diagrams were ``flow charts.'' @ First comes |get_int_const|, which scans an integer constant and returns its value. @p function get_int_const:integer; var s:integer; begin if cur_code=plus_or_minus then begin s:=","-cur_aux; get_next; if s<0 then cur_val:=-cur_val; end; if cur_code<>int_const then if cur_code<>small_const then begin expected('integer constant'); cur_val:=0; end; s:=cur_val; get_next; get_int_const:=s; end; @ Here now is a subroutine that scans what \PASCAL\ calls a ``simple type.'' The |get_s_type| function returns a pointer to the representation of the type that was scanned. After calling |get_s_type| (and several other subroutines below that use |push_level|), it's necessary to say `|app_trans|' to keep from losing the translation list that was formed, because the translation has been moved out of the |head/tail| list. @p function get_s_type:pointer; var p:pointer; {the resulting type} @!q:pointer; {temporary for list manipulation} @!m,@!n:integer; {subrange boundaries} begin push_level; if cur_code=defined_type then {it's a type identifier} begin p:=cur_aux; get_next; end else begin if cur_code=left_paren then @<Scan an enumerated type@> else @<Scan a subrange type@>; @<Make |p| point to the subrange type $m\to n$@>; end; pop_level; get_s_type:=p; end; @ @<Scan an enum...@>= begin m:=0; n:=-1; repeat get_next; skip_to_id;@/ incr(n); save(cur_ptr); id_code(cur_ptr):=small_const; id_aux(cur_ptr):=n; get_next; until cur_code<>comma; if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end @ @<Scan a subrange...@>= begin m:=get_int_const; if cur_code<>double_dot then expected('..')@+else get_next; n:=get_int_const; end @ @<Make |p| point to the subrange type $m\to n$@>= begin p:=get_avail; val(p):=m; q:=get_avail; info(q):=p; p:=get_avail; val(p):=n; link(q):=p;@/ p:=get_avail; info(p):=int_type; link(p):=q; end @ The next procedure is similar, but it gets a general type. @p function get_field_list:pointer; forward; @t\2@> {there's mutual recursion} @# function get_type:pointer; label done; var packt:0..1; {1 if \&{packed}} @!p,@!q:pointer; {for list manipulation} begin push_level; if cur_code=up_arrow then @<Scan a pointer type@> else begin if cur_code<>packed_code then packt:=0 else begin packt:=1; get_next; end; case cur_code of array_code:@<Scan an array type@>; file_code:@<Scan a file type@>; set_code:@<Scan a set type@>; record_code:@<Scan a record type@>; othercases begin p:=get_s_type; app_trans; end endcases; end; pop_level; get_type:=p; end; @ @<Scan a pointer type@>= begin get_next; skip_to_id; p:=get_avail; info(p):=pointer_type; link(p):=cur_ptr; get_next; end @ @<Scan an array type@>= begin get_next; p:=get_avail; info(p):=array_type+packt; q:=get_avail; link(p):=q; if cur_code<>left_bracket then expected('[')@+else get_next; loop@+ begin info(q):=get_s_type; app_trans; if cur_code<>comma then goto done; get_next; link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); info(q):=array_type+packt; link(q):=get_avail; q:=link(q); end; done: if cur_code<>right_bracket then expected(']')@+else get_next; if cur_code<>of_code then expected('of')@+else get_next; link(q):=get_type; app_trans; end @ @<Scan a file type@>= begin get_next; p:=get_avail; info(p):=file_type+packt; if cur_code<>of_code then expected('of')@+else get_next; link(p):=get_type; app_trans; end @ @<Scan a set type@>= begin get_next; p:=get_avail; info(p):=set_type+packt; if cur_code<>of_code then expected('of')@+else get_next; link(p):=get_s_type; app_trans; end @ @<Scan a record type@>= begin get_next; p:=get_avail; info(p):=record_type+packt; link(p):=get_field_list; if cur_code<>end_code then expected('end')@+else get_next; end @ The |get_field_list| routine returns a pointer to a field list in the form required by a record type. @p function get_field_list; {declared |forward| above} label continue,done,done1,done2; var p,@!q:pointer; {for list manipulation} @!h,@!t:pointer; {head and tail of list} begin h:=get_avail; t:=h; continue:if cur_code=case_code then @<Scan variant