|                                 autoendnote                                 |
Abbreviation:  �|\aen�%
Parameters:    �|text�%
The \autoendnote  markup adds  notes to  the end  of a  document or  the end
of a  chapter.   It has  one parameter,  the text  of the endnote,  which it
places in working  storage to be printed when called  by \printendnotes.  An
endnote reference  number is placed in  the text where  the markup occurred.
By default  this reference  number is  surrounded by  square brackets.   The
endnote number  will be  automatically incremented  by one  for each  use of
There is a well-marked division of
labor.\autoendnote{Such as it is. Things could be
different in the geological world, but they are not.}
Details of organization have evolved by an
optimization .  .  .
|                                                                             |
|     There is a  well-marked division of labor.[1]  Details of organization  |
| have evolved by an optimization .  .  .                                     |
|                                                                             |
The  endnote printed  following the  next  \printendnotes markup  would look
|                                                                             |
|  1. Such as it is.   Things could be different in the geological world, but |
|     they are not.                                                           |
|                                                                             |
You  cannot use  \autoendnote  within  \settabs, \vbox,  \hbox,  \asisbegin,
\drawbox,  \paragraphbox,  \label,  \part,  \chapter, \centerline,  \halign,
\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
    The endnote  number is reset  to 1 at  the beginning  of each part.   To
reset  the endnote  number outside  of  a \part,  use  the \setendnotenumber
    Use the \endnoteformat markup to change the \autoendnote style.
    There are occasions  when you need to  include a very long  endnote.  If
the endnote exceeds  2,048 characters in length, you  will need to split the
note into two  parts as follows.   First, at the  beginning of your document
you will  need to include a  special definition for  a new markup.   You may
give it any name you choose.  For this example, we'll define a markup called
\continue.  Enter these three lines at the top of the document:
Next, break  the endnote into  paragraphs of not more  than 2,048 characters
each.   In  the source  below, the  sentence beginning "First  paragraph" is
the first  paragraph with  not more  than 2,048  characters, and  the second
paragraph beginning "Second paragraph" is the last paragraph of the endnote.
line containt the note.\autoendnote{First paragraph
of a very long endnote . . .  }
\continue{Second paragraph of the long endnote,
which will print in the \printendnotes after
the first paragraph}
Sentence following the word "note."