|                                  noindent                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|\nin�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
Paragraph  indentation  can be  suspended  for  the  following paragraph  by
placing a \noindent markup at the  beginning of the first line.  A paragraph
following a block quote or following a title is often not indented.
\lil1 the economic advantages of large-scale operations
(as shown in industrial applications)
\listlevel2 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers,
weapons and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
\listlevel2 military forces (the troops and support
personnel necessary to impose policy by force)
The cultures of industrial nations are based on
accumulations of materials.
Questions about defining  . . .
|                                                                             |
|   1. the  economic  advantages  of  large-scale operations  (as  shown  in  |
|      industrial applications)                                               |
|      a. armaments  (in the  form  of  tanks,  bombers,  weapons and  troop  |
|         carriers, and personnel vehicles)                                   |
|      b. military forces  (the  troops and  support personnel  necessary to  |
|         impose policy by force)                                             |
| The  cultures  of  industrial   nations  are  based  on  accumulations  of  |
| materials.                                                                  |
|     Questions about defining  . . .                                         |
|                                                                             |
Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.