|                               blockquotebegin                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\bqb�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \blockquotebegin markup  ends a paragraph and  forces the following text
into a quote  format, indicated by a  change in the size of  type to 10pt, 6
points of spacing before and  after the quote, and margin indentations of 24
Salt (1958) names the process:
This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging.
Most metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it
can also occur in forms in trenchcoats.
The lithosphere---dermosphere in humans---wrinkles
over time.
The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
unwrinkle the surface.
As far as general surface alteration, only the
time scale differs between the human . . .
|                                                                             |
| Salt (1958) names the process:                                              |
|                                                                             |
|          This loss  of fluids and  cooling is known  as aging.   Most       |
|      metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in       |
|      forms in trenchcoats.                                                  |
|          The  lithosphere---dermosphere   in  humans---wrinkles  over       |
|      time.  The process is one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle       |
|      the surface.                                                           |
|                                                                             |
|     As far  as general  surface  alteration, only  the time  scale differs  |
| between the human . . .                                                     |
|                                                                             |
Every \blockquotebegin must have a matching \blockquoteend.  If the quote is
not ended  with \blockquoteend, all  following text is formatted  as a block
quote, and a warning message appears at the end of formatting which says:
(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
Output written on TEXT1$$.dvi (1 page, 436 bytes).
Transcript written on TEXT1$$.texlog.
    The defaults for \blockquotebegin  differ when you are using \monospace.
With \monospace,  there is no  font change,  one line is  skipped before and
after the  block quote,  and the left  and right  indentations are both  1 2
    Refer to  the \blockquoteformat  for instructions  on how to  change the
block quote style.