%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Robert Nyqvist
%% This file will generate a class for typsetting theses for
%% publishing in the series Acta Wexionensia.
\input docstrip


This is a generated file.

Copyright (C) 2007 by Robert Nyqvist.

Class for typesetting theses in Acta Wexionensia.

Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
with new filenames distinct from \outFileName.




\Msg{To produce the documentation you have to run the file}
\Msg{`actawex.dtx' twice through LaTeX.}
\Msg{To finish the installation you have to move the following}
\Msg{file into a directory searched by TeX:}
\Msg{\space\space actawex.cls}
\Msg{\space\space awcollection.clo}
\Msg{\space\space awmonograph.clo}
\Msg{The file template.tex show how to use the class.}
