|                                   listend                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|\lie�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \listend  markup finishes  a  series  of items  set  off  with numbers,
letters, or bullets  (raised dots).  The  \listend returns text to paragraph
Reasons for this continued behavior include:
\lil1 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons
and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
\lil1 military forces (the troops and support personnel
necessary to impose policy by force)
The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . .
|                                                                             |
| Reasons for this continued behavior include:                                |
|   1. armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons and troop carriers,  |
|      and personnel vehicles)                                                |
|   2. military forces (the troops and support personnel necessary to impose  |
|      policy by force)                                                       |
| The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . .                       |
|                                                                             |