% This file is public domain. % Originally written 1990, Don Hosek. % This declaration added by Clea F. Rees 2008/11/14 with the permission of Dan Hosek. % % \iffalse %% This is morefloats.sty as of 27-July-1990 %% Don Hosek, Quixote <dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu> % \fi % % The task at hand is to increase \LaTeX's current limit of 18 unprocessed % floats in memory at once to 36. An examination of latex.tex reveals that % this is accomplished by allocating an insert register for each unprocessed % float. A quick check of lplain.lis reveals that there is room, in fact, % for 230 additional unprocessed floats, but \TeX's main memory would be % exhausted long before that happened. % % First we allocate the additional insert registers needed: % \begin{macrocode} \newinsert\bx@S \newinsert\bx@T \newinsert\bx@U \newinsert\bx@V \newinsert\bx@W \newinsert\bx@X \newinsert\bx@Y \newinsert\bx@Z \newinsert\bx@AA \newinsert\bx@BB \newinsert\bx@CC \newinsert\bx@DD \newinsert\bx@EE \newinsert\bx@FF \newinsert\bx@GG \newinsert\bx@HH \newinsert\bx@II \newinsert\bx@JJ % \end{macrocode} % % That accomplished, the next step is to define the macro \verb+\@freelist+ % which is merely a list of the box registers each preceded by \verb+\@elt+. % This approach allows processing of the list to be done far more efficiently. % A similar approach is used by Mittelbach \& Sch\"opf's {\tt doc.sty} to % keep track of control sequences which should not be indexed. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\@freelist{\@elt\bx@A\@elt\bx@B\@elt\bx@C\@elt\bx@D\@elt\bx@E \@elt\bx@F\@elt\bx@G\@elt\bx@H\@elt\bx@I\@elt\bx@J \@elt\bx@K\@elt\bx@L\@elt\bx@M\@elt\bx@N \@elt\bx@O\@elt\bx@P\@elt\bx@Q\@elt\bx@R \@elt\bx@S\@elt\bx@T\@elt\bx@U\@elt\bx@V \@elt\bx@W\@elt\bx@X\@elt\bx@Y\@elt\bx@Z \@elt\bx@AA\@elt\bx@BB\@elt\bx@CC\@elt\bx@DD \@elt\bx@EE\@elt\bx@FF\@elt\bx@GG\@elt\bx@HH \@elt\bx@II\@elt\bx@JJ} % \end{macrocode} \endinput