|                                  linebreak                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\lbr�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \linebreak  markup causes  a  line  to  finish  without interrupting  a
paragraph.  Occasionally it is  necessary to break a line in a precise place
within a  paragraph, as opposed to  letting TEXT1 decide where  to break the
line.  This markup does  not end a paragraph, it simply starts the following
text of the paragraph  on a new line instead of  concatenating it to the end
of the previous line.
This article is an outline of the codification of
Sociogeology into a branch of evolutionary geology.
The subject has an aggregate of self-sufficient
concepts that with such disciplines as cosmetology
and astrology. Figure 1 shows a
schema borrowed from my previous book,\linebreak
{\it The Intact Societies: Vestals and Volcanoes},\lbr
which suggests how the amalgam can be achieved.
Geologists have always been intrigued by comparisons
between societies of rocks and those of vertebrates,
between two kingdoms.
|                                                                             |
|     This article  is an outline  of the codification  of Sociogeology into  |
| a  branch of  evolutionary  geology.    The subject  has  an  aggregate of  |
| self-sufficient concepts  that  with such  disciplines as  cosmetology and  |
| astrology.  Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous book,         |
| The Intact Societies:  Vestals and Volcanoes,                               |
| which suggests how  the amalgam can  be achieved.   Geologists have always  |
| been intrigued  by  comparisons between  societies of  rocks and  those of  |
| vertebrates, between two kingdoms.                                          |
|                                                                             |
See \break for the difference between these two markup.