|                                   leader                                    |
Abbreviation:  �|none�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \leader markup  is  most often  used in  the  \tableofcontentsformat in
conjunction with a  page number.   It produces dot leadering.   You can also
use \leader in an \halign.
This example using leaders also illustrates the use of \indent in \halign.
The average annual costs of owning buildings in terms of
{\it taxes, insurance, maintenance,} and
{\it depreciation} are:
\halign{\indent\indent\hbox to 13pc {#\leader}&
         \rt{#}\ \%\cr
Maintenance repairs&2.00\cr
\indent\bd Total&8.00\cr}
Will print:
|                                                                             |
|     The  average annual  costs  of  owning buildings  in  terms  of taxes,  |
| insurance, maintenance, and depreciation are:                               |
|         Taxes . .... .. .....1.00 %                                         |
|         Insurance ... . ...  ..75 %                                         |
|         Maintenance repairs . 2.00 %                                        |
|         Depreciation. . . ... 4.00 %                                        |
|         Miscellaneous. . ....  .25 %                                        |
|             Total ... . ...  8.00 %                                         |
|                                                                             |
Notice in the last line the  the ampersand (&) acted as a font delimiter for
the \bd which printed "Total".