fields@> else begin if (cur_ptr<>0)and(cur_code<>end_code) then @<Scan identifier list and its type@>; if cur_code=semicolon then begin get_next; goto continue; end; end; get_field_list:=link(h); free_avail(h); end; @ @<Scan identifier list and its type@>= begin q:=t; loop@+ begin p:=get_avail; link(t):=p; t:=p; p:=get_avail; info(t):=p; info(p):=cur_ptr; get_next; if cur_code<>comma then goto done; get_next; skip_to_id; end; done:if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; p:=get_type; app_trans; while q<>t do begin q:=link(q); link(info(q)):=p; end; end @ @<Scan variant fields@>= begin get_next; skip_to_id; p:=cur_ptr; get_next; if cur_code=colon then begin get_next; if cur_code<>defined_type then expected('type identifier') else begin q:=get_avail; link(t):=q; t:=q; q:=get_avail; info(t):=q; info(q):=p; link(q):=cur_aux; get_next; end; end; if cur_code<>of_code then expected('of')@+else get_next; @<Scan conclusion of variant fields@>; end @ @<Scan conclusion of variant fields@>= loop@+ begin if (cur_code>=min_case_label)and(cur_code<=max_case_label) then begin @<Scan past case labels@>; if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; if cur_code<>left_paren then expected('(')@+else get_next; link(t):=get_field_list; while link(t)<>null do t:=link(t); if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end; if cur_code<>semicolon then goto done2; get_next; end; done2: @ The following code is used twice; label |done1| needs to be declared in both contexts. @<Scan past case labels@>= begin loop begin if cur_code<string_const then cur_val:=get_int_const else get_next; if cur_code<>comma then goto done1; get_next; end; done1:end @* Expressions. The next few subroutines are the top-down parsers for \PASCAL\ expressions. The main routine is called |get_exp|; it returns it result in the |trans_head/trans_tail| translation list, and it also makes |cur_type| point to the type of expression. Meanwhile the assumed run-time cost of evaluating the expression is also taken into account. @<Glob...@>= @!cur_type:pointer; {the type of expression found by |get_exp| and its friends} @!cur_length:integer; {the length of string, if |cur_type=string_loc|} @ But before we get into |get_exp|, we need a simpler routine, |get_variable|. (If |with| statements were implemented, we would check for field identifiers in currently ``open'' record variables, at the beginning of |get_variable|.) @p procedure get_exp; forward;@t\2@>@# procedure get_variable; label continue,found; var p,@!q:pointer; {for link manipulation} begin push_level; if (cur_code=variable)or(cur_code=var_param) then begin if cur_code=var_param then add_weight(var_surcharge); cur_type:=cur_aux; get_next; end else begin expected('variable identifier'); if cur_code=undefined then get_next; cur_type:=bool_loc; end; continue:if cur_code=left_bracket then @<Scan subscript, |goto continue|@> else if cur_code=dot then @<Scan field, |goto continue|@> else if cur_code=up_arrow then @<Scan pointer, |goto continue|@>; pop_level; end; @ @<Scan subscript, |goto continue|@>= begin repeat get_next; if info(cur_type)=packed_array_type then add_weight(packed_index_cost) else begin add_weight(index_cost); if info(cur_type)<>array_type then begin err_print('! subscript on non-array'); cur_type:=string_loc; @.subscript on non-array@> end; end; p:=link(cur_type); {now |info(p)| is index type, |link(p)| is entry type} get_exp; app_trans; {|cur_type| should now be compatible with |info(p)|, but \.