% lgrxenc.def % *********** % % comprehensive LGR Greek font encoding definitions % ================================================= % % :Copyright: © 2010 Günter Milde % :Licence: This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the `LaTeX Project Public License`_, either % version 1.3 of this license or any later version. % % :Abstract: Obsolete font encoding file for Greek in text. % % For new documents, use ``lgrenc.def`` from greek-fontenc_ (which % is also required by this file). % % .. contents:: % % % Changelog % --------- % % .. class:: borderless % % ===== ============ ==================================================== % 0.1 2010-03-31 initial attempt % 0.2 2010-04-20 diacritics dropped in UPPERCASE % 0.3 2010-06-08 handle Titlecase and UPPERCASE extending % ``\@uclclist`` % 0.3.1 2010-06-10 code cleanup: replace dummy accent hack % with TextCommand % 0.4 2010-06-15 more text symbols % 0.4.1 2010-08-06 prevent multiple evaluation % 0.5 2010-08-27 support ``\textalpha`` ... ``\textOmega`` % 0.5.1 2012-05-08 upload to CTAN % 0.6 2012-06-29 ``\TextGreek`` wrapper command (used in lgrenc.dfu), % aliases for ``puenc.def`` compatibility % 0.6.1 2013-02-12 ``\@uclclist`` entries for `PU` aliases % 0.7 2013-05-03 documentation update, new accent macros names % 0.8 2013-05-30 backwards compatibility file for new lgrenc.def % ===== ============ ==================================================== % % Usage % ----- % % This file is only kept for backwards compatibility with existing documents. % % For new documents, use ``lgrenc.def`` from greek-fontenc_ (which is also % required by this file). % % Example: % Select font encodings `T1` (as default) and `LGR`: % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} % % Select font encodings `T1` and (as default) `LGR`: % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage[T1,LGR]{fontenc} % % Babel_'s "greek" option and the textalpha and alphabeta packages also load % ``lgrenc.def``, so after any of the following lines, "LGR" is declared and % set up as a font encoding: % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % default language English % % \usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % default language Greek % % \usepackage{textalpha} % % \usepackage{alphabeta} % % % Implementation % -------------- % % Identification % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % :: \ProvidesFile{lgrxenc.def} [2013/05/30 v0.8 comprehensive LGR Greek Font Encoding definitions] % Requirements % ~~~~~~~~~~~~ % % To declare and set up the LGR font encoding, we use the successor file % ``lgrenc.def`` from greek-fontenc_:: \input{lgrenc.def} % Backwards compatibility definitions % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % % ``\TextGreek`` is now called ``\ensuregreek``:: \DeclareTextCommand{\TextGreek}{LGR}[1]{#1} % Additional Greek symbols % """""""""""""""""""""""" % % Compatibility aliases (defined via `TextCommand` so that up/downcasing works % without the need for additional uclclist entries. % % Ancient Greek Numbers (Athenian Numerals) % ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' % % Names from the athnum_ package:: \DeclareTextCommand{\PiDelta}{LGR}{\pentedeka} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY \DeclareTextCommand{\PiEta}{LGR}{\pentehekaton} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE HUNDRED \DeclareTextCommand{\PiChi}{LGR}{\penteqilioi} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE THOUSAND \DeclareTextCommand{\PiMu}{LGR}{\pentemurioi} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY THOUSAND % Archaic letters % ''''''''''''''' % % Names from babel_'s ``greek.ldf`` and teubner_ :: \DeclareTextCommand{\vardigamma}{LGR}{\textvarstigma} % greek.ldf \DeclareTextCommand{\ddigamma}{LGR}{\textdigamma} % greek.ldf \DeclareTextCommand{\Digamma}{LGR}{\textDigamma} % greek.ldf \DeclareTextCommand{\stigma}{LGR}{\textstigma} % ϛ (greek.ldf, teubner) \DeclareTextCommand{\varstigma}{LGR}{\textvarstigma} % stigma variant (CB.enc, teubner) \DeclareTextCommand{\koppa}{LGR}{\textkoppa} % ϟ (greek small letter koppa) \DeclareTextCommand{\qoppa}{LGR}{\textqoppa} % ϙ (archaic koppa) \DeclareTextCommand{\Qoppa}{LGR}{\textQoppa} % Ϙ (archaic Koppa) \DeclareTextCommand{\Stigma}{LGR}{\textStigma} % Ϛ (teubner) in some fonts ϹΤ ligature \DeclareTextCommand{\Sampi}{LGR}{\textSampi} % Ϡ \DeclareTextCommand{\sampi}{LGR}{\textsampi} % ϡ \DeclareTextCommand{\anoteleia}{LGR}{\textanoteleia} % · \DeclareTextCommand{\erotimatiko}{LGR}{\texterotimatiko} % ; % Numeral signs % ''''''''''''' % See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals % % Names from babel_, teubner_, and hyperref_'s puenc.def:: \DeclareTextCommand{\anwtonos}{LGR}{\textnumeralsigngreek} % ʹ (Dexia keraia) \DeclareTextCommand{\katwtonos}{LGR}{\textnumeralsignlowergreek} % ͵ (Aristeri keraia) % Diacritics % ~~~~~~~~~~ % % Backwards compatibility with LGRx versions < 0.7:: \DeclareTextCommand{\Ypogegrammeni}{LGR}{\ypogegrammeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\Prosgegrammeni}{LGR}{\prosgegrammeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\lowbreve}{LGR}{\brevebelow} \DeclareTextCommand{\Dasia}{LGR}{\accdasia} \DeclareTextCommand{\Psili}{LGR}{\accpsili} \DeclareTextCommand{\Tonos}{LGR}{\acctonos} \DeclareTextCommand{\Varia}{LGR}{\accvaria} \DeclareTextCommand{\Perispomeni}{LGR}{\accperispomeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\Dialytika}{LGR}{\accdialytika} \DeclareTextCommand{\DialytikaPerispomeni}{LGR}{\accdialytikaperispomeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\DialytikaTonos}{LGR}{\accdialytikatonos} \DeclareTextCommand{\DialytikaVaria}{LGR}{\accdialytikavaria} \DeclareTextCommand{\DasiaPerispomeni}{LGR}{\accdasiaperispomeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\DasiaVaria}{LGR}{\accdasiavaria} \DeclareTextCommand{\DasiaOxia}{LGR}{\accdasiaoxia} \DeclareTextCommand{\PsiliPerispomeni}{LGR}{\accpsiliperispomeni} \DeclareTextCommand{\PsiliOxia}{LGR}{\accpsilioxia} \DeclareTextCommand{\PsiliVaria}{LGR}{\accpsilivaria} % .. References % ---------- % % .. _alphabeta: alphabeta.sty.html % .. _athnum: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/athnum % .. _Babel: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel % .. _fntguide: http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/doc/fntguide.pdf % .. _fontenc: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/fontenc % .. _greek-fontenc: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/greek-fontenc % .. _hyperref: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/hyperref % .. _LaTeX Project Public License: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % .. _lgrx: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/lgrx % .. _libertine: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/libertine-legacy % .. _teubner: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/teubner % .. _textalpha: textalpha.sty.html % .. _ucs: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/unicode