|                                prefaceformat                                |
               \cl{\twelvept\bd \prefacetitle}
Abbreviation:  �|\prf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\titleformat, \incontents�%
The \prefaceformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
appearance of the preface title.  There are two submarkup:
�|titleformat�%  controls the  appearance of  the part  title  banner.   You
may  use markup  such as  \newpage, \verticalspace,  and  \centerline within
\titleformat as Nested Markup.  You may also use:
    �|prefacetitle.�%  prints the most recent preface title.
�|incontents�% places  the preface  title in  contents (if one  is printed).
Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
In this  example, the preface  starts a new  page, the title  is centered in
bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.  No preface is put in contents.
      \cl{\bd \prefacetitle}
The \prefaceformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are