{PROFILE} doesn't bother to check} cur_type:=link(p); until cur_code<>comma; if cur_code<>right_bracket then expected(']')@+else get_next; goto continue; end @ @<Scan field, |goto continue|@>= begin get_next; skip_to_id; if info(cur_type)=packed_record_type then add_weight(packed_surcharge) else if info(cur_type)<>record_type then begin err_print('! field on non-record'); @.field on non-record@> cur_type:=bool_loc; goto found; end; p:=link(cur_type); while p<>null do begin q:=info(p); if info(q)=cur_ptr then begin cur_type:=link(q); goto found; end; p:=link(p); end; err_print('! unknown field'); cur_type:=bool_loc; @.unknown field@> found:get_next; goto continue; end @ @<Scan pointer, |goto continue|@>= begin get_next; if info(cur_type)=file_type then cur_type:=link(cur_type) else if info(cur_type)=packed_file_type then begin add_weight(packed_surcharge); cur_type:=link(cur_type); end else if info(cur_type)=pointer_type then begin add_weight(pointer_cost); p:=link(cur_type); if id_code(p)<>defined_type then begin err_print('! pointer type never defined'); @.pointer type never defined@> cur_type:=bool_loc; end else cur_type:=id_aux(p); end else err_print('! extra "^"'); @.extra uparrow@> goto continue; end @ It's time now to face the messy details of procedure and function calls, where standard procedures have nonstandard syntax. @p procedure get_call; label done, continue; var t:pointer; {final type, if known} @!p:pointer; {runs through the parameter list} @!q:pointer; {for list manipulation} @!r:pointer; {type of argument} @!c:0..100; {type code of argument} begin if cur_code=function_id then begin p:=link(cur_aux); t:=info(cur_aux); end else begin p:=cur_aux; t:=null; end; append(initial_cap); get_next; if p=null then add_weight(call_overhead) else if info(info(p))<>spec_param then add_weight(call_overhead); if cur_code=left_paren then @<Scan argument list corresponding to parameter list |p|@>; if p<>null then begin q:=info(p); if info(q)=optional_file_param then add_weight(link(q)) else if info(q)<>spec_param then err_print('! argument(s) expected'); @.argument(s) expected@> end; if t<>null then cur_type:=t; end; @ One of the subtle things here is that our \PASCAL\ allows empty arguments to standard functions like |call_i|. @<Scan argument list...@>= begin loop begin get_next; if (cur_code=comma)or(cur_code=right_paren) then cur_type:=int_loc else begin get_exp; app_trans; end; continue:if p=null then begin err_print('! extra argument(s)'); p:=extra_loc; @.extra argument(s)@> end; q:=info(p); if info(q)=optional_file_param then begin add_weight(link(q)); if info(cur_type)<>file_type then if info(cur_type)<>packed_file_type then begin p:=link(p); goto continue; end; end else if info(q)=spec_param then @<Process a special parameter@> else @<Process a regular parameter@>; p:=link(p); if cur_code<>comma then goto done; end; done:if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end @ The program could check for type conflicts between argument and parameter; but it doesn't. @<Process a regular parameter@>= begin if info(cur_type)=int_type then if info(link(q))=real_type then add_weight(int_real_cost); add_weight(store_cost); end @ @<Process a special parameter@>= begin r:=cur_type; if r=string_loc then add_weight(string_string_cost+cur_length*string_string_tax); n:=0; while cur_code=colon do begin get_next; incr(n); get_exp; app_trans; add_weight(store_cost); end; if n=2 then if info(r)=int_type then begin add_weight(int_real_cost); r:=real_loc; end; if r<>string_loc then begin q:=link(q); c:=info(r); if c<>char_type then begin q:=link(q); if c<>int_type then begin q:=link(q); if c<>real_type then begin q:=link(q); if c<>array_type then q:=link(q); end; end; end; add_weight(info(q)); end; end @ The next step up from a variable is a ``factor.'' @p procedure get_factor; label done; var p:pointer; {list manipulation} begin push_level; case cur_code of real_const:begin get_next; cur_type:=real_loc; add_weight(fetch_cost); end; int_const,small_const:begin get_next; cur_type:=int_loc; add_weight(fetch_cost); end; bool_const:begin get_next; cur_type:=bool_loc; add_weight(fetch_cost); end; string_const:begin if cur_aux=1 then cur_type:=char_loc else begin cur_type:=string_loc; cur_length:=cur_aux; end; get_next; add_weight(fetch_cost); end; function_id:get_call; left_paren:begin get_next; get_exp; app_trans; if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end; not_code:begin get_next; add_weight(unary_cost); get_factor; app_trans; end; left_bracket:@<Scan a set construction@>; othercases begin get_variable; app_trans; add_weight(fetch_cost); end