|                              hangingparagraph                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\hp�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \hangingparagraph  markup creates  hanging  paragraphs,  which  are the
reverse of  normal paragraphs.   In  a normal  paragraph, the first  line is
indented but following  lines are full measure wide;  in a hanging paragraph
the  first line  is  a full  measure  and  the runover  lines  are indented.
Hanging paragraphs are used for  lists, glossaries, and bibliographies.  The
\hangingparagraph markup  is placed  before each  item in  the text;  a \par
finishes the series.
BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
|                                                                             |
| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in  geological terms; or 'gross' as a description  |
|    of human behavior.                                                       |
| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position  |
|    of the female bosom in a low-cut dress.                                  |
|                                                                             |
| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through  a formation; or an informal epithet  |
|    for hairless academics.                                                  |
|                                                                             |
The  default  indentation for  \hangingparagraph  is  24 points.     Use the
\hangingindent markup to change this indentation.