|                                    label                                    |
Abbreviation:  �|\la�%
Parameters:    �|text�%
The \label  markup creates labelled paragraphs.   Labels will  appear to the
left of the paragraph described, in a  72 point (one inch) zone.  A label is
similar to a  hanging paragraph, except that the  first line is aligned with
the indented portion and  the label is separated by a  gutter of 1 em space.
The skip between labels is one blank  line.  To begin a new paragraph at the
same indentation  as the previous label,  enter "\label{}" with  no entry in
the parameter field of the \label.
origin of rock provides clues.
\label{Sedimentary} rock is recemented from
particles of older rock that has been broken down
by physical and chemical weathering.
rock is igneous or sedimentary that has been
altered by temperature and pressure.
Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock.
|                                                                             |
| origin of rock provides clues.                                              |
| Sedimentaryrock is recemented  from particles of older  rock that has been  |
|            broken down by physical and chemical weathering.                 |
|                                                                             |
| Metamorphicrock  is  igneous  or  sedimentary  that has  been  altered  by  |
|            temperature and pressure.                                        |
|            Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock.               |
|                                                                             |
The label indent and the  gutter width can be modified with the \labelformat