|                                toclinebreak                                 |
Abbreviation:  �|\toclbr�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \toclinebreak markup  causes a  line to  finish without  interrupting a
paragraph in the  table of contents.  Occasionally  it is necessary to break
a line in  a precise place within  a paragraph, as  opposed to letting TEXT1
decide where to  break the line.   This markup does not  end a paragraph, it
simply starts the following text of the paragraph on a new line in the table
of contents instead of concatenating it to the end of the previous line.
\chapter{More facts about Datapoint
information\toclbr processing\linebreak
 and office
automation products,\lbr\toclbr
systems, and software}
will print the chapter title on three lines in the text of the document:
|                                                                             |
|              More facts about Datapoint information processing              |
|                       and office automation products,                       |
|                            systems, and software                            |
and on three lines in the table of contents:
|                                                                             |
|  1. More facts about Datapoint information                                  |
|     processing and office automation products,                              |
|     systems, and software . . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . ...... . .  32 |