|                                 singlespace                                 |
Abbreviation:  �|\ssp�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
Single  spacing is  the default  for  TEXT1.   The  \singlespace  markup can
be  used  to return  to  single  spacing if  the  spacing  has  been changed
double spacing  with \doublespace.   The  markup \singlespace  markup has no
parameters, and causes an  end-of-paragraph, forcing the following text into
a new paragraph.
The cultures of industrial nations are based on
unethical accumulations of materials.
This inequality is maintained by power, not
Power politics makes problems that cannot be solved
except by war.
Questions about defining the best nation or the best
religion lead to organized . . .
|                                                                             |
|     The   cultures  of   industrial   nations  are   based   on  unethical  |
|                                                                             |
| accumulations  of materials.    This  inequality is  maintained  by power,  |
|                                                                             |
| not persuasion.                                                             |
|     Power politics  makes problems  that cannot  be solved except  by war.  |
| Questions about  defining the  best nation  or the  best religion  lead to  |
| organized . . .                                                             |
|                                                                             |
The interline skip value used with \singlespace and \doublespace is set with
the \interlineskip markup.