endcases;@/ pop_level; end; @ @<Scan a set construction@>= begin get_next; add_weight(set_cost); cur_type:=null; loop@+ begin if cur_code=right_bracket then goto done; get_exp; app_trans; add_weight(store_cost); if cur_code=double_dot then begin get_next; get_exp; app_trans; add_weight(store_cost); end; if cur_code=comma then get_next else if cur_code<>right_bracket then begin expected(']'); goto done; end; end; done:p:=get_avail; info(p):=set_type; link(p):=cur_type; cur_type:=p; end @ Factors make terms. @p procedure get_term; label exit,continue,not_found; var t:pointer; {type of the first operand} begin get_factor; app_trans; loop@+ begin continue:t:=cur_type; case cur_code of asterisk:@<Do multiplication or |goto not_found|@>; slash:@<Do real division or |goto not_found|@>; div_or_mod_code:@<Do integer division or |goto not_found|@>; and_code:@<Do logical and or |goto not_found|@>; othercases return endcases; goto continue; not_found:err_print('! type mismatch'); @.type mismatch@> end; exit:end; @ @<Do multiplication or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_factor; app_trans; if info(t)=int_type then if info(cur_type)=int_type then add_weight(mult_cost) else if info(cur_type)=real_type then add_weight(int_real_cost+real_mult_cost) else goto not_found else if info(t)=real_type then if info(cur_type)=real_type then add_weight(real_mult_cost) else if info(cur_type)=int_type then begin add_weight(int_real_cost+real_mult_cost); cur_type:=real_loc; end else goto not_found else if (info(t)=set_type)and(info(cur_type)=set_type) then add_weight(set_cost) else goto not_found; end @ @<Do real division or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_factor; app_trans; if info(t)=int_type then add_weight(int_real_cost) else if info(t)<>real_type then goto not_found; if info(cur_type)=int_type then add_weight(int_real_cost) else if info(cur_type)<>real_type then goto not_found; cur_type:=real_loc; add_weight(real_div_cost); end @ @<Do integer division or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_factor; app_trans; if (info(t)<>int_type)or(info(cur_type)<>int_type) then goto not_found; add_weight(div_cost); end @ @<Do logical and or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_factor; app_trans; if (t<>bool_loc)or(cur_type<>bool_loc) then goto not_found; add_weight(and_or_cost); end @ Terms make simple expressions. @p procedure get_s_exp; label exit,continue,not_found; var t:pointer; {type of first operand} begin if cur_code=plus_or_minus then begin if cur_aux="-" then add_weight(unary_cost); get_next; end; get_term; loop@+ begin continue:t:=cur_type; if cur_code=plus_or_minus then @<Do addition or |goto not_found|@> else if cur_code=or_code then @<Do logical or or |goto not_found|@> else return; goto continue; not_found:err_print('! type mismatch'); @.type mismatch@> end; exit:end; @ @<Do addition or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_term; if info(t)=int_type then if info(cur_type)=int_type then add_weight(add_cost) else if info(cur_type)=real_type then add_weight(int_real_cost+real_add_cost) else goto not_found else if info(t)=real_type then if info(cur_type)=real_type then add_weight(real_add_cost) else if info(cur_type)=int_type then begin add_weight(int_real_cost+real_add_cost); cur_type:=real_loc; end else goto not_found else if (info(t)=set_type)and(info(cur_type)=set_type) then add_weight(set_cost) else goto not_found; end @ @<Do logical or or |goto not_found|@>= begin get_next; get_term; if (t<>bool_loc)or(cur_type<>bool_loc) then goto not_found; add_weight(and_or_cost); end @ Finally, simple expression lead us all the way up to expressions. (Once again, \.