|                             selectspecificfont                              |
Abbreviation:  �|\ssf�%
Parameters:    �|catalog name, font size, leading�%
The \selectspecificfont  markup permits  you to  include fonts that  are not
members of sets or families,  and have an \interlineskip associated with it.
The format of this markup is,
\selectspecificfont{catalog name}{font size}{leading}
where catalog  name is the system  name for that font  without the font size
specification.   (Complete lists of the catalog names  can be found by going
to the  TEXT1 help  menu, or  by looking in  the Font  Catalogs.)   The font
size is the size  in points of that face.   The leading is the interlineskip
specification.   You cannot  use "default" for  the leading as  you can with
    To access a  specific font made available  with \selectspecificfont, you
enter a backslash, followed by  the catalog name, followed by the font size,
and ending with a semicolon.
This example makes  the Computer Modern Slanted font  at 12 points available
for use.  After specifying,
you would then enter "\cmsl12;" to use this font.  For example,
\cl{\cmsl12; Nuclear Utopia}
Nuclear war is unthinkable.
|                                                                             |
|                               Nuclear Utopia                                |
|     Nuclear war is unthinkable.                                             |
|                                                                             |
Each  font  specified  with   \selectspecificfont  must  be  followed  by  a
    You cannot use "default" for the leading as you can with \selectfontset.