Michael J. Ferguson
(514) 765-7834

Montreal, July 30, 1991

This directory contains

The files are 

1. texgraph.sty --- a texgraph style file for LaTeX
2. test_lat.tex --- This is a latex file that performs some simple graphics,
                    includes an EPS, encapsulated postscript file and plays 
                    some scaling and rotating games, and also the code for 
                    INRS letterhead. 
3. ieeelogo.ps  --- Scanned PostScript logo
4. inrslogo.tex --- TeXgraph commands for the INRS letterhead.
5. testinrs.tex --- A test file for INRSTeX but augmented by the slide macros.
6. inrssl.tex   --- The slide macros package ... for INRSTeX
7. texgraph.tex --- the TeXGraph macros in a form compatible with INRSTeX and
                --- the master format file inrs3_pc.tex
8. texgraph.ps  --- A PostScript version of the TeXGraph Chapter in the 
                    INRSTeX Reference Manual. 
9.  spfont.tex  --- A scaled font family used in the inrssl.tex
10. readme      --- This file.