|                                  footnote                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|none�%
Parameters:    �|first parameter = reference mark
    second parameter = footnote text�%
The \footnote markup can be used  to create marked footnotes.  There are two
parameters; the first  is the reference mark, and the  second is the text of
the note itself.   Each parameter is surrounded with  curly braces ({}).  If
more than one reference mark is used on the same page, they should appear in
the prescribed order:
   * asterisk (*)
   * dagger (\dagger)
   * double dagger (\ddagger)
   * section sign (\S)
Refer to the example in the TEXT1 Users' Guide or Reference Manual for
real sample output. These characters are not available at your terminal.
Using the  above prescribed order,  the second  footnote on a  page would be
entered with \footnote as:
by Achilles Chert\footnote{\dagger}{pH.d., Litmus Sci.
The author is with the School of Pyroclastic
Philosophy at the University of Piedmont.}.
\nin "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of
Sisyphus in moving the igneous concretion up the
declivitous landmass.
In the document, the text would print as:
|                                                                             |
|     by Achilles Chert .                                                     |
| "Does  the Absurd  dictate death?"    asks  Albert Camus,  a  novelist who  |
| lionized the  labors of Sisyphus in  moving the igneous  concretion up the  |
| declivitous landmass.                                                       |
|                                                                             |
At the bottom of the page the footnote would print as:
|                                                                             |
|     pH.d.,  Litmus Sci.    The author  is with  the School  of Pyroclastic  |
|     Philosophy at the University of Piedmont.                               |
|                                                                             |
The \footnoteformat has no effect  on \footnote.  \footnoteformat is used to
change the style of the \autofootnote markup.
    You   cannot    use   \footnote   within    \settabs,   \vbox,    \hbox,
\drawbox,  \paragraphbox,  \label,  \part,  \chapter, \centerline,  \halign,
\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
    Refer to the The TEXbook for more on the \footnote markup.