|                                  subheada                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|\sha�%
Parameters:    �|title�%
The  \subheada markup  creates a  first  level subheading,  which  skips two
baselines, prints the title in bold  type, then skips one more baseline.  It
does not  begin a new page.   Its title  is placed in the  table of contents
more realistic.
\subheada{Nationalism and War}
Nationalism is directly related to war.
Lord Acton observed that . . .
which prints:
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| more realistic.                                                             |
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|                                                                             |
| Nationalism and War                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|     Nationalism is  directly related  to war.    Lord Acton  observed that  |
| . . .                                                                       |
|                                                                             |
Use \subheadaformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
    TEXT1 will encourage  page breaking before a \subheada.   It discourages
page breaking  between the  \subheada and  the first  line of  the following