Here you find Daniel Taupin's  MusicTeX  a TeX-based system to typeset music.

The package consists of three parts.

- the TeX-macros, -font descriptions, -fonts for 300dpi printers, font-
  definitions and the documentation as zip-file or as com-
  pressed tar-file  musictex-nnn.tar.gz  if nnn is the version number.
  Older versions are available too as zip-files named  musictex.nnn, as well
  as zip-files containing only the differences between older versions named (for the step from version iii to version nnn).
  Because some people don't bother about bandwidth and simply use "mget *"
  I've moved older versions to the directory older-versions and diff-files
  to the directory diff-files. I hope that it is not neccessary to put zip-
  and tar-files into different directories to make it not so easy to fetch
  more than one needs.

  If you want to use these diff-files you may have to rename them either
  when ftp'ing them or when unzip'ing them. The diff-files do not contain 
  the dvi-file of the documention, because this may be produced by yourself
  from the source musicdoc.tex, which is contained if it has been changed.

- some examples, compositions and arrangements by Daniel Taupin named either  or  musicexa-nnn.tar.gz
  Version handling and diff-files follow the same rules as for musictex.

- fonts, font-metrics, ... for (some) other resolutions than 300 dpi
  in  or  musicpk-nnn.tar.gz

The base material (the zip-files) is copied from Daniel Taupins ftp-server
at The tar- and diff-files are generated by me.

There is a mailing-list for discussions about MusicTeX (and MuTeX). To
subscribe to this list send a mail to  contain-
ing the word   subscribe   in the body of the mail.

The directory software (only at points at some software on 
top of MusicTeX like  abc2mtex or midi2tex.