|                           Summary of TEXT1 Markup                           |
    Help may  be selected  for the  following markup  by placing  the cursor
under any of  the first eight characters of  the desired markup abbreviation
followed bypressing the PF1 key.
Abbreviation      Markup Name                Function
app               \appendix{}                designate appendix
apf               \appendixformat{}          modify appendix style
aib               \asisbegin                 start 'as is' text
aie               \asisend                   end 'as is' text
aif               \asisformat{}              modify 'as is' style
aen               \autoendnote{}             save endnote
afn               \autofootnote{}            add footnote
bie               \bibentry                  start entry
bib               \bibliography{}            designate bibliography
bif               \bibliographyformat{}      modify bibliography style
bqb               \blockquotebegin           start block quote
bqe               \blockquoteend             end block quote
bqf               \blockquoteformat{}        modify block quote style
bd                \bold                      call bold font
bi                \bolditalic                call bolditalic font
break             \break                     force line and page breaks
bul               \bullet                    start bullet
cc                \caps                      call caps/small caps font
cl                \centerline{}              center one line
clb               \centerlinesbegin          begin centering, 'as is'
cle               \centerlinesend            end centering
cents             \cents                     cent sign
chap              \chapter{}                 designate chapter
chf               \chapterformat{}           modify chapter style
coul              \countinglines{}           start counting lines
dsp               \doublespace               start alternate blank lines
db                \drawbox{}                 draw a box around text
dbrs              \drawboxrulesize{}         thickness of a box's rule
dbm               \drawboxmat{}              white space around a box
die               \dumpinsertseject          dump and print inserts
el                \ellipsis{}                3 or 4 dot ellipsis
ep                \emptypage                 print an empty page
enf               \endnoteformat{}           modify endnote style
epm               \evenpagemargin            used in line numbering
ex                \extension                 call the extension font
fig               \figure{}{}                create a figure
fif               \figureformat{}            modify figures
fixf              \fixedformat               multiple column format style
font              \font                      font definition
footnote          \footnote{}{}              add footnote
fnf               \footnoteformat{}          modify footnote style
frac              \fraction                  print a fraction
frenchspacing     \frenchspacing             spacing for bibliographies
goodbreak         \goodbreak                 indicate likely page break
halign            \halign                    table building
hin               \hangingindent             set hanging paragraph indent
hp                \hangingparagraph          start hanging paragraph
hbox              \hbox                      TEX horizontal box
hs                \horizontalspace{}         add horizontal space
hrule             \hrule                     draw a horizontal rule
hsize             \hsize                     set the galleywidth
hof               \hyphenoff                 turn off hyphenation
hon               \hyphenon                  turn on hyphenation
incl              \include                   add an external graphic
indent            \indent                    add horizontal space
ix                \index                     add item to index
ixf               \indexformat               specify the index format
input             \input                     input another file
isk               \interlineskip{}           set interline skip
it                \italic                    specify italic font
item              \item                      unordered lists
ju                \justify                   align margins
la                \label                     start a label
laf               \labelformat               modify label style
leader            \leader                    dot leadering
lin               \leftindent{}              indent left margin
lr                \leftragged                unaligned left margin
line              \line                      left justify a line
lbr               \linebreak                 cause unfilled line break
lint              \lineinterval              line numbering
lnf               \linenumberfont            line numbering
lib               \listbegin                 start list
lie               \listend                   end list
lif               \listformat{}              modify list style
lil               \listlevel{}               start new list level (1-7)
lir               \listresume                resume at previous list level
mn                \marginnote                print a note in the margin
mnf               \marginnoteformat          modify margin note style
mathdefault       \mathdefault               establish math fonts
mi                \mathitalic                call math italic font
msp               \monospace                 typewriter printer setup
mcf               \multicolumnformat         modify multiple column defaults
