% Sample Letter for Merge File Model
% TEXT1 Letterhead description, change to suit your letter
\centerline{{\titlefont Washington State University}}
\centerline{{\twelvept\bd Academic Computing Service}}
\centerline{{\tenpt Pullman, Washington 99164-1220\lbr 509/335-0411}}
\vs{1\bl} %   number of blank lines inserted
\noemptyspace\title\ \firstname\ \lastname
\city, \state\ \zipcode
Dear \firstname:
This letter is a sample for the merge file facility of \text1. Ten
data fields were created with DBASE~III on a PC and transferred to
CMS. The fields were delimited with double quotations marks
({\tt "}) and a comma placed between data fields by DBASE. Any data
base program that allows data fields to be delimited with quotation
marks could be used. A data file may also be created
directly on CMS by entering the data in the following manner:\lbr
\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt "},{\tt "}field two{\tt "},\ellipsis3,{\tt
"}last field{\tt "}\lbr
or written as \lbr
\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt ""}field two{\tt "\ellipsis3\ "}last
field{\tt "}\lbr
the commas between data fields are optional.
Quotation marks must be placed on either side of each field
(delimit the field) and the {\it each data field must come in the same
sequence as the data names specified in the {\tt \\fieldnames} markup}.
{\bd No \it field may be omitted}, however, a field may be empty
({\it i.e.}, {\tt "}first field{\tt ","","}third field{\tt "}
\ellipsis3 ).
The data markup (field names immediately preceded by a {\tt \\} )
may be used to place text anywhere in the letter, but
each field should be followed by a control space markup (\\ \ , a
backslash followed by a blank space) or \text1
will drop the space after the field. For example, the \\firstname\\
\\lastname and \\amount markup have been used to add the
recipients name and a dollar amount in the following line.
\cl{The \firstname\ \lastname\ account has been charged \amount\  for
printing services.}
The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup may be used to prevent a blank line
if an address line is empty. Place the data field markup between the
{\tt \\noemptyspace} markup and the linebreak ({\tt \\lbr}) markup
({\it i.e.}, {\tt \\noemptyspace\\company\\lbr} would prevent a blank
line if the company data field were empty). The {\tt\\noemptyspace}
markup prevents an extra space after an empty data field. Place
it in the following manner: {\tt \\noemptyspace\\title\\
\\firstname\\ \\lastname\\lbr} The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup will
remove the following control space ({\tt \\ }) or control line break
({\tt \\lbr}) if the specified data field
is empty.
Sincerely yours,
John Doe