% \iffalse meta-comment % % File: unitipa.dtx % ---------------------------------------------------------- % Package: unitipa % Version: 0.4 (20 October, 2021) % Author: निरंजन % Description: TIPA typefaces with Unicode characters. % Repository: https://gitlab.com/niruvt/unitipa (archived) % License: GPLv3, GFDLv1.3 % ---------------------------------------------------------- % % LaTeX Package unitipa v0.4 % © 2021 निरंजन % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it % and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public % License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either % version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later % version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be % useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied % warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more % details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public % License along with this program. If not, see % <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. % % The current maintainer of this work is निरंजन. % % This work consists of the files unitipa.dtx % unitipa.ins % and the derived file unitipa.sty. % \fi % \iffalse %<*internal> \iffalse %</internal> %<*readme> ---------------------------------------------------------- Package: unitipa Version: 0.4 (20 October, 2021) Author: निरंजन Description: TIPA typefaces with Unicode characters. Repository: https://gitlab.com/niruvt/unitipa (archived) License: GPLv3, GFDLv1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------- I have stopped maintaining this package and also taken it back from the distributions as I have realized that it is not ideal to use this package. The only purpose I had in mind while writing this package was to get the visual shapes of TIPA with Unicode characters in the input. This purpose is served very well by the CMU-serif font. Please refer to the file CMU-serif.tex and its output pdf to see the characters that differ visually. They are just 4 which is a very small number and the difference is not very much. I have compared almost all the characters, but commented the ones which show the exact same visual shape. You can uncomment those lines from the source code to test it yourself. I apologize for providing a package that wasn't really producing good results. A comment on StackExchange by an expert user warned me about the use of Computer Modern Unicode font, instead of using T3 encoding, but because of my inexperience in LaTeX I assumed that this font is the default font in every document (which isn't true). I tried compiling a document with the default font i.e. Latin Modern and I couldn't see the characters that I had listed in the package documentation. Therefore I wrote this package. Now that I have come to know about a more modern and recommended way of getting the TIPA shapes in our documents, I am taking this package back. The git repository of this project won't accept issues and MRs henceforth, but the project development and history will still be publicly available in the archived state. Best, निरंजन 2021/10/20 %</readme> %<*internal> \fi %</internal> %<*driver|package> \def\unitipaname{unitipa} \def\unitipaversion{0.4} \def\unitipadate{2021/10/20} \def\unitipadescription{% TIPA typefaces with Unicode characters.% } %</driver|package> %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \usepackage{tipa} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{% unicode,% colorlinks,% linkcolor=red!60!black,% citecolor=green!60!black,% pdftitle={The unitipa package},% pdfauthor={निरंजन},% pdfsubject={% A(n obsolete) package for converting Unicode input to T3 encoded TIPA typefaces.% } urlcolor=blue!60!black% }% \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily\devanagari[% Script=Devanagari,% Scale=0.8% ]% {Shobhika} \begin{document} \DocInput{\unitipaname.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % \title{The \pkg{\unitipaname} package} % \author{{\devanagari निरंजन}} % \date^^A % {^^A % Version \unitipaversion\ --- \unitipadate\\[1ex]^^A % {^^A % \small\faIcon{link}\quad % \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/unitipa}^^A % }\\^^A % {^^A % \small\faIcon{gitlab}\quad % \url{https://gitlab.com/niruvt/unitipa}^^A % }^^A % } % % \maketitle % % \begin{documentation} % This package is not maintained anymore and it has been % removed from the \TeX -distributions as the package uses % methods for converting rich Unicode input to poor T3 % encoding for getting TIPA typefaces when this can % actually be better done using a Unicode font (i.e.\ % CMU-Serif). I tested the IPA characters with the Latin % Modern font to find them absent in it, but mistakenly % believed it to be CMU-Serif. For comparison see % \texttt{CMU-Serif.tex} and its output. After rigorous % testing I found out that only 4 characters are in % different shape in CMU-Serif. Those differences are also % not very significant. Hence I have decided to take this % package back and let users use the better and the % recommended Unicode-method. My sincere apologies for % releasing a bad package in the community. The source % code is still available as an obsolete package on CTAN % and an archived repository on GitLab for backward % compatibility purpose as well as for studying \LaTeX\ % code for enthusiastic programmers. % % \vfill % {^^A % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \LaTeX\ package \pkg{unitipa} % % © 2021 {\devanagari