{PROFILE} does not bother to verify the validity of types; but the information is present.) @p procedure get_exp; var t:halfword; {code of left operand} begin push_level; get_s_exp; if (cur_code=relation)or(cur_code=in_code) then begin t:=cur_code; get_next; get_s_exp; if t=relation then add_weight(compare_cost) else add_weight(in_cost); cur_type:=bool_loc; end; pop_level; end; @* Declarations. Our next task is to parse what \PASCAL\ syntax calls a ``block.'' The |get_block| routine declares all variables of the block; it has a lot to do. @ Before we tackle |get_block|, it will be helpful to get a subroutine out of the way. The following routine scans a parameter list, optionally declaring the identifiers found inside, and returns a pointer to the representation of this parameter list. @p function get_parameter_list(@!decl_params:boolean):pointer; var h,@!t:pointer; {head and tail of list being built} @!c,@!a:halfword; {code and aux values} @!r:halfword; {type to the right of a colon} @!p,@!q:pointer; {the usual} begin h:=get_avail; t:=h; if cur_code=left_paren then begin repeat get_next; if (cur_code=procedure_code)or(cur_code=function_code) then @<Set up for subroutine parameters@> else @<Set up for normal parameters@>; @<Complete the current set of parameters@>; until cur_code<>semicolon; if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end; get_parameter_list:=link(h); free_avail(h); end; @ @<Set up for normal parameters@>= begin if cur_code=var_code then begin c:=var_param; get_next; end else c:=variable; p:=get_id_list; a:=null; end @ @<Set up for subroutine parameters@>= begin c:=cur_code+(procedure_id-procedure_code); get_next; append(initial_cap); p:=get_id_list; a:=get_parameter_list(false); end @ @<Complete the current set...@>= begin if c<>procedure_id then begin if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; if cur_code=defined_type then begin r:=cur_aux; get_next; end else if cur_code=file_code then begin r:=file_loc; get_next; end else begin r:=null; expected('type identifier'); end; if c=function_id then begin q:=get_avail; link(q):=a; a:=q; info(a):=r; end else a:=r; end; while p<>null do begin q:=info(p); if decl_params then begin save(q); id_code(q):=c; id_aux(q):=a; end; link(t):=get_avail; t:=link(t); info(t):=p; q:=link(p); info(p):=c; link(p):=a; p:=q; end; end @ All right, let's |get_block|. @p procedure get_statement; forward; @t\2@>@# procedure get_block; label exit,found; var p,@!q,@!r,@!t:pointer; {list manipulation} @!s:integer; {sign} begin if cur_code=label_code then @<Handle the \&{label} part of a block@>; if cur_code=const_code then @<Handle the \&{const} part of a block@>; if cur_code=type_code then @<Handle the \&{type} part of a block@>; if cur_code=var_code then @<Handle the \&{var} part of a block@>; while (cur_code=procedure_code)or(cur_code=function_code) do @<Handle a subroutine declaration@>; if cur_code<>begin_code then expected('begin')@+else get_next; cur_freq:=get_count; {the number of times this block is performed} loop@+ begin get_statement; if cur_code=end_code then begin flush_out; get_next; cur_freq:=next_freq; return; end; get_semi; flush_out; cur_freq:=next_freq; end; exit:end; @ The label part is easy. @<Handle the \&{label} part of a block@>= begin repeat get_next; cur_val:=get_int_const; until cur_code<>comma; if cur_code<>semicolon then expected(';')@+else get_next; flush_out; end; @ Constants are somewhat worse. @<Handle the \&{const} part of a block@>= begin get_next; append(indent); skip_to_id; while cur_code>=undefined do begin p:=cur_ptr; save(p); get_next; if cur_aux<>"=" then expected('=')@+else get_next; @<Scan the constant and define |p| accordingly@>; get_semi; flush_out; skip_to_id; end; append(outdent); end @ @<Scan the constant and define |p| accordingly@>= if cur_code=plus_or_minus then begin s:=","-cur_aux; get_next; end; if (cur_code>=string_const)and(cur_code<=real_const) then {this range includes |bool_const|} begin id_code(p):=cur_code; id_aux(p):=cur_aux; end else begin if cur_code<>int_const then if cur_code<>small_const then begin expected('constant'); cur_val:=0; end; if s<0 then cur_val:=-cur_val; if (cur_val>=0)and(cur_val<10000) then begin id_code(p):=small_const; id_aux(p):=cur_val; end else begin q:=get_avail; val(q):=cur_val; id_code(p):=int_const; id_aux(p):=q; end; end; get_next @ Types are not too bad, since |get_type| does