|                                    caps                                     |
Abbreviation:  �|\cc�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \caps markup sets the typeface to "caps/small caps".
This example  changes "Parallels" to  caps/small caps.   It  is changed back
with the \roman markup.
lowest common denominator.
\nin\caps Parallels. \roman Consider for a
moment rocks and deer . . .
|                                                                             |
| lowest common denominator.                                                  |
| Parallels.  Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . .                      |
|                                                                             |
Caps/small caps are  often used for display titles or  special emphasis.  It
should not  be used  for the body  of text.   Not  all font sets  have small
caps available.   Those font sets that do not  have small caps will give the
following warning message when you try to use \caps or \cc:
<TEXT1> Warning. No small caps font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .)