+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dumpinsertseject | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|\die�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% This markup is used to dump (print) all accumulated figures and tables (inserts) entered with \figure, \topinsert or \midinsert. After printing the figures and other inserts, a new page is started. If no inserts had been accumulated, a new page is still started. This markup appears in many of the format markup, such as \chapterformat. �|Example:�% \chapterformat{\numberingstyle{1} \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber} \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle} \vs{1\bl} \setsubheadanumber{0} \setsubheadbnumber{0} \setsubheadcnumber{0} \setsubheaddnumber{0} } \incontents{yes} } �|Notes:�% The \topinsert and \midinsert markup are discussed in The TEXbook.