the hard work. @<Handle the \&{type} part of a block@>= begin get_next; append(indent); skip_to_id; while cur_code>=undefined do begin p:=cur_ptr; save(p); get_next; if cur_aux<>"=" then expected('=')@+else get_next; id_code(p):=defined_type; id_aux(p):=get_type; app_trans; get_semi; flush_out; skip_to_id; end; append(outdent); end @ Vars add one more twist. @<Handle the \&{var} part of a block@>= begin get_next; append(indent); skip_to_id; while cur_code>=undefined do begin p:=get_id_list; if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; t:=get_type; app_trans; while p<>null do begin q:=info(p); save(q); id_code(q):=variable; id_aux(q):=t;@/ q:=link(p); free_avail(p); p:=q; end; get_semi; flush_out; skip_to_id; end; append(outdent); end @ And now comes the ``fun'' part. @<Handle a subroutine declaration@>= begin t:=cur_code+(procedure_id-procedure_code); append(indent); append(backspace); get_next; skip_to_id; r:=cur_ptr; save(r); push_save_stack; append(initial_cap); kludge_flag:=false; get_next; @<If identifier |r| was already |forward| declared, |goto found|@>; id_code(r):=t; p:=get_parameter_list(true); if t=function_id then begin if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; q:=get_avail; link(q):=p; p:=q; if cur_code=defined_type then begin info(p):=cur_aux; get_next; end else begin expected('type identifier'); while cur_code<>semicolon do get_next; info(p):=null; end; end else if kludge_flag then id_code(r):=terminal_procedure_id; id_aux(r):=p; found: get_semi; flush_out; skip_to_id; if cur_code<undefined then get_block else begin if cur_ptr=fwd_loc then @<Put identifier |r| on the forward stack@>; get_next; end; get_semi; flush_out; unsave; append(outdent); cur_freq:=0; end @ A simple stack is maintained of identifier pointers that have been declared |forward| but not yet really declared. @<Glob...@>=@!fwd_ptr:pointer; {head of forward stack} @ @<Set init...@>= fwd_ptr:=null; @ @<If identifier |r| was already |forward| declared, |goto found|@>= begin q:=null; p:=fwd_ptr; while p<>null do begin if info(p)=r then begin if q=null then fwd_ptr:=link(p)@+else link(q):=link(p); free_avail(p); goto found; end; q:=p; p:=link(q); end; end @ @<Put identifier |r| on the forward stack@>= begin p:=get_avail; info(p):=r; link(p):=fwd_ptr; fwd_ptr:=p; end @* Statements. The scanning process reaches its glorious heights in the climactic |get_statement| procedure. This subroutine sets the global variable |next_freq| to the value that |cur_freq| should have if another statement follows. @<Glob...@>= @!next_freq:integer; {the flow that emanates from the statement just got} @ Basically, |get_statement| is a multiway switch between ten different kinds of \PASCAL\ statements. @p procedure get_statement; label done,done1,done2,done3; {lots of things get done} var in_freq,@!out_freq:integer; {frequencies before and after} @!w:integer; {weight of |while| clause} @!lhs_type:pointer; {type of left-hand side of assignment} @!t:0..100; {type of right-hand side type} @!n:integer; {number of items in assignment} begin while cur_code=small_const do @<Process a labelled statement@>; in_freq:=cur_freq; next_freq:=cur_freq; case cur_code of variable,var_param,function_id:@<Process an assignment statement@>; procedure_id:get_call; terminal_procedure_id:begin get_call; next_freq:=0; end; begin_code:@<Process a compound statement@>; if_code:@<Process an if statement@>; case_code:@<Process a case statement@>; while_code:@<Process a while statement@>; repeat_code:@<Process a repeat statement@>; for_code:@<Process a for statement@>; goto_code:@<Process a go to statement@>; othercases do_nothing {we just saw an empty statement} endcases; end; @ @<Process a labelled statement@>= begin append(backspace); get_next; if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; cur_freq:=get_count; end @ @<Process a go to statement@>= begin get_next; if cur_code<>small_const then expected('label')@+else get_next; add_weight(jump_cost); next_freq:=0; end @ @<Process a compound statement@>= begin