nc                \newcolumn                 start a new column
np                \newpage                   start a new page
nobreak           \nobreak                   discourage page break
nin               \noindent                  suppress paragraph indent
nonfrenchspacing  \nonfrenchspacing          turn off french spacing
ntp               \notitlepage               suppress title page
numl              \numberinglines            line numbering
opm               \oddpagemargin             line numbering
oc                \onecolumn                 one column formatting
pf                \pageformat                page size and margins
pn                \pagenumber                print page number
par               \paragraph                 end paragraph
pb                \paragraphbox              box a paragraph
pin               \paragraphindent{}         set paragraph indentation
printind          \printindex                print the document index
psk               \paragraphskip{}           set space between paragraphs
part              \part{}                    designate major heading
paf               \partformat{}              modify part style
plaintexmathon    \plaintexmathon            use PLAIN.TEX's $
ppl               \poplevel                  line numbering
pre               \preface{}                 designate preliminary pages
prf               \prefaceformat{}           modify preface style
pen               \printendnotes             print accumulated endnotes
prin              \printingnumbers{}         line numbering
pic               \putincontents1{}          add to the table of contents
quad              \quad                      add an 'em' of space
qquad             \qquad                     add two 'em's of space
raggedbottom      \raggedbottom              don't align page bottoms
rin               \rightindent{}             indent right margin
rl                \rightline{}               right justify line
rlb               \rightlinesbegin           begin right alignment, 'as is'
rle               \rightlinesend             end right alignment, 'as is'
rr                \rightragged               unaligned right margin
rm                \roman                     specify roman font
rule              \rule                      create horizontal line
rff               \runningfootformat{}       specify running foot format
rhf               \runningheadformat{}       specify running head format
sau               \sameauthor                previous author, bibliography
sfs               \selectfontset{}{}{}       specify font set
sms               \selectmathset{}{}         specify math set
ssf               \selectspecificfont{}{}{}  specify specific font
san               \setappendixnumber{}       reset appendix number
scn               \setchapternumber{}        reset chapter number
senn              \setendnotenumber{}        reset endnote number
sfn               \setfigurenumber{}         reset figure number
sffn              \setfootnotenumber{}       reset footnote number
spn               \setpagenumber{}           reset page number
sptn              \setpartnumber{}           reset part number
ssan              \setsubheadanumber{}       reset subheada number
ssbn              \setsubheadbnumber{}       reset subheadb number
sscn              \setsubheadcnumber{}       reset subheadc number
ssdn              \setsubheaddnumber{}       reset subheadd number
stn               \settablenumber{}          reset table number
settabs           \settabs                   tables
ssp               \singlespace               start single spacing
strut             \strut                     tables
sha               \subheada{}                designate first subheading
shaf              \subheadaformat{}          modify first subheading style
shb               \subheadb{}                designate second subheading
shbf              \subheadbformat{}          modify second subheading style
shc               \subheadc{}                designate third subheading
shcf              \subheadcformat{}          modify third subheading style
shd               \subheadd{}                designate fourth subheading
shdf              \subheaddformat{}          modify fourth subheading style
sy                \symbol                    call the symbol font
taf               \tableformat{}             modify table title style
toc               \tableofcontents{}         print table of contents
tocf              \tableofcontentsformat{}   modify table of contents style
tat               \tabletitle{}              print a table title
tenpt             \tenpt                     call 10pt font set
text1             \text1                     print "TEXT1"
thc               \threecolumns              print text in 3 columns
tp                \titlepage                 designate title page
tpf               \titlepageformat{}         modify title page style
toclbr            \toclinebreak              cause a line break in the contents
today             \today                     print current date
twelvept          \twelvept                  call 12pt font set
twc               \twocolumns                print text in 2 columns
tt                \typewriter                call typewriter font
us                \underscore{}              underline word(s)
vbox              \vbox                      TEX vertical box
vs                \verticalspace{}           leave vertical space
vsk               \verticalspacekeep{}       leave vertical space
vrule             \vrule                     draw a vertical rule