|                       TEXT1 \italicface (\it) MARKUP                        |
The \italicface (\it) markup will switch to the italic face text font and print
the text  following the  markup in  italics. If  the printer  does not  have an
italic font, a warning will issued and an underscore font will be substituted.
The format for the \italicface markup is:
          \italicface ttttt
Everything from the \italicface markup to the  next font change will be printed
in italics.  If only a  word or two  are to be  printed in italics  enclose the
italic face markup and  the text that is to be printed in  italics within a set
of braces.
          {\italicface ttttt}
After printing the  specified text in italics, TEXT1  will automatically switch
back to the standard face, or Roman font.