|                                selectmathset                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\sms�%
Parameters:    �|catalog name, user's reference�%
The \selectmathset  markup loads type for  use by math mode.   Superscripted
footnotes, and  mathematical equations,  require the TEXT1  math mode.   For
composing printers,  the default for  the primary (script) math  set that is
used to set super or subscripts  is a 9 point Computer Modern, the secondary
(script-script) math set which  is used to set super-super or sub-subscripts
is 7 point  Computer Modern.  TEXT1 typewriter  printers do not support math
mode.  The format of this markup is
\selectmathset{catalog name}{user's reference name}
where catalog name  is the system name  for that math set.   (Complete lists
of the  catalog names can be  found by going  to the TEXT1 help  menu, or by
looking in  the Font Catalogs.)   The design  of this name is  such that the
first digit(s)  is the  primary (script)  size, the  second digit(s)  is the
secondary (script-script) size.  The  user's reference is a name of your own
devising.  This name, when prefaced with a backslash will give you access to
that math set.
    Typically,  the \selectmathset  markup is  placed in  the front  of your
document with your \selectfontset markup.
This math  mode example uses  a primary 14  point math font,  instead of the
default, and a secondary math font of 12 point.
Human intelligence became possible when
@@C_{14}\to C_{1.4 \bullet 10^6}@@
Typically, the \selectmathset markup is placed in the front of your document
with your \selectfontset markup.
    TEXT1 typewriter printers do not support math mode.
    Only  the super  and  subscripts are  affected  by the  math  mode fonts
selected with the \selectmathset markup.
    See The TEXbook for more on math mode.