निरंजन} % % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or % modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free % Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later % version published by the Free Software Foundation; % with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and % no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included % in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation % License''. % }% % \end{documentation} % \newpage % \begin{implementation} % \section{Implementation} % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=unitipa> %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage{unitipa}[2021/04/03 v0.3 TIPA typefaces with unicode characters] \RequirePackage{tipa} % \end{macrocode} % Provide package with its basic information and load % package \pkg{tipa}. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{newunicodechar} \RequirePackage{fontspec} \RequirePackage{pgfkeys} \pgfkeys{% unitipa/.is family, unitipa/.cd,% ipafont/.code={\setfontfamily{\ipa}{#1}},% ipafont=DoulosSIL% }% \DeclareTextFontCommand{\ipatext}{\ipa} \def\unitipa@ipafont#1{\pgfkeys{unitipa/.cd,#1}} \DeclareOption*{\expandafter\unitipa@ipafont\expandafter{\CurrentOption}} % \end{macrocode} % Option \verb|ipafont| provided using \pkg{pgfkeys}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifnodiacritics \nodiacriticsfalse \DeclareOption{nodiacritics}{\nodiacriticstrue} \ProcessOptions\relax \ifnodiacritics \relax \else \RequirePackage{iftex} \RequirePackage{luacode} \RequireLuaTeX %% Dependent diacritic marks \begin{luacode} function voiceless ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̥', '\\textsubring{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", voiceless, "voiceless")} \begin{luacode} function voiced ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̬', '\\textsubwedge{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", voiced, "voiced")} \begin{luacode} function morerounded ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̹', '\\textsubrhalfring{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", morerounded, "morerounded")} \begin{luacode} function lessrounded ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̜', '\\textsublhalfring{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", lessrounded, "lessrounded")} \begin{luacode} function advanced ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̟', '\\textsubplus{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", advanced, "advanced")} \begin{luacode} function retracted ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̠', '\\textsubbar{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", retracted, "retracted")} \begin{luacode} function midcentralized ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̽', '\\textovercross{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", midcentralized, "midcentralized")} \begin{luacode} function syllabic ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̩', '\\textsyllabic{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", syllabic, "syllabic")} \begin{luacode} function nonsyllabic ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̯', '\\textsubarch{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", nonsyllabic, "nonsyllabic")} \begin{luacode} function breathyvoiced ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̤', '\\textsubumlaut{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", breathyvoiced, "breathyvoiced")} \begin{luacode} function linguolabial ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̼', '\\textseagull{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", linguolabial, "linguolabial")} \begin{luacode} function velarized ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̴', '\\textsuperimposetilde{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", velarized, "velarized")} \begin{luacode} function raised ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̝', '\\textraising{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", raised, "raised")} \begin{luacode} function lowered ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̞', '\\textlowering{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", lowered, "lowered")} \begin{luacode} function advancedtr ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̘', '\\textadvancing{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", advancedtr, "advancedtr")} \begin{luacode} function retractedtr ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̙', '\\textretracting{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", retractedtr, "retractedtr")} \begin{luacode} function dental ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̪', '\\textsubbridge{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", dental, "dental")} \begin{luacode} function apical ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̺', '\\textinvsubbridge{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", apical, "apical")} \begin{luacode} function laminal ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̻', '\\textsubsquare{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", laminal, "laminal")} \begin{luacode} function unaudible ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)̚', '%1\\textcorner' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", unaudible, "unaudible")} %% Tie bars \begin{luacode} function tiebarup ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)͡(%a)', '\\texttoptiebar{%1%2}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", tiebarup, "tiebarup")} \begin{luacode} function tiebardown ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)͜(%a)', '\\textbottomtiebar{%1%2}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", tiebardown, "tiebardown")} \begin{luacode} function risefall ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)᷈', '\\textrisefall{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", risefall, "risefall")} \begin{luacode} function rising ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)᷄', '\\texthighrise{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", rising, "rising")} \begin{luacode} function falling ( s ) s = unicode.utf8.gsub ( s , '(%a)᷅', '\\textlowrise{%1}' ) return s end \end{luacode} \directlua{luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", falling, "falling")} \fi % \end{macrocode} % Option \verb|nodiacritics| provided for using the package % without Lua\LaTeX. Enabling this option won't print any % diacritics. Help from Samcarter and Mico Loretan on % different platforms\footnote{^^A % Samcarter's % \href{https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1332\#a1577}{answer} on % TopAnswer \& Mico Loretan's % \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/563447/174620}{answer} % on TeX.SE.^^A % } gave a right direction to this code. % \begin{macrocode} %% Pulmonic Consonants %% Plosives \newunicodechar{ʈ}{\textrtailt} \newunicodechar{ɖ}{\textrtaild} \newunicodechar{ɟ}{\textbardotlessj} \newunicodechar{ɢ}{\textscg} \newunicodechar{ʔ}{\textglotstop} %% Nasals \newunicodechar{ɱ}{\textltailm} \newunicodechar{ɳ}{\textrtailn} \newunicodechar{ɲ}{\textltailn}%% Added in v0.2 \newunicodechar{ɴ}{\textscn} %% Trills \newunicodechar{ʙ}{\textscb} \newunicodechar{ʀ}{\textscr} %% Taps or flaps \newunicodechar{ⱱ}{\ipatext{ⱱ}}%% Sorry for the bad typography! \newunicodechar{ɾ}{\textfishhookr} \newunicodechar{ɽ}{\textrtailr} %% Fricatives \newunicodechar{ɸ}{\textphi} \newunicodechar{β}{\textbeta} \newunicodechar{θ}{\texttheta} \newunicodechar{ʃ}{\textesh} \newunicodechar{ʒ}{\textyogh} \newunicodechar{ʂ}{\textrtails} \newunicodechar{ʐ}{\textrtailz} \newunicodechar{ʝ}{\textctj} \newunicodechar{ɣ}{\textgamma} \newunicodechar{χ}{\textchi} \newunicodechar{ʁ}{\textinvscr} \newunicodechar{ʕ}{\textrevglotstop} \newunicodechar{ɦ}{\texthth} %% Lateral fricatives \newunicodechar{ɬ}{\textbeltl} \newunicodechar{ɮ}{\textlyoghlig} %% Approximants \newunicodechar{ʋ}{\textscriptv} \newunicodechar{ɹ}{\textturnr} \newunicodechar{ɻ}{\textturnrrtail} \newunicodechar{ɰ}{\textturnmrleg} %% Lateral approximants \newunicodechar{ɭ}{\textrtaill} \newunicodechar{ʎ}{\textturny} \newunicodechar{ʟ}{\textscl} %% Affricates \newunicodechar{ʧ}{\textteshlig} \newunicodechar{ʤ}{\textdyoghlig} \newunicodechar{ʦ}{\texttslig} \newunicodechar{ʣ}{\textdzlig} %% Vowels %% Close \newunicodechar{ɨ}{\textbari} \newunicodechar{ʉ}{\textbaru} \newunicodechar{ɯ}{\textturnm} %% Near-close \newunicodechar{ɪ}{\textsci} \newunicodechar{ʏ}{\textscy} \newunicodechar{ʊ}{\textupsilon} %% Close-mid \newunicodechar{ɵ}{\textbaro} \newunicodechar{ɤ}{\textramshorns} %% Open-mid \newunicodechar{ɛ}{\textepsilon} \newunicodechar{ɜ}{\textrevepsilon} \newunicodechar{ɞ}{\textcloserevepsilon} \newunicodechar{ʌ}{\textturnv} \newunicodechar{ɔ}{\textopeno} %% Near-open \newunicodechar{ɐ}{\textturna} \newunicodechar{ɶ}{\textscoelig} \newunicodechar{ɒ}{\textturnscripta} %% Open %% Reported and added by Heller, Thomas on 2021/03/13 %% Bug report - https://gitlab.com/niruvt/unitipa/-/issues/1 %% MR - https://gitlab.com/niruvt/unitipa/-/merge_requests/1 \newunicodechar{ɑ}{\textscripta} %% Non-Pulmonic \newunicodechar{ʘ}{\textbullseye} \newunicodechar{ǀ}{\textpipe} \newunicodechar{ǃ}{\textipa{!}} \newunicodechar{ǂ}{\textdoublebarpipe} \newunicodechar{ǁ}{\textdoublepipe} %% Voiced Implosives \newunicodechar{ɓ}{\texthtb} \newunicodechar{ɗ}{\texthtd} \newunicodechar{ʄ}{\texthtbardotlessj} \newunicodechar{ɠ}{\texthtg} \newunicodechar{ʛ}{\texthtscg} \newunicodechar{ʼ}{'} %% Suprasegmentals \newunicodechar{ˈ}{\textprimstress} \newunicodechar{ˌ}{\textsecstress} \newunicodechar{ː}{\textlengthmark} \newunicodechar{ˑ}{\texthalflength} \newunicodechar{ʍ}{\textturnw} \newunicodechar{ɥ}{\textturnh} \newunicodechar{ʜ}{\textsch} \newunicodechar{ʢ}{\textbarrevglotstop} \newunicodechar{ʡ}{\textbarglotstop} \newunicodechar{ɕ}{\textctc} \newunicodechar{ʑ}{\textctz} \newunicodechar{ɺ}{\textturnlonglegr} \newunicodechar{ɧ}{\texththeng} %% Diacritics \newunicodechar{ʰ}{\textsuperscript{h}} \newunicodechar{ʱ}{\textsuperscript{ɦ}} \newunicodechar{ʷ}{\textsuperscript{w}} \newunicodechar{ʲ}{\textsuperscript{j}} \newunicodechar{ˠ}{\textsuperscript{ɣ}} \newunicodechar{ˤ}{\textsuperscript{ʕ}} %% Tones independent diacritics \newunicodechar{ꜜ}{\textdownstep} \newunicodechar{ꜛ}{\textupstep} %% \newunicodechar{︎↗}{\textglobrise}%% Not working :'( %% \newunicodechar{↘}{\textglobfall}%% Need help here % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % \end{implementation} % \RecordChanges % \changes{v0.1}{2020/09/21}{Initial version} % \changes{v0.2}{2021/03/13}{Added characters `ɑ' and `ɲ'} % \changes{v0.3}{2021/04/03}{Updated repository path} % \changes{v0.4}{2021/10/20}{Removed the package from \TeX % -distributions and changed the license to GPLv3+GFDLv1.3. % This is the last release of the package.} % \PrintChanges % \newpage % \include{gfdl.tex} % \Finale