get_next; append(indent); loop@+ begin get_statement; if cur_code=end_code then goto done; get_semi; flush_out; cur_freq:=next_freq; end; done:flush_out; cur_freq:=next_freq; append(outdent); get_next; end @ @d check_boolean== if cur_type<>bool_loc then err_print('! condition should be boolean') @.condition...boolean@> @<Process an if statement@>= begin get_next; add_weight(if_cost); get_exp; app_trans; check_boolean; if cur_code<>then_code then expected('then')@+else get_next; flush_out; cur_freq:=get_count; in_freq:=in_freq-cur_freq; next_freq:=cur_freq; if cur_code<>end_code then if cur_code<>semicolon then if cur_code<>else_code then if cur_code<>until_code then {controlled statement is nonempty} begin append(indent); get_statement; append(outdent); end; if cur_code=else_code then begin out_freq:=get_count; {this count is supposedly redundant} if in_freq<>out_freq then @<Show frequency lossage in the output@> else flush_out; get_next; append(indent); cur_freq:=out_freq; out_freq:=next_freq; get_statement; next_freq:=next_freq+out_freq; append(outdent); end else next_freq:=in_freq+next_freq; end @ Frequency counts can be ``off'' for a variety of reasons (e.g., when a procedure sometimes doesn't return, or when a user aborts the program). Such discrepancies are indicated by a `\.{\{LOST..\}}' comment line. @<Show frequency lossage...@>= begin flush_out; append(lost_comment); cur_freq:=in_freq-out_freq; flush_out; end @ @<Process a case statement@>= begin get_next; add_weight(case_cost); get_exp; app_trans; if cur_code<>of_code then expected('of')@+else get_next; flush_out; append(indent); out_freq:=0; loop@+ begin if (cur_code>=min_case_label)and(cur_code<=max_case_label) then begin append(backspace); @<Scan past case labels@>; cur_freq:=get_count; in_freq:=in_freq-cur_freq; if cur_code<>colon then expected(':')@+else get_next; get_statement; out_freq:=out_freq+next_freq; end; if cur_code<>semicolon then goto done2; get_next; flush_out; end; done2: flush_out; append(outdent); if cur_code<>end_code then expected('end')@+else get_next; cur_freq:=in_freq; next_freq:=out_freq; if cur_freq<>0 then append(lost_comment); end @ The calculation of |next_freq| after a repeat statement is slightly tricky because of the possibility of |goto| statements leading out of the loop. @<Process a repeat statement@>= begin get_next; append(indent); cur_freq:=get_count; out_freq:=cur_freq; loop@+ begin get_statement; if cur_code=until_code then goto done3; get_semi; flush_out; cur_freq:=next_freq; end; done3:flush_out; cur_freq:=next_freq; append(outdent); get_next; add_weight(repeat_tax); get_exp; app_trans; check_boolean; next_freq:=cur_freq-out_freq+in_freq; end @ The fact that \&{goto}'s can affect the frequencies means that we don't know how often the test of a |while| or |for| loop is performed until after the loop has been entirely scanned. \.{PROFILE} therefore outputs a special line that says `\.{\{WHILE..\}}' or `\.{\{FOR..\}}', after the necessary information has been gathered. These special comments are treated as identifiers, for simplicity. @<Set up all...@>= id9("{")("W")("H")("I")("L")("E")(".")(".")("}")(0)(0); while_comment:=cur_name; id8("{")("L")("O")("S")("T")(".")(".")("}")(0)(0); lost_comment:=cur_name; id7("{")("F")("O")("R")(".")(".")("}")(0)(0); for_comment:=cur_name; @ @<Glob...@>= @!while_comment,@!lost_comment,@!for_comment:pointer; {locations of special comments} @ @<Process a for statement@>= begin get_next; add_weight(for_cost); get_variable; app_trans; if cur_code<>colon_equal then expected(':=')@+else get_next; get_exp; app_trans; if cur_code<>to_or_downto_code then expected('to or downto')@+else get_next; get_exp; app_trans; if cur_code<>do_code then expected('do')@+else get_next; flush_out; append(indent); cur_freq:=get_count; out_freq:=cur_freq; get_statement; append(outdent); flush_out; append(for_comment); cur_freq:=next_freq; add_weight(for_tax); next_freq:=next_freq-out_freq+in_freq; end @ @<Process a while statement@>= begin get_next; add_weight(while_cost); get_exp; app_trans; check_boolean; if cur_code<>do_code then expected('do')@+else get_next; w:=out_wt; flush_out; append(indent); cur_freq:=get_count; out_freq:=cur_freq; get_statement; append(outdent); flush_out; append(while_comment); cur_freq:=next_freq; add_weight(w+while_tax); next_freq:=next_freq-out_freq+in_freq; end @ An assignment of an array to an array is treated here as an assignment of a simple variable to a simple variable, since the author didn't want to bother to compute the size of the array. If the user actually uses such assignments, an appropriate `\.