|                                verticalspace                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\vs�%
Parameters:    �|units of measure�%
The \verticalspace  markup creates blank lines  (or space) on a  page.  This
markup causes a break in text  and leaves a specified amount of space within
a page.   Any following  text starts a new  paragraph.  The  total amount of
white space left is the  units of measure (dimension) in the \verticalspace,
plus  the current  paragraph  skip value.    This  markup is  followed  by a
parameter, which  can be  entered in whole  blank lines, inches,  points, or
other valid units of measure.
{\bd Minerals and Human Behavior}
"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of .  .  .
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|     Minerals and Human Behavior                                             |
|                                                                             |
|     "Does the Absurd  dictate death?"   asks Albert Camus,  a novelist who  |
| lionized the labors of . . .                                                |
You can tell  TEXT1 you want a variable amount  of white space between lines
by entering something line:
\verticalspace{10pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
which tells  TEXT1 you  want 10  points of  white space  in addition  to the
paragraph skip.    If TEXT1 cannot  balance text to  the bottom  of the page
when  \normalbottom is  in effect  (which is  the default),  then  the above
specification allows TEXT1 to add up  to 2 points of white space or subtract
up to 1 point of white space from the 10 points of white space.
    If you  enter a \verticalspace  markup at the top  of a page  it will be
ignored.  Putting  a \verticalspace at the bottom of  a page is risky, also,
if the amount of  space left on the page is  less than the amount asked for.
The difference will  not be carried over  to the following page;  it will be
lost.   Both difficulties can be resolved by  using a required space markup,