# Makefile for "detex" (tested with dmake 3.8) 22 July 1993 # # - for GNU gcc (emx 0.8g kit) under OS/2 (32-bit) # - for Microsoft C 6.00 under OS/2 or MSDOS (16-bit) # To use, enter "{d,n}make -f makefile.os2" (this makefile depends on its # name being "makefile.os2"). default: @echo Enter "$(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 emx" @echo Enter "$(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 emxbnd" @echo or "$(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 msc" @echo or "$(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 mscbnd" # See the original Makefile for a complete list of options. # # Add -DMAXPATHLEN=<length> if it is not defined in /usr/include/sys/param.h # #MAXPATHLEN = -DMAXPATHLEN=1024 # # Add -DNO_MALLOC_DECL if your system does not like the malloc() declaration # in detex.l (reported by pinard@iro.umontreal.ca) # NO_MALLOC_DECL = -DNO_MALLOC_DECL # emx: $(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 all \ CC="gcc -Zomf -Zmtd" O=".obj" \ CF="" \ LDFLAGS="" \ LDFLAGS2="" \ DEF="detex-32.def" emxbnd: $(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 all \ CC="gcc" O=".o" \ CF="" \ LDFLAGS="" \ LDFLAGS2="" \ DEF="detex-32.def" msc: $(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 all \ CC="cl -AS " O=".obj" \ CF="-D__STDC__ -DMAXPATHLEN=1024" \ LDFLAGS="-Lp" \ LDFLAGS2="setargv.obj -link /NOE" \ DEF="detex.def" mscbnd: $(MAKE) -f makefile.os2 all \ CC="cl -AS " O=".obj" \ CF="-D__STDC__ -DMAXPATHLEN=1024" \ LDFLAGS="-Lp -Fb" \ LDFLAGS2="setargv.obj -link /NOE" \ DEF="detex.def" CFLAGS = $(CF) -DOS2 -DHAVE_STRING_H $(NO_MALLOC_DECL) -DNOFILE=99 .c$O : $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< all : detex.exe detex.exe : detex$O $(DEF) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS2) # Use your favorite lexical scanner # # flex buffered input causes problems--see flexdoc.man. LEX = lex LEX_YY = lex.yy #LEX = flex #LEX_YY = lexyy #LFLAGS = -8 -C CP = cp FMT_CMD = groff -man # lexout.c obtained from lex output on sparc. #detex.c: # sed -f states.sed detex.l | ${LEX} ${LFLAGS} # mv $(LEX_YY).c detex.c detex.c : lexout.c $(CP) $< $@ man-page: $(FMT_CMD) detex.1l detex$O : detex.h