|                              multicolumnformat                              |
    \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
    \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
Abbreviation:  �|\mcf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\twocolumnwidth, \threecolumnwidth,
\twocolumngutter, \threecolumngutter, \columnrulewidth,
\skipbefore, \skipafter�%
The   column  and   gutter   widths  can   be  changed   by   modifying  the
\multicolumnformat  markup.   Column  widths are  specified in  a percentage
of the  \galleywidth, the width  of the text  area on the  page as specified
in the  \pageformat markup.   If the default "flexibleformat"  is being used
a  skip before  and a  skip after  the multiple  column  format may  also be
specified.  These skips are ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
�|\twocolumnwidth�% is  the width of each column  when you specify \twocolumns.
Each column will be  exactly the same width.   This width is the shaded area
illustrated below:
|                                                                             |
| Greek        man-     from  the  fourth                                     |
| uscripts  of  the     to   the    ninth                                     |
| Bible  fall  into     centuries,    be-                                     |
| 3 groups (1)  Pa-     ginning with  the                                     |
| pyri,    covering     Codex   Vaticanus                                     |
| the  period  from     and   the   Codex                                     |
| the  third   cen-     Sinaiticus;   (3)                                     |
| tury  b.c.     to     Vellum     minis-                                     |
| the  fourth  cen-     cules,  from  the                                     |
| tury  a.d.    (2)     ninth     century                                     |
| Vellum  uncials--     to   the   inven-                                     |
| -a  form  of  ma-     tion  of   print-                                     |
| juscule    (large     ing,   there  are                                     |
| letter)---            well  over  4,000                                     |
| of various  dates     manuscripts.                                          |
|                                                                             |
�|\threecolumnwidth�%    is  the  width   of  each  column   when  you  specify
\threecolumns.     Each column  will  be  exactly  the  same  width.    This
width is the shaded area illustrated below:
|                                                                             |
| Greek  manu-  (2)  Vellum   icanus   and                                    |
| scripts   of  uncials-     the    Codex                                     |
| the    Bible  --a    form   Sinaiticus;                                     |
| fall    into  of   majus-   (3)     Vel-                                    |
| 3    groups:  cule (large   lum   minis-                                    |
| (1)  Papyri,  letter)--    cules,  from                                     |
| covering      -of  various the    ninth                                     |
| the   period  dates  from   century   to                                    |
| from     the  the  fourth   the   inven-                                    |
| third   cen-  to      the   tion                                            |
| tury    b.c.  ninth  cen-   of    print-                                    |
| to       the  turies, be-   ing,   there                                    |
| fourth  cen-  ginning      are     over                                     |
| tury    a.d.  with    the   4,000  manu-                                    |
|               Codex   Vat- scripts.                                         |
|                                                                             |
�|\twocolumngutter�%  is  the  distance between  each column  when  you specify
\twocolumns.  The gutter is the shaded area illustrated below:
|                                                                             |
| Greek        man-     from  the  fourth                                     |
| uscripts  of  the     to   the    ninth                                     |
| Bible  fall  into     centuries,    be-                                     |
| 3 groups (1)  Pa-     ginning with  the                                     |
| pyri,    covering     Codex   Vaticanus                                     |
| the  period  from     and   the   Codex                                     |
| the  third   cen-     Sinaiticus;   (3)                                     |
| tury  b.c.     to     Vellum     minis-                                     |
| the  fourth  cen-     cules,  from  the                                     |
| tury  a.d.    (2)     ninth     century                                     |
| Vellum  uncials--     to   the   inven-                                     |
| -a  form  of  ma-     tion  of   print-                                     |
| juscule    (large     ing,   there  are                                     |
| letter)---            well  over  4,000                                     |
| of various  dates     manuscripts.                                          |
|                                                                             |
�|\threecolumngutter�%  is the  distance between  each column when  you specify
\threecolumns.  Each  gutter will be exactly the same  width.  The gutter is
the shaded area illustrated on the next page:
|                                                                             |
| Greek  manu-  (2)  Vellum   icanus   and                                    |
| scripts   of  uncials-     the    Codex                                     |
| the    Bible  --a    form   Sinaiticus;                                     |
| fall    into  of   majus-   (3)     Vel-                                    |
| 3    groups:  cule (large   lum   minis-                                    |
| (1)  Papyri,  letter)--    cules,  from                                     |
| covering      -of  various the    ninth                                     |
| the   period  dates  from   century   to                                    |
| from     the  the  fourth   the   inven-                                    |
| third   cen-  to      the   tion                                            |
| tury    b.c.  ninth  cen-   of    print-                                    |
| to       the  turies, be-   ing,   there                                    |
| fourth  cen-  ginning      are     over                                     |
| tury    a.d.  with    the   4,000  manu-                                    |
|               Codex   Vat- scripts.                                         |
|                                                                             |
�|\columnrulewidth�%  when set to  a non zero  value will print  a rule between
each column.