{\{+v\}}' comment should be given so that the statement is weighted properly. @d incomp==err_print('! incompatible types') @.incompatible types@> @<Process an assignment statement@>= begin if cur_code=function_id then begin lhs_type:=info(cur_aux); append(initial_cap); get_next; end else begin get_variable; app_trans; lhs_type:=cur_type; end; if cur_code<>colon_equal then expected(':=')@+else get_next; get_exp; app_trans; add_weight(store_cost); t:=info(cur_type); case info(lhs_type) of real_type:if t=int_type then add_weight(int_real_cost) else if t<>real_type then incomp; packed_array_type,record_type: begin if(t<>info(lhs_type))or ((link(cur_type)<>link(lhs_type))and(cur_type<>string_loc)) then incomp; if t=packed_array_type then begin if cur_type=string_loc then n:=cur_length else n:=1; end else begin n:=0; lhs_type:=link(lhs_type); while lhs_type<>null do begin incr(n); lhs_type:=link(lhs_type); end; end; add_weight((n-1)*(fetch_cost+store_cost)); end; othercases if t<>info(lhs_type) then incomp endcases; end @* The program. Now there's only one thing left to do, namely to parse an entire \PASCAL\ program (meanwhile doing all the profiling). This is where \.{PROFILE} itself begins and ends. @p begin initialize; @<Set up all...@>; print_ln(banner); {print a ``banner line''} get_next; {get the first token} if cur_code<>program_code then expected('program')@+else get_next; append(initial_cap); skip_to_id; get_next; if cur_code=left_paren then begin get_next; p:=get_id_list; if cur_code<>right_paren then expected(')')@+else get_next; end; get_semi; flush_out;@/ get_block; {this is where most of the work is done} if cur_code<>dot then expected('.'); append(".");flush_out; {if all went well, that's the `\&{end.}' of the program} @<Check that |count_file|...@>; if max_section=0 then write_ln('Total weight was',expl_cost[0]:17:1) @.Total weight was...@> else @<Output the accumulated statistics@>; end_of_PROFILE: {here files should be closed if the operating system requires it} @<Print the job |history|@>; end. @ Some implementations may wish to pass the |history| value to the operating system so that it can be used to govern whether or not other programs are started. Here we simply report the history to the user. @^system dependencies@> @<Print the job |history|@>= case history of spotless: print_nl('(No errors were found.)'); harmless_message: print_nl('(Did you see the warning message above?)'); error_message: print_nl('(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)'); fatal_message: print_nl('(That was a fatal error, my friend.)'); end {there are no other cases} @* System-dependent changes. This module should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program that are necessary to make \.{PROFILE} work at a particular installation. It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to previous modules preserve the module numbering; then everybody's version will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes, which introduce new modules, can be inserted here; then only the index itself will get a new module number. @^system dependencies@> @* Index. Here is a cross-reference table for the \.{PROFILE} processor. All sections in which an identifier is used are listed with that identifier, except that reserved words are indexed only in unusual cases. Underlined entries correspond to where the identifier was declared. Error messages and a few other things like ``system dependencies'' are indexed here too.