%% vpage.sty
%% Page size / layout macros. For use with LaTeX.
%% Copyright (C) Volker Kuhlmann, 1993, 1999
%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%% version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
%% Documentation after (last) \endinput. Do not alter this file!

  {Style `vpage', V2.4 25 May 1999 (last version, equal to V2.2, 18 June 1993)}
\immediate\typeout{***** vpage.sty is now obsolete -- use vmargin.sty! *****}

% so that vpage can be loaded more than once


\def\paper@Azero	{\PaperWidth 841mm \PaperHeight1189mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Aone 	{\PaperWidth 595mm \PaperHeight 841mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Atwo 	{\PaperWidth 420mm \PaperHeight 595mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Athree	{\PaperWidth 297mm \PaperHeight 420mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Afour	{\PaperWidth 210mm \PaperHeight 297mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Afive	{\PaperWidth 149mm \PaperHeight 210mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Asix 	{\PaperWidth 105mm \PaperHeight 149mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Aseven	{\PaperWidth  74mm \PaperHeight 105mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Aeight	{\PaperWidth  53mm \PaperHeight  74mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Bzero	{\PaperWidth1000mm \PaperHeight1414mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Bone 	{\PaperWidth 707mm \PaperHeight1000mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Btwo 	{\PaperWidth 500mm \PaperHeight 707mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Bthree	{\PaperWidth 353mm \PaperHeight 500mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Bfour	{\PaperWidth 250mm \PaperHeight 353mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Bfive	{\PaperWidth 176mm \PaperHeight 250mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Czero	{\PaperWidth 917mm \PaperHeight1297mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Cone		{\PaperWidth 648mm \PaperHeight 917mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Ctwo		{\PaperWidth 458mm \PaperHeight 648mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Cthree	{\PaperWidth 324mm \PaperHeight 458mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Cfour	{\PaperWidth 229mm \PaperHeight 324mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Cfive	{\PaperWidth 162mm \PaperHeight 229mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Csix		{\PaperWidth 114mm \PaperHeight 162mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Cseven	{\PaperWidth  81mm \PaperHeight 114mm\@po@}
\def\paper@Ceight	{\PaperWidth  57mm \PaperHeight  81mm\@po@}

\parskip		2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex
\parindent		0em
\clubpenalty		500		% 150 by plain
\widowpenalty		500		% 150 by plain
\displaywidowpenalty	100		%  50 by plain
\brokenpenalty		250		% 100 by plain
\marginparwidth		15mm
\marginparsep		3.5mm
\skip\footins		1.3\skip\footins
\footnotesep		1.2\footnotesep



 V2.2	Last version.
 V2.3	Changed to fall back on vmargin.sty. Issued for compatibility
	reasons. No further support.
 V2.4	Re-issued under LPPL.

If you have any comments (positive or negative) please let me know!

Copyright (C) Volker Kuhlmann

Use of these macros is granted free of charge provided that this file
is left intact and that no charge is made for its distribution.

	University of Canterbury
	ELEC Dept
	Christchurch, New Zealand.
	Email: v.kuhlmann@elec.canterbury.ac.nz
%% EOF vpage.sty