�|\skipbefore�%  is the distance between  the one column text  and the multiple
column  text when  you are  using the  flexible  method of  setting multiple
columns.  The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
�|\skipafter�%  is the distance  between the multiple  column text  and the one
column  text when  you are  using the  flexible  method of  setting multiple
columns.  The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
You can  also specify the  column widths in  units of measure,  instead of a
percentage of the \galleywidth.
        \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
        \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}}
   Greek manuscripts of the Bible fall into 3 groups
   (1) {\it Papyri}, covering the period from the third century
   {\caps b.c} to the fourth century {\caps a.d}.
   (2) {\it Vellum uncials}---a form of majuscule (large
   letter)---of various dates from the fourth to the ninth
   centuries, beginning with the {\it Codex Vaticanus} and
   the {\it Codex Sinaiticus};
   (3) {\it Vellum miniscules}, from the ninth century to
   the invention of printing, there are well over
   4,000 manuscripts.
|                                                                             |
|     Greek   manu-   .   from the  fourth                                    |
| scripts   of  the   .   to   the   ninth                                    |
| Bible  fall  into   .   centuries,   be-                                    |
| 3  groups (1) Pa-   .   ginning with the                                    |
| pyri,    covering   .   Codex  Vaticanus                                    |
| the  period  from   .   and  the   Codex                                    |
| the   third  cen-   .   Sinaiticus;  (3)                                    |
| tury  b.c.     to   .   Vellum    minis-                                    |
| the  fourth  cen-   .   cules, from  the                                    |
| tury  a.d.    (2)   .   ninth    century                                    |
| Vellum  uncials--   .   to  the   inven-                                    |
| -a  form  of  ma-   .   tion  of  print-                                    |
| juscule    (large   .   ing,  there  are                                    |
| letter)---          .   well  over  4,000                                   |
| of  various dates   .  manuscripts.                                         |
|                                                                             |
The rule between the columns will not print as long as the column rule width
is zero.
    The skip before and skip  after are ignored in the optional fixed column
method.   The fixed column format (\fixedformat)  always fills the remainder
of the current  page with white space  and changes to the  new format on the
following page.  Columns may not be balanced in \fixedformat.
    The  \newcolumn  markup  while  in  the  flexible format  estimates  the
remaining space  on the  page at  the time  it is  entered.   If  a footnote
or other  insert is placed on  the same page after  the newcolumn markup the
length of  the blank  column cannot be  estimated properly.   In  this case,
TEXT1 will issue a warning,
overfull \vbox 12pt while \output active
You  can compensate  for the  footnote or  insert  by subtracting  twice the
amount of  the overfull  box in two  columns or  three times this  amount in
triple columns immediately before the newcolumn markup.  For example, if the
box is overfull by 12 points and you are in two columns, enter,
\advance\vsize by-24pt
or in three columns before a \newcolumn enter,
\advance\vsize by-36pt
This reduces  the height of the  current page enough to  allow space for the
insert.   The height  of each column  must be  reduced by the  amount of the
overfull box  warning, or twice the  amount for two columns  and three times
the amount for three columns.  See The TEXbook for more on \advance.
    If the  newcolumn markup appears  on the final  page of  the document it
may cause  the balance  columns routine  to fail  because one column  is the
full height  of the  page.   Do  not change  to \fixedformat  after entering
    Certain line breaking penalties have been altered in the multiple column
formats.   These penalties, in combination or  separately, may cause a short
column if there are not a sufficient number of places specified to add extra
space, "glue."
                           Single Column Penalties
\brokenpenalty=100                                          \clubpenalty=150
\exhyphenpenalty=50                                        \hyphenpenalty=50
\widowpenalty=150                                             \hbadness=1000
                            Two Columns Penalties
\brokenpenalty=0                                              \clubpenalty=0
\exhyphenpenalty=0                                          \hyphenpenalty=0
\widowpenalty=0                                               \hbadness=6400
                           Three Columns Penalties
\brokenpenalty=0                                              \clubpenalty=0
\exhyphenpenalty=0                                          \hyphenpenalty=0
\widowpenalty=0                                               \hbadness=9600
The penalties may  be reinstated in the multiple  column formats by entering
each markup with a new value  in the text stream immediately after the first
call for  the double or triple  column markup.   Refer to The  TEXbook for a
discussion of the above penalties.
    When formatting  multiple column text and  other large formatting tasks,
the user  may run into  trouble by calling  for so many  format changes that
the available  memory space is overrun.   If this  happens reduce the number
of markup used  on the page that  fails to format.   The numbers enclosed in
angle brackets < 1 > < 2 > < 3 > show how many pages have been completed and
are printed on the terminal screen  as each page is completed.  If the macro
memory was exceeded when < 3 > was the last number in the sequence you would
know that  the memory was  exceeded while formatting  page four.   Your file
will not print with this error condition.
    To find  the point  in your  document that  exceeded the memory  use the
markup  \bye at  different places  in your  file.    This markup  stops text
processing.  At the point  \bye doesn't prevent the error condition you know
that you have passed page 4  where the error occurred.  You may then examine
the markup  before the  \bye for possible  elimination or  find other markup
that will format  properly without overrunning the memory.   See The TEXbook
for more on \bye.