|                                  listlevel                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\liln�%
Parameters:    �|n, 1 to 7�%
TEXT1 provides seven levels  of list enumeration.  The  levels in a list are
each designated with a \listlevel  markup; each level is differentiated with
a list level number  n, 1 to 7.  To specify  an outline list, start with the
\listbegin markup followed by \listlevel,  and ending with a \listend.  Each
\listlevel will indent an absolute amount from the left margin.  The default
indentation for level 1 is 36 points  ( 1/2 inch); level 2 is 58 points; and
each level increases.
\lil1 Humans vs. rocks.
\lil2 Rocks are food source for humans.
\lil3 Igneous
\lil3 Metamorphic
\lil2 Humans are food source for rocks.
\lil1 Rocks vs. humans.
\nin Only more research can dig up facts for solving  .  .  .
|                                                                             |
|   1. Humans vs.  rocks.                                                     |
|      a. Rocks are food source for humans.                                   |
|         i. Igneous                                                          |
|        ii. Metamorphic                                                      |
|      b. Humans are food source for rocks.                                   |
|   2. Rocks vs.  humans.                                                     |
| Only more research can dig up facts for solving  . . .                      |
|                                                                             |
Each \listlevel must have a beginning \listbegin and an ending \listend.