|                             \bibliography{title}                            |
Description: The \bibliography markup starts the bibliography on a new
page, centers and prints the title in bold face, and enters the title
in the table of contents.
           Grabens, Gruss M. 1970.{\it Mechanical Processes
           in the Human Geomechanism}.Winston: Geomedical
           Publications, International.
           Illite, Ivan. 1911. ''Pickingthe Philosopher's
           Stone.'' {\it Mining Truth}.11:455--601.
|                                  References                                 |
|                                                                             |
|       Grabens,   Gruss  M.  1970.   Mechanical  Processes  in  the   Human  |
|           Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International.    |
|                                                                             |
|       Illite,  Ivan.  1911.  "Picking  the  Philosopher's  Stone."  Mining  |
�|Notes:�%If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than
          the one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the
          \bibliographyformat markup.
|                                                                             |
|           \bibliographyformat{\incontents{yes}                              |
|                 \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject                              |
|                            \cl{\twelvept\bd \bibtitle}                      |
|                            \vs{\bl}}                                        |
|             \everybibentry{\vs \bl}\goodbreak\hp\nin}                       |
|             \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex                         |
|                              depth-.5ex}}                                   |
Parameters: submarkup
Submarkup: \incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry, \sameauthorrulesize