|                                interlineskip                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\isk�%
Parameters:    �|unit of measure�%
The spacing  between lines (from one  baseline to the next,  not "single" or
"double spacing")  can be  changed using the  \interlineskip markup.   TEXT1
automatically sets an interline skip  usually 2 points greater than the font
size when you use \selectfontset.(1)  The default font size is 12 points and
the default interline  skip is 14 points.   This may be particularly helpful
when using some of  the smaller fonts.  In general,  the shorter the line or
smaller the type, less interline skip is needed.
  1. Extra space is referred to as leading, pronounced leding (from the
days when lead was used).
The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the
geological basis of all social behavior.
It explains human behavior by empirical description
of the attributes of mineral composition.
It is most successful when it provides detailed
description of particulate phenomena and first-order
correlations with features .  .  .
|                                                                             |
|     The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the geological basis of  |
| all social behavior.   It explains human behavior by empirical description  |
| of the attributes of mineral composition.                                   |
|     It  is  most  successful  when  it provides  detailed  description  of  |
| particulate phenomena and first-order correlations with features .  .  .    |
|                                                                             |
\singlespace  and  \doublespace are  dependent  on  the  current setting  of
\interlineskip.    For example,  the  \doublespace leading  when \interline-
skip{12pt} is 24pt.