%%Copyright James Kilfiger. %% %%This Package may be distributed under the terms of the Latex Project %%Public Licence. % % Documentation below \endinput \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{raggedr}[1999/11/11 Set a document in ragged right as much as possible] \DeclareOption{ragged2e} {\def\LoadRagged{\IfFileExists{ragged2e.sty} {\RequirePackage{ragged2e} \def\RRrright{\RaggedRight\parindent1em\relax}} {\PackageWarning{raggedr}{Ragged2e package not found. Using standard raggedright} \def\RRrright{\raggedright\parindent1em\let\\=\@normalcr} }} } \DeclareOption{noragged2e} {\def\LoadRagged{\relax} \def\RRrright{\raggedright\parindent1em\let\\=\@normalcr}} \ExecuteOptions{noragged2e} \ProcessOptions \LoadRagged \newcommand{\justifying}{% \def\\{\@normalcr}% \rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parfillskip 0pt \@plus 1fil\relax \parindent 1em\relax} \newenvironment{justify}{\trivlist\justifying\item\relax}{\endtrivlist} \renewcommand{\@arrayparboxrestore}{% \let\if@nobreak\iffalse \let\if@noskipsec\iffalse \let\par\@@par \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii \everypar{}% \linewidth\hsize \@totalleftmargin\z@ \RRrright \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@skip \lineskip\normallineskip \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip \sloppy} \let\raggednewline=\@normalcr \RRrright \endinput This is a small package which attempt to set the document in ragged right as much as possible. It can use Martin Schr�der's Ragged2e package, if available, if the standard \raggedright is too ragged. Use: In the preamble of a document you can say \usepackage{raggedr} or \usepackage[ragged2e]{raggedr} Your document will be set ragged right, moreover parboxes, minipages and p{} columns of tabulars will be set raggedright. If you want part of you document justified there is a command, \justifying and an evironment \begin{justfiy}...\end{justify} These can be used just as \centering and the center environment. Finally, there is a problem getting a new line in a ragged right tabular, as both \\ and tabular newline will start a new row. Therefore the command \raggednewline is provided to do a normal newline. This package depends apon some LaTeX2e internals. If those internals change, this package will break. This package is largely untested in the real world. I welcome any comments. James