|                                endnoteformat                                |
Abbreviation:  �|\enf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\skipbefore, \textreferenceposition,
\textreferencefont, \textreferencestyle, \notereferenceposition, \noterefer-
encefont, \notereferencestyle, \notereferencegutter, \everyendnote�%
The \endnoteformat markup allows you to modify the shape and presentation of
endnotes generated with \autoendnote.
\skipbefore   indicates how much  space is to  be skipped  before printing a
block.  This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
\textreferenceposition    determines  if  the  endnote reference  number  is
superscripted or not.   By default, the reference is  not superscripted.  If
you want the  endnote reference number to be  superscripted, then change the
parameter to "up".
\textreferencefont   lets  you change  the face  or size.    By  default the
endnote reference number is always printed in the standard font.
\textreferencestyle  determines the numbering  style at the end of a chapter
or the end of the document (wherever the \printendnotes appears).  There are
five possible values:
  1. "1" for numbered endnotes
  2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
  3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
  4. "a" for lettered endnotes
  5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
The default is Arabic numerals in square brackets.
\notereferenceposition    determines  if  the  endnote reference  number  is
superscripted or not when  it is printed at the end  of a chapter or the end
of a document.  By default, the reference is not superscripted.  If you want
the endnote reference number  to be superscripted, then change the parameter
to "up".
\notereferencefont   lets  you change  the face  or size.    By  default the
endnote  reference number  printed at  the end  of a  chapter  (or end  of a
document, wherever \printendnotes occurs)  is always printed in the standard
\notereferencestyle    determines the  numbering  style.     There are  five
possible values:
  1. "1."  for numbered endnotes
  2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
  3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
  4. "a" for lettered endnotes
  5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
The default is numbered endnotes.
\notereferencegutter   specifies  the amount  of  space between  the endnote
number and the endnote  text.  The gutter is  illustrated here as the shaded
portion between "1."  and "The first step":
|                                                                             |
|       ...                                                                   |
|     1....The first step . . .                                               |
|                                                                             |
\everyendnote  lets you  modify the shape of the notes.   You can change the
type face, the paragraph parameters, and the right and left indentation.
This example shows an endnote style with a superscripted endnote number; the
body of the endnote in a 9 point Computer Modern set; the endnote at the end
of the document (or chapter) indented half an inch from the left and half an
inch from the  right of the rest of  the body of the  text; the endnote body
right ragged; and  the text of the document right  justified and in 10 point
Computer Modern.   The  endnote "text" reference  at the end  of the chapter
will retain the default style ("1."  not superscripted).
    Note that 9 point  was specified within both the "notereferencefont" and
"everyendnote" markups.   The  "notereferencefont" determines  the font that
the endnote reference number is to be printed in.  The "everyendnote" markup
determines the font that  the endnote text is to print  in at the end of the
document or end of chapter, wherever the next \printendnotes markup appears.
| . .   automatically sets an interline skip 2 points greater                 |
than the font size.\autoendnote{This extra space is
referred to as leading.} The default font size is  . . .
The endnote in the document would look like:
|                                                                             |
|  . . .     automatically sets an interline  skip 2 points greater than the  |
| font size.  The default font size is  . . .                                 |
|                                                                             |
The endnote printed after the \printendnotes markup would look like:
|                                                                             |
|     1.  This extra space is referred to as leading.                         |
|                                                                             |
The \endnoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are