|                                    input                                    |
Abbreviation:  �|none�%
Parameters:    �|filename�%
The  \input markup  indicates a  file to  be included  in the  source.   The
parameter, a  CMS file  name with a  filetype of  TEX, follows \input  and a
separator space; no curly braces are used.
    Usually the \input markup is used in a "driver" file, which calls parts,
chapters, etc.  to create  (or drive) the entire document, such as a thesis.
At the  top of such  a driver file is  where you would  put modifications to
default format blocks,  additional font specifications,  and your own markup
In this example, the file is to have a filename of "DRIVER". It calls all of
the various parts of a 2  chapter document.  When formatting, specify DRIVER
as the filename.
    \cl{\bd \chaptertitle}
\input preface
\input abstract
\input chapter1
\input chapter2
\input bibliog
\input append-a
\input append-b
\input index
If you want to input a file with a filetype other than TEX, you can do so by
adding the filetype after the filename and placing a period between the two.
For example, to input a filename of DATA and a filetype of LISTING, enter
\input data.listing
    Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.