|                                hangingindent                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\hin�%
Parameters:    �|units of measure�%
The \hangingindent  markup sets the amount  of space each line  in a hanging
paragraph is  indented after the first.   The parameter  must be a numerical
value with valid units of measure.
The first  and second hanging paragraph  use a hanging indent  of 18 points.
The third paragraph uses a hanging indent of 38 points.
BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
|                                                                             |
| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in  geological terms; or 'gross' as a description  |
|   of human behavior.                                                        |
|                                                                             |
| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position  |
|   of the female bosom in a low-cut dress.                                   |
|                                                                             |
| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through  a formation; or an informal epithet  |
|      for hairless academics.                                                |
|                                                                             |
The  hanging  indent  will  remain  in  effect until  changed  with  another
\hangingindent markup.