|                              marginnoteformat                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\mnf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\position, \notewidth, \notegutter,
The   defaults   for  the   \marginnote   markup   can   be  modified   with
�|\position�% by default places the margin note in the margin.  You can have it
placed in the right margin by specifying:
�|\notewidth�%  is the width  of the area in  the margin used  for printing the
margin note.
�|\notegutter�% is the  width of the area between the  margin note and the left
margin of the text.
�|\everymarginnote{Nested Markup}�% can be vertical mode markup such as \right-
ragged, \leftragged, \justify, and font changes.
Change the margin notes so they  print in the right margin in a 7 point font
with a margin note width of 46 points.
       \everymarginnote{\sevenpt\rm} }
This chapter explains the fundamental steps in preparing
a file containing ordinary English text. Numerous
exercises have been interspersed throughout the
\marginnote{Well, there {\it will} be lots of exercises
eventually.} text, to clarify certain points,
or just to provide practice.